Double - Basketball Play for All Zone Defenses

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This play works great against any zone defense but works especially well against the 2-3 zone. It will get you an easy basket in the low post or an open 3 point shot. It can be used at the end of the game/period or any time when you need to good look at the basket.


Player #5 should be your best post player and player #3 should be your best three point shooter.


Double1 (4K)
  1. Player 1 passes to Player 2.

  2. Player 3 starts out on the left block and pops out when the ball is passed to Player 2.
Double2 (4K)
  1. Player 2 passes to Player 3.

  2. Player 3 returns the pass to Player 2.
Double3 (4K)
  1. As soon as 3 passes the ball back to Player 2, he runs to the opposite corner.

  2. If Player 3 is denied that initial pass, Player 3 just makes his cut to the opposite corner, and Player 2 passes to Player 1.

  3. Player 4 sets a screen on the middle guy of the zone and 5 opens to the ball.
  • It is important for Player 4 to wait to set the screen until Player 3 has run by them on the baseline.
Double4 (4K)
  1. Player 1 passes the ball to Player 5.
  2. Player 4 goes to the opposite block for weak side rebounding.
  • It is important for Player 4 to only hold the screen for a fast 2-count to avoid the 3-second call in the lane.
Double5 (4K)
  1. If player 5 is covered, Player 1 should pass to Player 3.
  2. At the same time, Player 5 should be reestablishing post position.
Double6 (4K)
  1. If the outside guy of the zone (Defensive Player 4) closes out on Player 3 in time to prevent the shot, a bounce pass by Player 3 to Player 5 should be open.

Related Pages and Helpful Resources

Dynamic Zone Offense Plays Against Any Zone Defense
Zone Out of Bounds (Inbounds) Plays
Basketball Plays and The Art of Running Set Plays and Scoring More Points
Pitt - Great Zone Offense Play Used To Beat Syracuse's 2-3 Zone

Recommended Products:

Beating the Zone - 75 Set Plays to Score Against Zone Defense
In this eBook, you will find 75 zone plays that you can use against any zone defense. It includes 2-3 zone plays, 3-2 zone plays, 1-3-1 zone plays, baseline out of bounds plays, and multi-purpose zone plays. You will also learn how to exploit the weaknesses of zone defenses, learn new ideas for running zone plays, and much more ... (more info)


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Thomas Hack says:
2/6/2021 at 12:39:07 PM

Obviously, you are not a coach. I coached for 25+ years and this was a bread and butter play for a number of years. This play makes the zone shift and then makes the defender pick their poison... AND IT WORKS!


Kevin says:
2/4/2018 at 4:20:08 PM

I have a very unexperienced 8th grade girls basketball team this year. I had tried to run our flex offense against a 2-3 zone where you just try to get the ball where the defense isn''t but my girls need more instruction and to know exactly where to go. We used this offense in our last game and it was unbelievable. The other team did eventually start to guard this play, however, I will dedicate more time to showing them how to adjust to the defenses adjustments.


samadhan says:
4/10/2015 at 2:15:28 AM

thank you for sending me this simple but great offense against zone . the the samata international school team under 17y which i am the coach will use it . hope to receive more from you how to tech for slow learner


Jeff says:
10/7/2009 at 7:23:39 PM

G.H. - If you want to become a better rebounding team, I highly recommend our rebounding ebook and drills:

It offers you a proven process to consistently out rebound your opponent and become a powerhouse on the boards.


G.H. says:
10/7/2009 at 3:03:08 PM

I am coaching a group of 4th and 5th grade girls who are playing vs. 6th graders who are bigger than them. We are doing well, but our main problem is rebounding. I need some ideas on how to make my team a better rebounding team against girls who are bigger.


Toenail says:
10/1/2009 at 8:24:02 AM

I think this play is bad! What if the middle player just move over! Think of better plays!


Coach ????????? says:
1/7/2009 at 2:57:49 PM

This play I shall use. This will be my team's best play.
Coach ?????????


Joe Haefner says:
12/1/2008 at 12:02:17 PM

Hi Will,

Try this one:


Will Catlin says:
11/30/2008 at 9:54:09 PM

Hey Joe, can you give me some offensive plays that don't involve screens. I coach 9 and 10 year olds and the league we're in doesn't allow screens.


Joe Haefner says:
11/30/2008 at 4:43:54 PM

Hi Robert,

Take a look at these sets:


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