Workouts for confidence and a competitive advantage!

Today I want to share one of the least-discussed, but extremely powerful, tactics you can use to boost your confidence...


It's really that plain and simple...

If you ask any athlete who's dedicated time and effort into a strength and athletic development program... the one thing I guarantee they'll tell you is that it gave them more confidence on the court!

That's because an added sense of self-assurance and calmness comes from being able to physically handle whatever comes at you on the court.

And a well developed program doesn't focus solely on strength. It improves so much more, including...

  • Quickness... which makes it easier to attack the defense or smother your opponent on the defensive end.
  • Speed... so you can get out on a fast break knowing you won't get caught or blocked from behind.
  • Agility... so you can step up on defense to any offensive player confident your ankles aren't going to get broken.
  • Jumping... so you can pull down more rebounds, get off more shots around the rim, and contest more jump shots.

And to help you get started on your strength and athletic development journey...

Here are some basketball-specific workouts from D-1 expert Cody Roberts!

You can start doing them right now to help ensure that you'll step onto the court next season with a sense of confidence and calmness because you'll know that you've done what so many others haven't!


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