BLOB Play : Wide Open Spaces

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This is an inbounds play against a man-to-man defense that creates great shot opportunities and forces the defense to be concerned about the whole court. It is an overload play that leaves one half of the court free for an athletic and creative cutter to work his man to free up for a lay-in off the inbounds pass. It provides a good screen for a three-point shot. Because the defense is often confused about how to position themselves against this set, alert players will sometimes have easy opportunities to cut directly to the basket for lay-ins off of the inbounds pass.


The middle man in the line should be a good long-range shooter. Player 2 should be an athletic player with speed and good cutting skills.


Double1 (4K)
  1. Whichever side the ball is on, 3 players should line up shoulder to shoulder facing the hoop.
  2. Player 2 takes up his position way high on the offside.
  3. The inbounder should focus on the three stacked players as if that's where he intends to throw the ball.
  • Even a little surprise acting and exaggeration by the inbounder is surprisingly effective in the heat of the game.
Double1 (4K)
  1. When the inbounder slaps the ball, Player 4 steps back and Players 3 and 5 close up, forming a screen.
  2. The inbounder looks at this action.
  3. Player 2 cuts hard to the hoop and attempts to beat his man to get open for a pass and lay-in.
  4. Player 3 heads out to the fast-break prevention position.
  • Ideally, Player 2 will be free and the inbounder who has been selling the defense by looking at the three-point shooter, will deliver a pass as Player 2 comes clear for a layup.
  • Player 2 has a lot of room to make creative cuts and spin moves.
  • The key for Player 3 is to not move too early because you want to give Player 2 every opportunity and maximum space to beat his man.
Double1 (4K)
  1. If the game situation is right, the inbounder can hit Player 4 for the three-pointer.
  2. After the shot is on the way, Player 3 should move to the fast break prevention position.
  3. Players 1, 2, and 5 should be ready to rebound.
Double1 (4K)

Defenses sometimes get confused by this set.

  1. Players 4 or 5 are left in a position to make a straight cut to the basket for a direct pass and lay-in.
  2. Player 3 could also make a straight cut to the basket. If this happens, then Player 4 inherits deep responsibility.
Double1 (4K)

Another variation:

  1. Player 2 cuts to the basket and receives a pass from Player 1.
  2. Player 2 passes back to Player 1 who is cutting to the basket.
  3. Player 2 could also pass to Player 5.
  • This variation works especially if you are running this play for the second or third time during the game. The defender is probably giving the cutter a big cushion to prevent lay-ins.
  • Very often, the inbounder will be wide open on the return pass.
Double1 (4K)

Another variation:

  1. Player 2 flare cuts out to the right corner and receives the pass.
  2. Player 2 reverses the ball to Player 3 at the free-throw line.
  3. Player 3 dumps the ball down to Player 1 who is cutting to the basket.
  4. Player 4 cuts low off Player 5 who steps to the mid-clock area.
Points of Emphasis:

  • The inbounder should sell the overload, keeping the off-side cutter in his peripheral vision only.
  • The inbounder needs to be patient and wait for the cutter to lose his man.
  • All players need to be alert to defensive lapses. If there is a direct cut to the basket, take it.
  • Make sure that there is always a player occupying the fast-break prevent area.

Teaching Tips / Motivation:

  • Make sure that the inbounder steps directly into the court before cutting to any other area.
  • Tell players that this play provides more opportunities than most for alert players to get easy, unplanned lay-ins.
  • Praise players for making good decisions.

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Ryan says:
8/3/2011 at 12:57:38 AM

One piece of advice I would give when running OB plays is to have your play begin when the ref hands the player the ball. If you begin your play by having your inbounder slap the ball, you are losing 1 second off your time to get the ball in.


Jeff Haefner says:
7/5/2011 at 11:35:09 AM

Eileen - Yes, this can work vs a taller team. As with any set play, the key is to know your personnel and execute. Here's a link with tips on running set plays effectively:


Eileen says:
7/4/2011 at 3:24:36 AM

Would this work for a team of shorter players vs a taller team.


Novice 3rd grade says:
2/8/2010 at 10:29:07 PM

We use our tallest player as the inbounder because he is able to pass over the defense easily. However, he is one of our best shooters also. Is there a philosophy about who passes in the ball. Everything else equal, tall man passing over defense or tall man receiving the pass?
Thanks for your suggestions


Andre says:
1/24/2010 at 2:46:49 PM

Or try running two diagonal screens at the same time. If they are not open a last second screen can be set in the lane by cutter 1 for cutter 2 or vice versa. But this situation must be ran quickly. Your players should have no problem with this if you run it. Again not game tested yet. Should be able to get the ball inbounded and get a quick shot. Let me know if you try it and if it works.


Andre says:
1/24/2010 at 2:36:42 PM

Try this at practice. Let one unit know of the play and see how the second unit defends it. I just designed this for you, so it has not been game tested. If they are defending you in the 3-2 and you are inbounding under the basket try having 1,2,or 3 cut diagonal and receive a screen from a big at the strongside elbow the cutter should be open for a layup or a mid-range shot. But the cutter has to have good basketball IQ and know if he should shoot or drive. He can also receice the screen from weakside elbow also but I can only invision a layup in that situation unless the defense it totally off gaurd(I don't expect that to happen though since your in the playoffs). Let me know if you try it and how it works, it fairly simple.


Brad DeYoung says:
1/16/2010 at 11:59:48 AM

TRY THIS PLAY!! You will be amazed at its simplicity and how many open looks it gets. Coaching 6th grade this year we play same teams many times and it still provides great opportunity for easy shots.


Joey Williams says:
1/11/2010 at 9:10:33 AM

I need a few inbound plays under our basket against 3-2 zone. we are in the playoffs and I want change things up. We have played these two teams twice each. Also what is the total price on the Danny Miles DVD and how soon can I get it.

Joey Williams


rdt427 says:
9/24/2009 at 12:42:19 AM

well said and done :) thankz


Unknown.. says:
6/13/2009 at 11:48:07 AM

This looks like a great play.. But do you think that 8th graders would understand and do this play correctly??


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