The Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter for Players -- Issue #18: December 4, 2008

NEW Shooting Videos, Drills, and Articles

My Personal Experience With Tom Nordland's Swish Method

Wing to Wing Shooting Drill - Video

Wing Screen Shooting Drill - Video

Reverse Shots Shooting Drill - Video

Two Ball Shooting Drill

Let us know if you have any comments or questions...


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Mike L says:
3/7/2009 at 9:27:16 PM

Another variation, have shooter go to block or baseline and make a V-cut to receive the next pass; good for pivoting.


Wasim Khan says:
1/24/2009 at 8:18:30 AM

What is the meaning of drill


sunday adeniran says:
1/15/2009 at 8:34:54 AM

pls,can u send the ebooks to me by post?my adress is 22,ohamu street off olojojo bus stop,oworosoki,Lagos, code:23401


Stacy says:
12/4/2008 at 12:45:08 PM

These help alot for my jr high daughter i let her on here and she read some of theese tips and watched movies about it on here and she just loves it. thanks for helping out.


Tchoba says:
12/4/2008 at 5:43:17 AM

thank you for supplying thoses videos,it''s helps a lot


Mandeep says:
12/4/2008 at 4:52:07 AM

How to be perfect in back shots and dunk shots??


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