Ray Allen Shooting Drill

The Ray Allen shooting drill is a great drill that you can use for a shooting warm up or to end the workout in a fun, competitive manner. It can easily be adapted for beginners and pros. Check out the instructions, diagrams, and video below for more details.

There are 5 lines. From each line, there are 5 spots. This is approximately the distance on each shot:
Spot 1 - 4 Feet
Spot 2 - 8 Feet
Spot 3 - 12 Feet
Spot 4 - 16 Feet
Spot 5 - 20 Feet

You have to make a shot from spot 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 in 5 consecutive shots in order to advance to the next line.

If you miss from any of the spots, you start over in that line. If you miss a shot in line 3, you start over from line 3. You don't go back to line 1.

Your goal is to finish all 5 lines in 2 minutes.

Wanted to give a special thanks to Kyle Wolf who is the shooter in the video below. Kyle is a 6'6 forward at Rockhurst High School (Class of 2013) in Kansas City, Missouri.

Regressions and Progressions To Make The Drill Easier or Harder Based on Skill Level:

  • Move back a spot after each make - Rather than making 5 shots in a row, you allow the players to move back a spot after each make even if they miss in between.
  • Use 3 or 4 Spots - Instead of using 5 spots, you can make it a little bit easier by only making them go to spot 3 or 4.
  • 6 Spots - For more advanced players, you can add an extra spot.
  • Kyle Korver Status - Make 25 shots in a row.

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Dewella says:
11/13/2023 at 11:59:56 AM

Hello Jon,
So the main thing with becoming a shooter is repetition. You may get tired of shooting but that is what it takes. Practicing putting yourself in game like situations when it is just you. I like the saying "practice how you play" if you practice lazy, you will play lazy. Give yourself a good workout while you are in the gym. Look up some good shooting drills and get too it. Your game will improve once you get comfortable shooting and you will be able to tell if your shot is off or if its good. Not every shot will go in but keep working on it. Shoot shoot shoot. I hope this helps.


Janet says:
1/20/2022 at 1:52:51 PM

Hi, first off thank u for this site! I played in HS and learned a lot from these posts. My question is when is it going too far for one person or team to hit elbow, trip, tackle, or step on a player when down?
One girl broke her arm in 2 places after one of the players pushed her to the ground. These are 9-10 yr. Olds


Jon Mehdi says:
1/6/2020 at 9:32:50 PM

Hello Im 14 and all the people on my team are atleast 5'10 but I'm down here 5'5 and I need to become a shooter so i can make some buckets in games.


The Answer says:
1/3/2020 at 12:43:12 PM

One of the best drills :)


Irish Baller says:
11/4/2017 at 10:12:13 AM

I'm almost 15 years old and have played for the capital etc before
This year I'm taking a step back from playing on teams other than my club itself as I play up in ages there and I am trying to focus this year on improving my shot and post plays
Going up through the ages we never went into shooting seriously (never taught how to shoot a 3 correctly and our bank shots were never a real focus)
At the moment I'm able to score at least 50% of my free throws and can score bank shots a lot of the time when I'm not under the basket as a post however my 3s do need quite a lot of work and I would like to be able to start shooting them in games
Any advice?


Samuel says:
12/30/2016 at 10:59:10 PM

Hi ken I''''m 16 years old and I''''m getting better at shooting but sometimes my right hand changes and that''''''''s how I miss my shots can you tell me what can I do to fix that it would mean a lot


Shana says:
8/11/2016 at 2:41:34 PM

I am 16 yrs old and 75 kg. I love playing basketball but hesitate when my classmates are playing because I feel that this game is for those who are thin. I control myself from touching balls while playing with them and sometimes they don't pass the ball to me during the game. I bought a basketball to play in my house and try shooting against my wall as I cant have a basket there. Could you please recommend some tips for improving game knowledge by practicing myself so that I can gain confidence while playing with my friends?

  1 reply  

Irish Baller says:
11/4/2017 at 10:20:13 AM

My friend is over 6 foot tall and has played for my country
Many people say to him y are you playing the game is for those who are skinny etc
But as for right this moment my friend is moving to America as he was scouted to play for 2 American teams and he is only 14. He is one of the best players I've ever seen play because he goes outside his house with no hoop and dribbles up and down his drive forwards and backwards trying out different skills to improve his confidence and also to improve his skill level. I have learnt so much from simply watching him practice outside his house. He showed me that you can work without a hoop and now everywhere I go if I've my basketball w me I take it out and start dribbling.


Basketball kid says:
7/12/2016 at 11:54:57 AM

Do you have to do the five line five shot drill?

  1 reply  

Jeff says:
7/12/2016 at 6:06:13 PM

No you could just do 2, 3, or 4 lines to save time. Use your imagination to adjust the drill to suit your needs.


Tyler says:
2/10/2016 at 4:58:15 PM

Hi ken im an unstoppable pg that shoots qlot of threes and keeps hitting off the rim and bouncing off.

ps can you respond ASAP


Jonathan says:
11/1/2014 at 2:28:30 PM

hhmm.. dribbling? I've only been playing basketball for about a year, but kids already call me "the handler". Some of my friends ask me how to get handles like mine, so I told them the drills I use for ball handling:

1. ever heard of the spider drill? Dribble the ball between your legs as fast as you can until you mess up. don't worry, messing up is the only way you'll be able to get better at basketball.
2. wall drill: dribble back and forth between your hands as fast as you can, but meanwhile have your opposite hand touch the wall while your other hand was dribbled the ball. too complicated? no worries, theres many simpler drills out there.
3. spin the ball around your waist as fast as you can.
4.flick the ball back and forth between your hands while you are running

tips for when you are dribbling:
1. knees bent
2. head up
3.dont dribble any higher than your waist up.
4. BE A BEAST!!!

remember to warm up before actually scrimmaging. it will help a lot. also, don't be let down on the court. the state of mind will effect EVERYTHING in your game.


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