The Dynamic Flex Offense With Video - Basketball Continuity Offense

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The Flex Offense is a very effective offense that is based on a continuity pattern. All 5 players get to play all 5 positions, which is excellent for player development.

With the flex offense, you will have great spacing, player movement, and ball movement. With the constant passing, cutting, flex screens, and screen the screener actions, the flex offense can be a nightmare for defenses to guard. Part of the reason the flex offense is so popular and so effective, is because it's based on a screening action that is very difficult to stop, even when you know it's coming.

The flex offense is also highly adaptable and effective if you add counters and motion principles. This will cause the defense's head to spin because they will never know what is coming. On one possession, you can see flex pattern, counter, counter, flex pattern, flex pattern, flex pattern, counter, flex pattern, counter, and so on.

The Flex Offense is also very popular at the college and NBA levels. In the last few years, the Bulls, Hawks, Jazz, Magic, and Heat all ran variations of the flex offense. At the college level, Maryland and Gonzaga have popularized the flex offense. Each team has a unique way to run the offense and so can you.

You can view the diagrams and video of the flex offense below.

Basic Flex Motion - Guard to Guard Passes

When a guard to guard pass is made, the player on the low block sets a flex screen for the player in the corner which is followed by a down screen by the passer for the player setting the flex screen.

Any time this guard to guard pass is made, this action occurs. You could run the flex offense simply by passing guard to guard continuously. You will see this in this action over the next few diagrams.

1 passes to 2.

5 sets a flex screen for 4. 4 cuts across the lane looking for the pass from 2. This is the first option off of the flex. If 4 does not receive the pass, 4 finishes the cut at the low block.

After the screen is set, 5 opens up to the ball. This is the second flex offense option.

1 sets a down screen for 5.

1 clears to the corner.

2 passes to 5.

4 sets a flex screen for 3.

2 sets a down screen for 4.

2 clears to the corner.

And the flex pattern continues.

Flex Offense - Corner Pass Option

Within the flex motion, whenever a pass is made to the corner, the passer sets a down screen for the opposite wing. With proper timing, this flex action will often turn into a double-staggered screen as you will see in the diagrams below.

1 clears to the corner and 2 passes to 5.

4 sets a flex screen for 3.

2 sets a down screen for 4 and 5 passes to the 1 in the corner.

5 sets a screen for 4. This turns into a double-staggered screen for 4.

2 clears to the corner. 1 passes to 4. 4 passes to 5.

3 sets a flex screen for 1.

4 sets a down screen for 3 and 5 passes to 2.

5 sets a screen for 3.

4 clears to the corner and the flex offense pattern continues.

Related Pages & Helpful Resources

Using the Flex Offense Versus a Zone Defense
Flex Offense Drills - Screen the Screener Shooting Drill
3 Essential Flex Offense Plays From the 1-4 High Entry Set
Flex Offense Plays - Strong Side Ball Screen Off Corner Pass

Recommended DVDs:

The Hybrid Flex Offense with Don Kelbick
This DVD set includes the basic flex pattern, how to introduce hybrid options and motion counters, how to teach the flex, 8 alternate entries to disguise and initiate the flex offense, how to handle all defensive situations such as pressure and switching, 5 highly effective scoring options out of the flex offense, and flex drills to develop the offense. This DVD is 80 minutes long and neatly organized ... (more info)

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Coach Riz says:
11/13/2017 at 5:34:24 PM

This is a fine play - only downside is you need five player on the court who are a good passer and good ball handler.

My question is: what if you have 4 players who have the above mentioned qualities, and one slow and tall guy who are terrible with the ball - but I still want to run the flex offense since its easy and provide a lot of opportunities?

Can you tell me a flex system where one of the players does not leave the post? Just setting screens and moves one side to another.

  1 reply  

Jeff Haefner says:
11/14/2017 at 9:02:30 AM

Coach - It has been several years since I watched the DVD but I remember Don Kelbick talking about how to handle that on his Flex Offense DVD. I believe that one of the options he covers the "push" to keep certain players in the post more often. And then when the post comes to perimeter you can use the "pressure release" option to keep him/her from catching the ball on the perimeter. I think that would work for you. The link for the DVD is in the above article.

With that said, if this is a youth player, I would recommend trying to develop his skills and not pigeonhole this player to only play the post position.

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Jeff Haefner says:
11/16/2014 at 11:42:54 AM

Jessica - Do you mean the other guard is setting a ball screen for the point guard?

Regardless of the screening/cutting action you're asking about, you just look at where players are at and find a simple way to get them back to their "flex spots" (two guards, two in corner, and one on the post). Once players are in the "spots", you can continue the action.


Jessica says:
11/16/2014 at 1:03:38 AM

What if the other point guard has to screen for the point bringing the ball up ? What does this do to the pattern then ?


Ken says:
1/4/2013 at 11:23:53 AM

Jacob -

If you look at the very first diagram... 4 can Bump 5s defender as he sets the screen..... 5 the rolls with him looking for the pass.... 4 must ask for the ball as he bumps/screens for 5

You can always downscreen and seal the low posts defender... this works really well IF they are switching all screens.

Hope this helps.


Jacob says:
1/4/2013 at 3:42:23 AM

Do you have any recommendations for sets to work the ball inside using the Flex system?


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