The Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter for Coaches & Players -- Issue #13: May 8, 2008

NEW Shooting & Ball-Handling Tips

Improve Shooting Confidence - A Simple Trick to Improve Your (or Your Team's) Shooting Confidence.

Quicker Shot - How to Get Your Shot Off Quicker Like Stephen Curry.

Two Ball Dribbling Video - A Two Ball Dribbling Video That Shows You Great Drills For Youth to Pro Players.

Ballhandling Tips - Learn a Secret to Chris Paul's Success - Change of Pace

NEW Mental Tips

Law of Attraction - Understanding the Law of Attraction and How It Can Improve Your Game & Your Life.

Visualization - The Secret To Improving Your Game Without Touching a Basketball!

NEW Drills

Overload Defense Drill - This Drill Will Greatly Improve Your Defense Whether You Play Man to Man or Zone!

Transition and Conditioning Drill - This Drill is a Great All-Around Drill That Improves Conditioning.


New Blog - Check out our brand new blog with a couple posts from Don Kelbick and Joe Haefner.

60 Fun Basketball Drills and Practice eBook - If you're looking for ways to make practice fun, check this out.

Man to Man Defense System - How to Develop a Great Man-to-Man Defense and Shut Down Your Opponents!

Basketball Camp Services: Skill Development - How would you like an NBA development coach to come to your basketball camp?

Let us know if you have any comments or questions...


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felix says:
5/13/2008 at 2:46:56 AM

thank you very much for the drills i hope to work on yhem so as to improve my game once again thanks continue the good spirit


Linda says:
5/12/2008 at 5:44:26 AM

Hi Guys,
Just started coaching 9-11yr old boys brand new to the game and had to start at the basics, your tips have been a great resource. Had a problem with discipline until I gave every kid 5 elastic bands on their wrists, every time they performed a drill right they added to the tally, every time they did something wrong I took one away. The kid with the most won a prize at the end of training. Result...huge improvement in attitude and results.


Ramon says:
5/11/2008 at 1:32:41 AM

Dear Jeff & Joe
Im excited to tell you that since i download your basketball drills and plays,my team has improved a lot.Its my 1st time to join the leauge and first time as a coach and we got into the finals and got the 1st team ages 9 to 11 are very happy with turn out.and im thankful to u guys because of your educational,exciting and interesting fmdamentals in basbetball our players has a high moral in winning.thank you and more power to both of you.i hope that you always send me more drills information to improved our


Joe Haefner says:
5/9/2008 at 7:41:53 AM

Hi Deigh,

You could start by reading our "Fundamentals" section at this link:

It has many articles, tips, and drills that will help you improve your game.

Joe Haefner


deigh of philippines says:
5/9/2008 at 1:19:08 AM

please give me a book. ...pls,pls...
"how to be a effective point guard..."
how can i get it since i'm from philippines?
pls pls pls...
more power to you all!!


martin de leon says:
5/8/2008 at 7:03:09 PM

thenk you for sending me the book its very interesting, its going to help me a lot and i also agree with rafa, luis and jorge, i hope i will be receving more of these plays, good job!!
thank you


DEMARCHI Jorge Oscar says:
5/8/2008 at 6:05:36 PM

Excelentes apuntes basquetbolísticos!!!
Aprovecho para saludarlos y felicitarlos por tan buen trabajo. Exitos!!!


Brain Madiya says:
5/8/2008 at 2:00:27 PM

for now i will hold my comment due to that i am still using the old one but as soon as i see the differency i will post my comment


Rafa Delgado says:
5/8/2008 at 1:34:16 PM

Totalmente de acuerdo con el anterior compañero.


Luis Palomino says:
5/8/2008 at 12:57:57 PM

Mil gracias por el envio de los articulos, me gustaria mucho que me pudieran mandar algo en español, hablo poco ingles pero entiendo perfectamente los conceptos del basketball ya que son universales. la pagina esta sensacional, muchas felicidades


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