4 Offense Drills To Combat Denial Defense With Dribble Entry Actions

In this video, there are four offense drills with dribble entry actions. These dribble entry actions reduce turnovers and present you with more scoring opportunities. These movements could occur within the flow of your motion offense, or as entries to begin a possession.

Additionally, these dribble entries are a great option to combat pressure defenses that deny perimeter passes.

Instructions & Diagrams:

Here are the dribble entry options. There are backdoor cuts, dribble hand-offs, and shallow cuts. Then you can build a progression of dribble entry combinations.

You can use the 2 on 0, 3 on 0 and 4 on 0 progressions to initially teach the dribble entries. From there, you can use the 4 on 4 competitive action to get your players ready for game action. The 4 on 4 drill is also great to use periodically if your team is struggling against pressure throughout the season.

Dribble at the Wing - Backdoor Cut

Step 1: The player at the top dribbles at the wing.

Step 2: The wing starts toward the dribbler and then cuts backdoor for a layup.

Dribble Hand-Off

Step 1: The wing takes their defender away from the ball as the ball is dribbled toward them.

Step 2: The wing then cuts to receive dribble handoff using the player handing the ball off as a screen for an open shot.

Dribble Hand-Off - Roll to the Basket

Carry the above action one step further.

The player that receives the handoff separates from the screen and the screener then rolls to the basket for a layup.

Dribble at the Wing - Shallow cut

Step 1: The wing steps away from the defender and then cuts back up through the middle to the top of the key.

Step 2: The player with the ball dribbles toward the wing and the wing player cuts to the top space vacated by the dribbler for a shot.

Dribble Entry Combinations

The above actions can all play off of one another. After we make the initial dribble entry, it is going to lead to other dribble entries as well. For instance, if you do now get a shot off the shallow cut, you can continue the action by dribbling back toward the wing for the dribble hand off action.

You practice this continuity with the following drills:

3 on 0 - 4 Passes

You start with a dribble entry.

Players can choose their initial action, but then you have to make four passes before a shot.

4 on 0 - 5 Passes

Two lines on top and two on the wings.

Again, you begin with dribble entry, but you require five passes before a shot.

The rules do not change. You are still using a dribble to get a shot.

4 on 4 Dribble Entry

Same rules as above, but this takes place against a live defense.

You can begin to see how your team reacts against pressure.

You can require four passes before a shot to help work through the different types of action.

Drill Tips:

No matter what our entry situation is, it is important to teach your players to remember the following:

  • You are looking to create space.

  • You don't stop.

  • You keep moving.

  • You share the ball to find shots for others.

Important Coaching Tip From Don Kelbick:

In basketball, part of getting your team to improve is helping them understand how things come about. These drills help teach, that cuts that happen early in your offense will set up opportunities that come later. Sometimes you get focused on the final result and forget everything that went into that result.

What starts as a dribble hand off, can lead to a down screen, a ball screen and a backdoor cut. All the movement opens up driving lanes and leads to easy baskets. This may not be the result of great ball skills, but rather, the product of working together.

Resource For Motion Offense

This video is a clip from Don Kelbick's Motion Offense Videos.

Here is a brief summary from the beginning of the product page...

    Don Kelbick's motion offense is a comprehensive guide to help you implement a successful motion offense for your basketball team...

    By using the principles and drills in these DVDs and eBook, you will improve your team's spacing, movement, passing, shot selection, and overall offensive fluidity!

    This DVD and complimentary eBook help to break down the principles of the motion offense so that you can effectively teach it without overcomplicating things.

    Don Kelbick has been studying the motion offense for over 30 years and experienced outstanding success running the offense at all levels. He has found that the offense is easy to teach, acceptable by players, and extremely versatile.

Click here to learn more or get a copy of the videos and eBooks.

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Mike Disharoon says:
6/21/2018 at 10:27:43 PM

Great drills to teach youth basketball players. Suggest put one defend in the drill to give it real situation, Defender is plays soft so the pick or movement workers.


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