4 thoughts on “NEW Motion Offense eBook with 2 SPECIAL offers only available THIS WEEK”

  1. Hello Jeff,
    I’ve just found your website and it looks to be a godsend. I’ve just been tasked with coaching my 6 yr. old son’s basketball team. Help!!! I imagine that this will be the first time any of these kids has played league basketball. I want these kids to love the game as much as I do. It should be fun, first and foremost. Should I even try to teach a motion offense to these kids? I think most of them will have trouble just dribbling and passing.

    Any input you can give me is most welcome, and of course, any pointers to resources for coaches of the youngest “youth” basketball players would be great!

    Thanks for your website. I plan to teach only the fundamentals with an emphasis on the “fun.”


  2. Hi Derek,

    When coaching 6 year olds, your primary focus should be to teach skills and fundamentals. And yes, have fun too! 🙂 Not to mention, set a good example and teach life lessons.

    In regards to motion offense, here’s what I suggest…

    First, I don’t suggest a patterned offense. It’s a waste of time to teach kids a pattern and get them to memorize it. Plus, in a pattern, kids don’t learn “how to play”, read, and react.

    If you can just teach 6 year olds some mild resemblance of spacing and basket cuts, you are in really good shape. Even if they don’t learn basket cuts and just move somewhere, that’s just as good.

    You could have an offense rule “don’t stand in one place for more than two seconds”.

    We highly recommend motion offense for youth teams because it gives you more time to teach skills and fundamentals. However, 6 year olds won’t be able to do much of any offense. We do have an entire section devoted to youth motion offense in our ebook. If you plan to work with these kids for a couple years, I would suggest picking up a copy. I think it will help you. If this is a short term thing, you might just want to try this spacing drill below and teach skills.


    (If this spacing drill is too difficult, just put tape on those spots of the floor. Teach your players to cut/move and then go back to those spots.)

    If you have any other questions, let me know.


    P.S. Set small goals that have nothing to do with winning. That will allow them to have fun and enjoy the game no matter what. Check out this link:

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