Develop Your Drop Step Move With This Roll The Ball Drill

Home > Player > Training Drills > Develop Your Drop Step Move With This Roll The Ball Drill

This is an excellent drill to use to improve your drop step move. It forces the offensive player to get low in a strong athletic position to maintain balance and explode to the basket. It also improves hand-eye coordination and the ability to finish at the rim.

The video below is an excerpt from Bob Bigelow's - Coaching Middle School Basketball.

After the shot, the player goes to the opposite side of the floor. The passer rolls on the ball and the player executes a drop step on the opposite side.

This drill could be used for any post move.

After the shot, the player goes to the opposite side of the floor. The passer rolls on the ball and the player executes a drop step on the opposite side.

This drill could be used for any post move.

Points of Emphasis
  • Sit down low. This will help you maintain balance through contact and explode with power to the basket.
  • Get long with your step to the basket.
  • Go from low to high. Extend to the goal.
  • Immediately get the ball into shooting position when the ball is picked up.
  • Game speed. Emphasize going at game speed.

Related Pages and Helpful Resources:

Bob Bigelow's Coaching Middle School Basketball
Steve Nash Passing Series Drill with Bob Bigelow
How To Greatly Reduce Turnovers With These Body Control Drills
How to Improve Big Man Post Play

Image: download free ebook with 72 of our favorite drills

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Sean says:
10/25/2012 at 12:40:29 AM

A minor change can add blockout and rebound to the drill. Instead of the extra two players on the baseline fetching the ball, I would have one waiting in a defensive position, arms straight up adding pressure to the shot by presence, not movement. After the shot is away, they should blockout the shooter, rebound the ball, and kick it out to the other side.


Joe Haefner says:
10/24/2012 at 4:41:13 PM

Most of the reps are not traveling, but a few reps are.

Since they step before they pick up the ball, they establish their bottom foot as the pivot foot with the drop step, then legally pivot into their shot.

If they catch, drop step, then bring the top foot down to the ground, a dribble would be needed. Otherwise, that would be a travel.


Basket says:
10/24/2012 at 4:22:12 PM



Joe Haefner says:
10/23/2012 at 1:28:00 PM

Great idea, Robin.


Robin Sallie says:
10/23/2012 at 1:10:17 PM

I plan to use this one right away. It will also teach a two step lay up.


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