The Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter
Issue 10: December 20, 2007

New Spacing Drill (Basic) - We receive lots of requests from coaches looking for drills that teach their players good offensive spacing. This drill will help with spacing.

New Spacing Drill (Advanced)

FUN Youth Drill: No Dribble Keep Away - This is a fun spacing and passing drill for youth coaches.

FUN Drill: Pivot 21 - This is a fun drill to improve pivoting and lay ups.

NEW Inbounds Play from Under the Basket: Wide Open Spaces - If you're one of those coaches that likes to score directly from your inbounds plays, these inbounds plays will get you easy baskets.

NEW Inbounds Play from Under the Basket: Post - Can get you easy baskets.

NEW Side Out of Bounds Play: Slice - Sideline out of bound play that can get you easy baskets.

NEW Offense Article - How to score more points by understanding the true theory and philosophy behind offense

Let us know if you have any comments or questions...


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Sky says:
2/8/2008 at 9:54:48 PM

Well this website is very helpful but, I would LOVE yall even more if you could have some more stuff that a person can do by themsevles.Just incase they don't always have a partner or don't play for a team but just some drills that in very a single person.


Joe (Co-founder of Breakthrough Basketball) says:
1/22/2008 at 4:08:22 PM

With taller teams, we often front the post. Sometimes, teams with short, athletic players will press and try to push the tempo to keep the post players out of the game.


randy says:
1/22/2008 at 10:17:12 AM

the team we play sat. has two very tall girls and i have average height girls as post have a very short team should i use that to my advantage and spread the for and make there post come out and guard my not so tall post . my post can dribble and shot from the outside . but what kind of defence do run against the tall girls from the other team.


lucy says:
1/17/2008 at 6:27:30 PM

Thanks for all !


Joe (Co-founder of Breakthrough Basketball) says:
1/16/2008 at 1:48:15 PM

Hi Randy,

For press breakers, you can reference this page:

Other ways to improve press-breaking is to run overload drills. 3 defenders against 2 offensive players and the offense tries to bring the ball up the court.

Against the quick player, you may want to sag off of her or have the defenders off the ball be ready to provide early help. When she doesn't have the ball, you may want to deny all passes back to her.



randy says:
1/16/2008 at 12:51:15 PM

im having lots of trouble breaking a full court press the team we play sat. press the whole game or until they have a big lead does anybody have any suggestins or know what i can do and one more thing there point guard is very fast what kind of d should i run or do i just let my defender sag off of her


randy says:
1/16/2008 at 12:45:49 PM

im having lots of trouble breaking a full court press the team we are playing press the whole game or until they have a big lead any boby have any suggestins


silver uche says:
1/14/2008 at 12:25:24 PM

been playing basketball for 3 years now without a coach.thanks for the ebooks, cos i now have a coach.


carolyn says:
1/12/2008 at 3:53:21 PM

Thanks for your fantastic site. Using your skills and drills, inbound plays and heaps of other things made my u/14 girls go from being a 5th or 6th team in the comp to playing off in the grand final!!!!!

Keep up the good work and I'll keep telling other people about your brilliant site.

Australia Rulz


masoud says:
1/12/2008 at 1:09:40 AM

i love your site.i learn basketball and teach to my player in iran.dont be tired and thanks.


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