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Breakthrough Basketball Motion Offense

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How to Develop a High Scoring Motion Offense (Digital Download Only - eBooks and Audio)
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Basketball Motion Offense eBook -- How to Develop a High Scoring Motion Offense
Types Of Motion Offenses Covered
Though every coach tries to put his mark on the motion offense they run, there really are only 4 basic types. These types are categorized by the number of players that are on the perimeter and the number of players that are in the post.- The 5 out motion is an offense that has all 5 men on the perimeter.
- The 4 out / 1 in motion has 4 players on the perimeter and 1 player in the post.
- The 3 out / 2 in motion has 3 players on the perimeter and 2 players in the post.
- The 2 out / 3 in motion has 2 players on the perimeter and 3 players in the post.
What is a motion offense?
What is a motion offense? Don't all offenses have motion? These are good questions.Yes, all offenses should have some type of motion to them. But where does that motion come from? If there are a series of pre-planned cuts and passes, then what you have is some type of set offense. It can be a continuity offense, such as a shuffle offense, or a system offense, such as the UCLA High-Low Post. It could be a quick hitter offense, with 1 or 2 passes and a couple of cuts designed to get a particular player a shot in a designated place.
A motion offense is a free form offense that has no pre-planned cuts or passes. Rather it has rules and options. Motion offenses are often called "Read and React" offenses. Where set offenses have pre designed passes and cuts, a motion offense gives players a choice of what to do depending on what the player sees the defense do. No two motion offenses are alike. One motion offense can change from game to game, even half to half, depending on how it is defended. Pass and screen, pass and cut, curl and pop, inside-out, flare and cut -- this is the language of the motion offense.
A motion offense uses the skills of its players and tries to mesh them into a five man blur that is difficult to defend. While there are great players playing inside of motion offenses, the true trait of a good motion offense is the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A lesser player uses the strengths of the stronger players to raise the level of his game. Each player is called upon to do only what he is good at and depends on his teammates to help him do so. He, in turn, helps his teammates do what they excel at.
The key to motion offenses is constant movement. Not just one player moving, but all players and the ball moving. Not just moving but moving with a purpose. Each cut predicates an action by the other 4 players. Each defensive overplay dictates a counter by the offense.
Motion offenses are simple to run and fun to play. With the right attitudes and group of players, a motion offense can be an effective and potent weapon.
Why Should You Consider Teaching a Motion Offense?
The advantages of a motion offense are almost too many to count. With as many as appear here, I am sure that everyone who runs a motion can come up with 2 or 3 that are not listed. Here are some common advantages...
Difficult to Scout - A motion offense is different every time down the floor. With ever improving technology, expanding staffs, increasing visibility through the use of media and film, scouting has become so precise that it is difficult to run a play without the defense anticipating two cuts in advance. Through my scouting experience, I know teams are picked apart play by play. Coaches collect calls and keys, match them to their own terminology, relay that information to the players on the court and the players instantly relate it to their scouting sessions. A motion offense renders all of that scouting work useless and really limits the value of scouting your team all together. Because it is a free form, read and reaction offense, no 2 possessions are alike. The defense may be waiting for a pass and screen away and the offense runs a pass and go. The absence of play calls causes uncertainty on the part of the defense and erodes their confidence. Lack of defensive confidence eventually leads to easy baskets. Better Player Development & Fundamentals - With a motion offense, you can spend more time in skill development due to the fact that there no plays to practice and there is more time to spend on playing basketball! Running a motion offense allows you to develop a complete player. Because the offense demands fundamental skills in the 3 offensive areas (shooting, passing, ballhandling), player development becomes more universal. Sure, your posts should work on post moves and your guards will work on their specific skills, but on the whole, positions can work on their skills together and do the same drills. Players with more limited range (such as post players) will just shoot a little closer to the basket, but ballhandling and passing drills will all be the same. It is easy to construct drills that not only improve skills but reinforce basic tenants of the offense. For example, practicing your perimeter jump shots off of screen downs not only gets you shot repetitions but also simulates a motion action. When you run a motion offense, your breakdown drills become multi purpose. 3 on 3 work, live defensive drills, fast break drills all become drills to improve your motion offense skills. Complete Flexibility - A motion offense provides the team unlimited flexibility in every offensive area. The offense adapts to your personnel. Want to play 5 guards, you can. Want to play 3 posts, you can. As long as the players play within their limitations, any alignment, any philosophy, any skill set becomes a part of the offense without having to re-teach or re-learn the offense. If you are ahead, late in the game, a motion offense adapts to slow the game down and run the clock. If you are behind and need some quick buckets, a motion offense can provide you with good shots for your best shooters. Zone defenses pose no problem for a motion offense. With a motion offense's emphasis on spacing, teams can play against any type of zone with little or no adjustment. Efficiency & Time Savings - While your team might have some other plays and might do a few other things offensively, if you run a motion offense it should be your primary offense. One of the biggest benefits is that no matter what you are practicing, you are always practicing your motion. Once your rules and philosophy are installed, you really don't have to have a specific "motion practice" in your practice plan. Can you imagine how much time that would save you? Whenever you are practicing anything, you are practicing your motion. In 3 man defensive practice drills, run a 3 man motion against your defense. Running a 4 on 4 defensive drill, have your offense run a motion (you can run 4 on the perimeter or 3 outside and one post). Working on post offense, throw in a couple of screens and slips and you are practicing your motion. The sum benefit of this is that your offense gets better but you have created more time to work on other aspects you the team's game that need attention. You can run a practice entirely about defense yet your offense will improve as well, as long as you reinforce your motion principles to your offense. |
The Easy Way to Teach Motion Offense
You'll learn about Don Kelbick's innovative teaching methods that will allow you to develop your team MUCH faster than ever before. Don shows you an extremely simple and easy way to teach the motion offense.
When practicing, Don is able to implement his motion offense, defense, and teach basketball skills at an extremely fast rate. It's literally 3 times faster than the traditional methods that most coaches use.
And you DON'T need to be a veteran coach to use this technique and implement a high scoring motion offense!
In fact, you'll discover that most coaches over-complicate things. Don has such a thorough understanding of motion offense that he is able to simplify the teaching process and remove the clutter.
What's included in the Motion Offense eBook?
In the eBook, Don breaks down each step of the teaching process for you. He also provides beginner and advanced coaches plenty of teaching tips, tricks, and techniques.
Just a few of the things you'll learn include...
- How to teach and implement any type of motion offense (step by step).
- How to implement a motion offense quickly and efficiently (learn dozens of time saving tips).
- Information about all types of motion offense including 5 out motion, 4-1 motion, 3-2 motion, 2-3 in motion.
- Motion offense philosophy
- How to teach cutting and screening in a motion offense
- The most critical aspects of a motion offense
- Step by step drills you need to implement a motion offense
- How to come up with your motions offense rules
- The 9 key elements of a high scoring motion offense
- How to teach good offensive spacing
- How to improve the "offensive confidence" of your players
- How to teach your players to make good decisions
- How to keep your players moving on offense
- How to get better scoring opportunities
- How to keep the defense guessing
- How to mold your offense to your players strengths
- How to handle game situations
- How to become a better passing team
- How to define player roles
Teaching Motion Offense to YOUTH Teams
Because the motion offense allows you to spend significantly more time teaching players fundamentals and skills. When you implement and teach this offense to your team, you actually teach them fundamentals at the exact same time.
Not to mention, this gives your players a chance to learn "how to play". In the motion they will learn how to adapt, adjust to the defense, and they will learn how to play. When you teach players patterns and predetermined cuts, they become more robotic. That's the advantage to a motion offense. It's a free form offense where players learn how to play basketball.
In fact, if I end up coaching my own son or daughter's youth basketball team, I would teach them the motion offense.
In the eBook, we devoted an entire chapter to teaching Youth Motion Offense. You'll learn exactly what to avoid and how to teach motion offense to young players.
Attacking ZONE Defenses with a Motion Offense
By using the motion offense, all you need is a few adjustments, the same offense you have taught everyday in practice is ready to go. Your team does not have to re-learn anything or have other offenses confuse them. Just play.
In the eBook you'll learn exactly how to use your motion offense to attack any type of zone defense (2-3 zone, 1-3-1 zone, 3-2 zone, and so on.) Plus you'll learn about some super easy tricks to get easy baskets against the zone defense.
Motion Offense Basketball Drills
Sample Excerpt from the eBook
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The detail for implementing the offense, from 2 man on up.
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Excellent for all levels. Well written. Drills are great.
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Hey this ebook is definitely a must have resource for any youth coach who is trying to create a culture where you’re trying to teach kids how to play basketball. Although coach Don only provides guidelines or ideas to create your identity, they still provide a super strong base on how to build or create the offense that you desire. The drawings help out too. I used some of his guidelines and one quick hitter and it definitely helped us score more or at the very least create opportunities
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I have been coaching girls basketball for quite a few years using numerous set plays on offense. Introducing the motion offense gets the girls to act less robotic, now the girls are looking to create scoring opportunities for themselves and their teammates. One of the things that I would yell from the bench in a game is "I want you to pick or screen someone, pick the referee, I don't care, but pick someone don't just stand around". Now I am glad to report the girls are thinking for themselves and always moving, the constant motion creates havoc with opposing defenses as their are no set plays, just set offensive formations to call out based on the opposing defensive set or weakness.
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I am very happy with this product. I am using this to help setup our 3rd & 4th grade boys team right now.
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Excellent resource for coaches to begin to understand and figure out how to use a motion offense. Well organized and put together. Highly recommend this tool!
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Have really enjoyed this, very helpful and easy to understand. Our practices are way more organized and I can't wait to see the impact when our games start this weekend.
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As a new coach I found this invaluable. Gives me a "natural" offense to defer to most games and the kids pick up on it quickly. The practice drills make the offense easy to reinforce.
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After reading this book, I finally started to understand the whole idea behind “motion offense” and I even managed to setup my own set of motion offense rules and options for certain plays.
I noticed, as beginning coach, that my continuity play became stagnant after a while, because players seem to focus on playing the system rather than playing actual basketball. Next season I will definitely switch over to full motion offense, for now, I will start to (slowly) introduce some motion offense idea's into our continuity play. In the end I want my players to have fun and give them the same loose feeling you have when you play street basketball.
Why four stars? The price of the book is a bit too steep for me, but its information is priceless?
I noticed, as beginning coach, that my continuity play became stagnant after a while, because players seem to focus on playing the system rather than playing actual basketball. Next season I will definitely switch over to full motion offense, for now, I will start to (slowly) introduce some motion offense idea's into our continuity play. In the end I want my players to have fun and give them the same loose feeling you have when you play street basketball.
Why four stars? The price of the book is a bit too steep for me, but its information is priceless?
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I have only just started to teach the motion offense to my players. But as a second year head coach, I like what the ebook teaches and my players seem to be having a lot of fun.
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I just want to receive my purchase so I can write a review. How long does that usually take? It's been since 9/14/15 that I made the order..
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Very good read!!!! I felt a little overwhelmed with all the info in the book. I will definitely read it again to get better grip on it.
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I'm a boys' middle school coach in second year of new program (with little previous coaching experience). We used the flex in our first year to (very) mixed results - hard to remember set plays, no response to when plays would break down, needed to do something different for zone, etc.. Love simplicity of motion and fact it's based on basic basketball principles requiring thinking and creativity. This particular ebook was fantastic in outlining everything you needed to know. It's dense (100 pages) but I read it "cover to cover" in less than an hour and feel much more "grounded" in what we need to do. At $30, it's a bargain and will save you a lot of time - it's all right there for you (would suggest the "Drills" ebook too, also a bargain).
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This ebook is easy reading and I like the examples, but I would have like to see more details on how to actually coach this type of offense. Starting with day 1 of practice. Daily practice schedule examples would have been nice and how to use drills to progress. I am a beginner leave coach, coaching youth basketball, so the more detailed the better.
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I bought this ebook some time ago. I have run motion with middle school boys and girls. I've also run it with a girls high school teams and just started with a different girls highs school team. In middle school and the first high school team it was seamless with no issues and players loved it. The hardest part with that team was not settling for the first open long jump shot (harder with boys than girls). I should have made "the post touches the ball before a jumper" rule but instead I had the "3 passes rule." Something I will adjust this time around.
I'm now working with different girls high school team and the only issue is breaking old habits of play called. They were used to all of practice running and practicing plays (O and D). It should be noted they haven't one 10 games in the last 3 years. Just last night they were calling old plays during scrimmage time (it's early with this team). Parents and players have already commented how the players are quickly a lot better. Once they grasp the freedom, I think we'll be fine. They look pretty good half court and we still need movement during full court live games. That being said we have only had 7 practices. I'm excited!
The great thing about the book is that all of these issues are in the book. I would recommend this book as the first purchase for anybody wanting to start a motion. I would also enjoy a DVD on this to the detail that Al Marshall did on the 2-3 Zone.
I'm now working with different girls high school team and the only issue is breaking old habits of play called. They were used to all of practice running and practicing plays (O and D). It should be noted they haven't one 10 games in the last 3 years. Just last night they were calling old plays during scrimmage time (it's early with this team). Parents and players have already commented how the players are quickly a lot better. Once they grasp the freedom, I think we'll be fine. They look pretty good half court and we still need movement during full court live games. That being said we have only had 7 practices. I'm excited!
The great thing about the book is that all of these issues are in the book. I would recommend this book as the first purchase for anybody wanting to start a motion. I would also enjoy a DVD on this to the detail that Al Marshall did on the 2-3 Zone.
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this is great for a youth coach with little experience, It teaches fundamentals, spacing, and promotes creativity. So far so good
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Although The main idea from this book is keeping the offense simple, I believe that they kept things a little too simple in this book. I would have loved to have some more ideas and rules for examples. I know it's supposed to vary from team to team, but I just would have liked to read more. I've read most of the main ideas in the book on other sites, and I wish that I would have gotten the Shooting book now instead with my money.
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Having helped coached daughters youth team and now my son's third grade rec team, running a motion offense is argueably the best way to teach young players how to play competitive basketball. This ebook offers excellent examples of the types of rules and options you can implement based on their skill level, adding more rules and options as their understanding and confidence increases. Highly recommended starting point for those who coach young kids just starting out. The dynamic motion also helps keep the kids engaged and from getting bored from standing around when running set plays.
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Great coaching resource for those not familiar with the motion offense.
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Great for me. I have a football background and bought this book when I decided to start coaching middle school basketball. Very helpful and I feel like the terminology and technique will be very simple to teach and for the kids to be able to learn. Plus I LOVE the examples of everything, really helps out someone that is new to coaching basketball.
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I love the emphasis on teaching the kids the skills and letting them play. It has been my experience that kids love having ownership of their decision making on the playing field (court).
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(2 people found this review helpful)

The best thing about this e-book was that it gave me the courage to do what my instincts always told me to do. I have coached youth basketball for six years and always felt that I would like to teach kids to play the game the right way and teach them the fundamentals before going to scripted plays. Kids in our township are over-scheduled and full attendance at practice is always a problem. Even when we have full participation, the kids rarely remember the plays well enough that they work. Plus, gym time is SO tough to get and all the time spent walking through plays takes away from learning the fundamentals. But invariably, I have always been the only coach not to run a lot of plays and it made me doubt myself. I though that maybe I was doing the wrong thing for my kids. Plus it always looks really impressive when a kid dribbles down the floor and yells out FIST! or EAGLE! or something like that. I always felt the parents would look at me and think "Man, he doesn't put plays in, he must not know what he is doing". Reading this book gave me the courage to stick to my guns and do what I always wanted to in the first place. My 6 and 7th grade girls team is having a ton of success this year. When say success, I don't just mean wins and losses. We are 7-4 an in second place. What I mean by success is all the players are involved and improving. Running this offense means everyone has a chance to be involved and it gets players excited to play. It turns a team into a TEAM. Like I said, I've been coaching for a while, but there is another coach in our league who has coached much longer than I have and coaches three teams a year. He told me that watching my team this year had changed how he looked at Plays versus motion. He told me that our team is a "Coaches Dream" in that almost everyone scores every game and that our passing is better than anyone in the league. The web site and resources are really a great resource for someone like me who is trying to improve in order to give the kids a better experience. Thanks much.
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I picked up this book because I want to our 6th grade boys team to play a motion offense. Like most coaches at this level, we have limited practice time, so we're not going to have them memorize a bunch of set plays that break down after the first pass. This book will help me derive maximum value out of practice time through drills that strengthen fundamental skills while giving them the tools to be successful players as they mature. Thanks for the book and the links to all the great drills!
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(1 person found this review helpful)

This is my second year coaching 8th grade boys, and this book made a huge difference from the day I started using it. My kids went from standing around, timidly waiting for the ball, to moving all over the court and playing with way more confidence. They moved the ball ten times better than previously, and their ability to create passing lanes and shots for themselves and each other has increased their sense of what a team really is. Can't recommend this book strongly enough.
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I am excited to see how this helps my junior high and High School girls. I love the fact that even the breakdown drills I can be workin on offense and deffense at the same time. I also love that it will continue on my job of developing basketball IQ and increase the potential of awareness of opportunities on the floor.
thanks for your help.
I have been a assistant coach for boys. from elementary to college the last 7-10 years. This is my first year as a head coach and working with HS girls. and they came off of last season with a 2-21 season. 4 different coaches the last 5 years. Alot of hurt to deal with and I hope to be a part of a journey they see their potential and great value.
Coach G
thanks for your help.
I have been a assistant coach for boys. from elementary to college the last 7-10 years. This is my first year as a head coach and working with HS girls. and they came off of last season with a 2-21 season. 4 different coaches the last 5 years. Alot of hurt to deal with and I hope to be a part of a journey they see their potential and great value.
Coach G
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I coach 7th and 8th grade boys and used the suggestions in the motion offense e book. The boys began to react instinctively to different situations and it was a pleasure to watch. I think the biggest asset from using motion was to not see them not play like robots and to have fun
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The book was good. It cleared up a lot for me because I had been struggling to put all the pieces together, so to speak, to incorporate the motion into everything we do in practice. I know I'm on the right track now.
I had been running some of the drills and philosophies prior to reading the book, but was having difficulties putting it all together. After reading through the book and going over a few things, I focused an entire practice on the rules, philosophies and drills. We (13U girls) had a game the next day, so I decided to run motion for the whole game. I was impressed by the outcome. The offense ran much more smooth and the girls weren't rushing and panicing like usual. Now, I just need to work even more shooting in practice b/c we couldn't hit any of the open shots we had...
The only issue I'm having is the cost. It was pretty expensive for an E-book. I bought it thinking that there must really be a reason why it's so expensive. The book was decent, but I'm still questioning the cost. I guess throwing in the book of drills makes it a little more paletable...
I had been running some of the drills and philosophies prior to reading the book, but was having difficulties putting it all together. After reading through the book and going over a few things, I focused an entire practice on the rules, philosophies and drills. We (13U girls) had a game the next day, so I decided to run motion for the whole game. I was impressed by the outcome. The offense ran much more smooth and the girls weren't rushing and panicing like usual. Now, I just need to work even more shooting in practice b/c we couldn't hit any of the open shots we had...
The only issue I'm having is the cost. It was pretty expensive for an E-book. I bought it thinking that there must really be a reason why it's so expensive. The book was decent, but I'm still questioning the cost. I guess throwing in the book of drills makes it a little more paletable...
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Really good book. I read through the entire book on my first sitting. I am coaching a group of third grade boys and just began installing this philosophy over the past few weeks. We are definitely going to experience some growing pains in getting there, but I'm convinced after just a short time that this is the best way to help develop better basketball players.
We were running some pretty simple "pass and cut through or screen away" offenses with more defined plays and positions prior to this, and the reality is that we would make one or two passes and then (if we still had possession of the ball) one of our two "scorers" would create a scoring opportunity on his own.
This offense is allowing the other boys on the team to understand that by moving around and cutting and screening they can help create better scoring opportunities for the boys who already do most of the scoring IN ADDITION TO creating much better scoring opportunities for themselves.
I especially liked the descriptions and examples of the 2-on-2 and 3-on-3 drills.
Overall a very good book, although I felt it was a bit expensive for what I got (which is why I gave it 4 stars and not 5).
We were running some pretty simple "pass and cut through or screen away" offenses with more defined plays and positions prior to this, and the reality is that we would make one or two passes and then (if we still had possession of the ball) one of our two "scorers" would create a scoring opportunity on his own.
This offense is allowing the other boys on the team to understand that by moving around and cutting and screening they can help create better scoring opportunities for the boys who already do most of the scoring IN ADDITION TO creating much better scoring opportunities for themselves.
I especially liked the descriptions and examples of the 2-on-2 and 3-on-3 drills.
Overall a very good book, although I felt it was a bit expensive for what I got (which is why I gave it 4 stars and not 5).
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(1 person found this review helpful)

Great book. Using the motion offense with a 6th.grade boys team. In the past I have used pass and screen away only (passive offense) set plays (kids forget or turn the ball over) and flex (difficult for youth). This book will change the way I coach from now on. Kids are never standing and watching, Kids are cutting for layups. Most off all it teaches to "just play basketball".
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I have recently finished reading Don Kelbick's ebooks on motion offense as well as the motion offense drill manual that supports the offense. Both books are extremely comprehensive re: this offense and, without a doubt, could easily be adapted for younger, less experienced players.
The ebook information will allow a coach (regardless of his level of expertise in coaching basketball) to learn quite a bit about this fluid attack and to structure his offense to best meet and feature the skills of his players.
The information is well thought out, easily presented, and comprehensive. In addition, as you initially stated to me, it is not a playbook for the motion offense but rather a framework of how to install the offense in addition to being a sound, troubleshooting guide.
This outstanding resource can easily be implemented into any basketball philosophy - deliberate/patient, up-tempo, open post, single post (low or high), or double post. Its information can easily be adjusted to attack a variety of defensive looks - man to man, zone, combination, or match-up.
This is a tremendous resource for any basketball coach. Keep up the great work.
All the best to your team, your family, and you.
Michael O'Donnell/Grantsburg, Wisconsin
I have recently finished reading Don Kelbick's ebooks on motion offense as well as the motion offense drill manual that supports the offense. Both books are extremely comprehensive re: this offense and, without a doubt, could easily be adapted for younger, less experienced players.
The ebook information will allow a coach (regardless of his level of expertise in coaching basketball) to learn quite a bit about this fluid attack and to structure his offense to best meet and feature the skills of his players.
The information is well thought out, easily presented, and comprehensive. In addition, as you initially stated to me, it is not a playbook for the motion offense but rather a framework of how to install the offense in addition to being a sound, troubleshooting guide.
This outstanding resource can easily be implemented into any basketball philosophy - deliberate/patient, up-tempo, open post, single post (low or high), or double post. Its information can easily be adjusted to attack a variety of defensive looks - man to man, zone, combination, or match-up.
This is a tremendous resource for any basketball coach. Keep up the great work.
All the best to your team, your family, and you.
Michael O'Donnell/Grantsburg, Wisconsin
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(2 people found this review helpful)

I think the book is very thorough in how it explains the offense but I am finding it difficult to get my kids to understand the concept of moving to space and to even remember what we practice once the whistle blows. we will keep working at it and hopefully by the end of the year they will be doing better, not that 2-2 is bad but it is shear athleticism and will that is winning the day. I think a little more info on how to get players to understand what is going on would be great.
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My team this year had only 3 returning players, so we were a little short on the bench. We beat some pretty good teams, and after the coachees asked me what offense I was running, because they could never figure out what was coming next. The guys loved it, because they could just go out and play, and had the most fun they ever had playing basketball. Thanks for such great products!
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Its like te other e-books aggain a wunderfull tool to work with thx
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I found the book was very good at explaining the different concepts of the offense and helping me as a coach understand the concepts better myself so that I could explain and teach my players better. I was coaching a 10 year old youth league team. The lack of structure was difficult for them and in the end we created structured movements based on the motion offense which helped them tremendously. By the end of the season, they were beginning to understand what option to do based on what the defense did. It is a difficult offense for inexperienced 10 year olds with only 2 hours of practice per week to grasp but I do agree that they will be better players next year for having learned it this year.
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A lot of good information, but lacking in ideas on how best to use motion when facing a zone defense.
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This is a great book! Very easy to understand and introduce to my team. The drills are great teaching tools and I used them as building blocks for my offense. I kept things simple with just three rules on offense, no set plays, and M2M defense.
We are not a powerhouse by any measure but my team went from averaging 16 points a game to 24! Huge in youth basketball.
All 10 of my girls play a lot of minutes due to the constant motion I require. The kids love playing this style of offense because every girl knows she has an opportunity to score. I believe any coach interested in using motion ofense could benefit from this book. Thanks again.
We are not a powerhouse by any measure but my team went from averaging 16 points a game to 24! Huge in youth basketball.
All 10 of my girls play a lot of minutes due to the constant motion I require. The kids love playing this style of offense because every girl knows she has an opportunity to score. I believe any coach interested in using motion ofense could benefit from this book. Thanks again.
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I've recently finished reading the Motion Offense ebook. In general, I think it's great! Gives a very detailed approach to implementing this offense. I coach 1st and 2nd graders in a developmental league (in a small suburban area) that only allows one 2-hour practice a week and only 3 practices before the first game. The ebook has a special section entitled "Advice for Youth Coaches," which is pretty good. But, a lot of the information in the ebook cannot be used with this age group. So, I have to read it all and then distill it down to what I can use. I wish there was a separate ebook that covered everything step-by-step for coaching youth basketball specifically focusing on the unique characteristics of coaching this age group.
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The motion offense is great! We have implemented this offense for our team in our house league as well as our all-star team; both teams are 10 and 11 year olds. Our house league team had an informal scrimmage last night (no clock about 30 minutes playing time) and we won 34 to 12. We can't wait to see how the all-star team performs!
We have started simple; a few cuts, a few rules, and basically let the kids play basketball. Best of all no set plays to remember. Our limited practice time is spent teaching the kids fundamentals like dribbling, shooting, passing, cutting, and screening. Both coaches like the system and the kids love the motion offense.
We have started simple; a few cuts, a few rules, and basically let the kids play basketball. Best of all no set plays to remember. Our limited practice time is spent teaching the kids fundamentals like dribbling, shooting, passing, cutting, and screening. Both coaches like the system and the kids love the motion offense.
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(1 person found this review helpful)

Thank you very much for this fantastic ebook! I have started to use the simple rules that you stated and in the first match with it my u16's wiped the floor with the opposition. We did have a slight height advantage, but the pass and move to space helped open up so much floor that my post players were just picking off the easy lay-ups and my guards were putting shots down left right and centre. I have another match with the u19's on Thursday and will use the same tactics, hopefully with the same results.
Thanks again, your books have made me a better coach, and my teams better players.
Thanks again, your books have made me a better coach, and my teams better players.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

The drills are great as is the advice...I am still reading the book, but have already used many of the ideas with my 6th grade boys ! Many thanks,
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I coach middle school girls and the team is very excited about using the motion offense. Last year the team used a zone offense and unless they had the skills to shoot extremely well, they were left out in the cold. This offense makes it much easier for everyone to contribute and score. One word of caution: Don't teach too much too early. One of my favorite sayings is "slow is fast".
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(0 people found this review helpful)

This eBook is fantastic. I really like the way the offense is explained. As a coach, it relieves me of the burden of finding a system for the kids on offense. I hate seeing the kids stand around and not really do anything. We are still just learning the motion offense, but I know that the players will do just fine. This offense dovetails nicely with my belief that the coach has to let the players play on their own as much as possible.
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So far I really like what I have put into place we are just getting ready to start our season so I'm looking forward to seeing the results. The boys have a hard time getting adjusted to the fact they have freedom to go where they want to instead if me telling them
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I coach Elementary school boys at a Christian School. Years ago, I learned that plays fall apart as soon as they are challenged. The Motion Offense teaches concepts. The boys see the court and react to what the defense is doing or not doing. I have taken what I feel is the most important things in the book and made them part of our program. Thanks.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I really liked this book. It helped me a lot with my 2nd grade basketball team. We all liked it and it helped the team score more points during our games. Thank you for all the great stuff you guys come up with.
I really liked this book. It helped me a lot with my 2nd grade basketball team. We all liked it and it helped the team score more points during our games. Thank you for all the great stuff you guys come up with.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

the ebook is a must have for coaches looking to install a motion offense for any age group. It takes all the guess work out and makes it easy by going step by step and shows you motion drills to help players with their execution of the offense. I highly recommend this book for all coaches.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

This was a phenomenal eBook on the motion offense. As a rookie head coach of a 5th grade AAU team, it really opened my eyes to see coaching in a different light. I have found myself trying to incorporate drills that directly will benefit our team's offense. Most importantly it allows me to give our team certain freedom, but being a youth coach I am able to hold a pretty tight reign on that freedom. A great book.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I was very pleased with this coaching manual. I have used these ideas / drills with two teams with excellent success.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

The Motion Offense was an easy read. This is our first year implementing the Motion Offense and I found the information very helpful and detailed. I would recommend it to any Coach in America..
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It was Very helpfull, easy to learn and teach.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

great e book on offense. it jibe with my style in teaching skills and coaching players though in actuallity, after practice and talking out what each one should do during games, my role is reduced to reminding them of their job on the floor while playing.
as we moved from our school system to the club system this coming spring and summer, we will incorporate more pecisely what were presented in the e book on offense based on what the team requirements and needs in terms of new additional players who must also conform with what the others are doing during games like reading, reacting, cutting, screening, curling and related motion movements.
thanks a lot.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Great resource. I only wish I had the information before our first practice this season. With this e-book, I'll be better prepared for next season.
I coach 8/9/10 year old girls in a rec league. Getting them in to the "motion" state-of-mind has been just a little difficult. Keeping good spacing on the floor has been my toughest challenge.
I coach 8/9/10 year old girls in a rec league. Getting them in to the "motion" state-of-mind has been just a little difficult. Keeping good spacing on the floor has been my toughest challenge.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I like the book alot. I will be coaching a 5th grade girls team next year and I want to put the motion offense in. This book has helped me and i will read it many times until I get it. I would recommend this to anyone who is starting out coaching youth basketball and wants to teach the motion offense.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Great b-ball basics for the 10yr. old girls youth league I coach in. Started using it right away and it took 2 full games for them to get it. Had to scale it way down to pass and screen away, then all of the sudden two ten year olds asked for another option that they could use? Go figure, but they love it and are very excited running it. A great thing I like for me is just letting them go. I am normally a very vocal teacher on instructions during the game. But since the first game, have just been standing back during game action and enjoying the kids' getting to it. It's was a strange feeling at first, but I just love it! The team and I cannot wait for the second half of the season, and we'll be adding more and more as they need it. Thanks a million J & J, Tom G.
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This is a treasure I am holding in my hands. Formely, i used to run "pass and cut" with 14-15 and it worked. Your e-book will be really helpfull for building an offense against zone def 3-2.
Thanks, you are TEACHERS.
Thanks, you are TEACHERS.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I think this book is very helpful. It 's nothing revolutionary but reminds a lot of simple concepts to be put together and constitute a practicle example of a general basket- ball philosophy.
I think this book is very helpful. It 's nothing revolutionary but reminds a lot of simple concepts to be put together and constitute a practicle example of a general basket- ball philosophy.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I thought the motion offense book was well worth the money. I was already familiar with the concepts of motion, but the part that was eye opening for me was the concept of the rules. I can still teach the same concepts of motion, but without the limitations of a set offense. I think it will be very "freeing" for my players.
We just finished up the season, so I plan to implement this motion system of rules next season with my 7th grade girls.
Thanks for the information! Good stuff.
We just finished up the season, so I plan to implement this motion system of rules next season with my 7th grade girls.
Thanks for the information! Good stuff.
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(2 people found this review helpful)

This book was very helpful in introducing concepts to our team of 8th grade girls. They are a pretty talented team and the 4-1 offense fits their style of play. Most teams zone us but I can't wait for the teams to play us man to man. It will be fun to sit back and watch them play.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

This book is an excellent tool for braking down, and establishing a winning motion offense.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Excellent teaching tool. The drills that are included have been a great help to me as I convert from our pattern offense to a true motion offense.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

The Motion Offense instruction book is simply outstanding. There are so many positive things to say about it that I do not have the time to write about them. However, let me just state that if you are coaching/teaching basketball at any level, I highly recommend that you get this book. It will make teachuing basketball fun once again for you and the players. It will especially make playing fun for the players.
Finally, I will say that the men at MO are awesome, helpful and willing to go beyond the call of duty to help you. Thanks, to all of you at MO, you are the BEST!
Sincerely, Smiley Verduzco
Finally, I will say that the men at MO are awesome, helpful and willing to go beyond the call of duty to help you. Thanks, to all of you at MO, you are the BEST!
Sincerely, Smiley Verduzco
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Everything I have read in the instruction book makes sense and will make structuring practices much simpler. I am incorporating the motion offense with 3rd and 4th grade girls. It will be a little harder but I can instill the basics of spacing, cutting, and screening with the concepts and drills provided. Have you thought about a video presentation for the Motion Offense? Thanks!!
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I did not purchase the book in time to implement the system for this year. I have a all freshman J.V. Girls team and I'm not comfortable with giving them total control of the offense at this time. I will try it in my summer program and see how the kids adapt.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

This is definitely a useful book. It is a book that you have to pay attention to every point and not go forward until you have a comprehension of what is being said. What I like most about the book is that it gives you an understanding of how the motion offense should be taught.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Very helpful stuff, thank you.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

another excellent book
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Great book on teaching the basics of the motion offense to youth. Informative, useful, and easy to apply drills. I want my players to see the floor and not be so mechanical. This book has already made a difference for us.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Nice and useful book.
Some more examples of 5/5 situations
should be useful.
Some more examples of 5/5 situations
should be useful.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Very good information. One improvement would be to show some additional examples of how to run each offense.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I coach a 5th and 6th grade girls team This is the 3rd season we have been togather. I have looked for an offense to teach the girls how to play off each other. They have a hard time running plays when the first pass in not there. We have started this season 5-0, winning our first tournament and our first league game . We are beating the other teams by at least 22 points. I have more time to work on fundamentals and the girls really enjoy the options that they have. We still have along way to go, but the book was great and who doesn't like to win. Keep up the good work! I look forward to more of your insight.
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(2 people found this review helpful)

I coach 10-13 & 7-9 at the local YMCA. There's something in this book for every age group. Good stuff.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

This is a great book. Easy to understand and I believe it will be easy to introduce to my team this coming season. The drills are good teaching and building blocks. I believe any coach interested in using motion ofense could benefit from this book. Thanks again.
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(1 person found this review helpful)

Useful tool but wish it devoted some more time to the 5 out open post motion.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

The motion offence book is not only good for its own sake but for anyone who advocate the concept, the philosophy and the purpose for which it is intended in playing.
As a coach, am not ready at this time to surrender most of what I want my players in our team to do in running our offense plays. I am of the opinion that my function as a coach is to teach, direct and motivate my players in each and every practice we do and all games we play.
Therefore, players must listen, follow and implement what the coach wanted them to execute in accordance with the kind of plays they will do. Beside, all offensive plays are dictated by the type of defensive plays that opponents put in each game. So, the motion offense is one among the various modes of offense plays that a coach can use as a matter of strategy or tactic in outplaying its opponents.
Overall, the book is a good stuff, informative and helpful to all coaches and players particularly the youth.
As a coach, am not ready at this time to surrender most of what I want my players in our team to do in running our offense plays. I am of the opinion that my function as a coach is to teach, direct and motivate my players in each and every practice we do and all games we play.
Therefore, players must listen, follow and implement what the coach wanted them to execute in accordance with the kind of plays they will do. Beside, all offensive plays are dictated by the type of defensive plays that opponents put in each game. So, the motion offense is one among the various modes of offense plays that a coach can use as a matter of strategy or tactic in outplaying its opponents.
Overall, the book is a good stuff, informative and helpful to all coaches and players particularly the youth.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

The e-book was great and very informative.I have a questiopn about it though.What is the best break to run to get into the 4 out 1 in or 3 out 2 in motion.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I thought the book broke down the motion concept well. It has helped me adjust my approach to teaching this offense.
I would be helpful if you had a section dedicated to novice coaches where you describe and emphasize the main points of motion that we ourselves need to understand and teach.
An earlier reviewer stated he's not ready to give up control yet. Well, I've tried the set play approach and all hell usually breaks loose after the 2nd pass. Your concept of motion offense is the answer to my concerns.
I would be helpful if you had a section dedicated to novice coaches where you describe and emphasize the main points of motion that we ourselves need to understand and teach.
An earlier reviewer stated he's not ready to give up control yet. Well, I've tried the set play approach and all hell usually breaks loose after the 2nd pass. Your concept of motion offense is the answer to my concerns.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I've been an advocate of the motion offense ever since I started coaching kids. I could never get all of the kids to remember set plays, and even if I did, if the play broke down in a game I could tell they never knew what to do next. So I gave up on plays and just started teaching motion. I've had success with it and most kids love it. It gets everyone involved. Now with this book, I've got the help I've always wanted to improve on what I've already been doing. It's great!
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(2 people found this review helpful)

good basic way to teach the kids how to run a motion offense. Drills are easy to use.
Great book
Great book
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(0 people found this review helpful)

The book was very helpful. I have been looking for comprehensive explanation of how to run a motion offense. Your book really helped. I look forward to putting the concepts to work on the court this season.
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(0 people found this review helpful)

I've been running a motion offence for the pass 14 years with bantam aged (12-13 year olds) girls and boys in a competitive league. This book reinforced my believe that coaching skills and drills; looking and reinforcing the process and not just the results; is definitely the way to go.
There is no greater motivator for kids to want to come to games and practices, than knowing that they are part of offence, no matter what their limitations may be.
I pickup up so many little gems in this book that I'm totally reinvigorated about the whole motion concept.
Good stuff.
There is no greater motivator for kids to want to come to games and practices, than knowing that they are part of offence, no matter what their limitations may be.
I pickup up so many little gems in this book that I'm totally reinvigorated about the whole motion concept.
Good stuff.
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(2 people found this review helpful)

I agree with a previous reviewer in that this was just as good of read on how to teach the Motion Offense as it is on how to run it. This was also very honest in whether your team should run a Motion Offense or not. I am not ready to give up control so will not run it at this time but I'm sure at some point I will have the depth of players to be able to run this.
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Hi,I am Martin Chmel from Prague,Czech republic. I have started teaching 4out 1 in motion offense . This book is for me the best I have found to educate myself first. All you produce with Don Kelbick is of a great value for me
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Great Book. it is very good at explaining the motion offense and how to teach it.
I would purchase it again
I would purchase it again
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(0 people found this review helpful)

Great coaching tool. We have implemented this system and are using with our youth league team ages 11,12,&13. I really like the drills and the offensive sets. We have our first game Saturday Nov. 15th and I am very excited to see how well it works in game situations. We have scrimmaged 14 year olds using the ofense and had some success!
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(0 people found this review helpful)

i wanted to read the entire e-book before writing a customer review.
I have now a new title for the book : HOW TO TEACH TEACHING THE MOTION OFFENSE !
just like the motion, your book starts with the skills, continues with the rules and ends bij giving the opportunities to the readers.
thanks for that
coach chris
Mechelen Belgium
I have now a new title for the book : HOW TO TEACH TEACHING THE MOTION OFFENSE !
just like the motion, your book starts with the skills, continues with the rules and ends bij giving the opportunities to the readers.
thanks for that
coach chris
Mechelen Belgium
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(1 person found this review helpful)

This is an useful Product for me and my Team.
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