Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter:
3 Best Rebounding Drills
February 15th, 2022
Here’s what we have for you this week...
Rebounding Drills - Watching some basketball last weekend and noticed a lack of boxing out, so here’s some rebounding drills that could help you (great for youth through college teams).
3 Best Quick Hitters to Beat a Switching Defense - You might not encounter switching defenses but thought we’d share just in case...NEW video showing you 3 plays to beat a team who switches on defense.
Feedback from NEW Youth Coaching System is Rolling in...
7th Grader Says Breakthrough Camp Improved Her Skills in Just 2 Days...More Than She Would’ve in Weeks! (See more camp feedback below from athletes in 5th grade to 11th grade)
Keep reading for a few more details on each!
Rebounding Drills
In the past week or so, I’ve watched youth, middle school, and high school basketball games...
At the elementary game, I had to chuckle a bit about how some of the players crashed the boards (in their own frenzied way) while others stood and watched.
No matter the rebounding style, their enthusiasm for the game sure was refreshing!
At the older levels, I noticed some rebounding and boxing out deficits...
And it reminded me of some rebounding drills we have that may be of use to you no matter what level you coach...
Coach Jim Huber is a master of man to man and rebounding, and we have a video of 3 of his best rebounding drills that will help with the fundamentals to...
Master footwork, so they can box out your defender and get rebounds, eliminating opportunities for the opponent.
Improve their ability to make contact and push the offensive player away from the basket.
Understand the importance of rebounding and lay the foundation of how to properly box out.
Develop a feel for rebounding at game speed by running hard to the offensive player and making contact.
Here's Huber’s 3 Best Rebounding Drills - hope they help you out.
3 Best Quick Hitters to Beat a Switching Defense
A commonly used defensive tactic you may encounter quite often is switching.
Coach Ryan Schultz’s boys team of Cedar Falls, Iowa, comes up against switching defenses more and more because opponents struggle to disrupt his Hybrid Attack Offense (his state-championship winning fusion of Motion and Dribble Drive).
But Schultz has developed counters to beat their switches!
In this video, Coach Schultz is going to take you through 3 offensive plays to score against a switching defense. These 3 quick hitters incorporate sharp cuts, seals & other effective basketball moves to get the offense open looks when playing against a defense who is switching on screens.
These quick hitters have been successful for his team…and we hope they are effective for you, too!
Click here for the video: 3 Best Quick Hitters to Beat a Switching Defense
(You can learn more about Ryan Schultz’s offense by visiting: The Hybrid Attack Offense - Merging The Best of Dribble Drive & Motion Offense )
Feedback from NEW Youth Coaching System
is Rolling in...
It's very thorough and excellent all the way around. The most impressive part is the videos (and production) to show the concepts and drills. I especially love the practice plans with the video clips hot linked into the PDF and I find myself watching them numerous times before the day of practice to memorize as much of the script as I can (coaching key words and talking points).
It helped me put together a program that worked.
How well thought out it is and how I can watch a really great coach introduce the drills.
In case you missed it, we just released a brand new comprehensive Youth Coaching System that gives you all the tried & true practice plans, drills, skills, and concepts you'll ever need.
World-class coach Jim Huber gives you 64 Practice Plans, Offense, Defense, Skill Development, Coaching Philosophy, and More...
You’ll discover where to start with youth players - what to teach - and how to teach it.
It’s for ages 8 to 14 - beginner to advanced.
See what’s all offered in the Youth Coaching System with Jim Huber here.
Breakthrough Basketball Camps
“Improve Skills in Only 2 Days...Instead of Weeks!”
Here are some reviews from players who attended camps last year:
The camp improved me even more in a couple days than I would in weeks. I loved the camp - it showed me how much better I could be with great confidence.
(7th Grader) -
Learned a lot of drills that I can practice at home. Everyone was really nice and made new friends. Will definitely do again.
(5th Grader) -
Good small groups, moved quickly, little down time, high energy from instructor.
(9th Grader) -
The coaches really made me feel welcome and helped me not be as nervous. I liked that the drills were intense and pushed you to your limits. I liked the enthusiasm of the coaches and the encouragement that they gave us. I also liked that they didn't just teach us about basketball but also how to be a better person.
(11th Grader) -
I liked how the coach was able to mix the fundamentals with more advanced techniques. I never felt left out even though there were many athletes at the camp. The camp served as great cross training and was an overall great experience. The camp was absolutely amazing and I would 10/10 recommend it to someone else. Thank you for a great learning experience.
(11th Grader)
Some camp locations are already getting close to selling out and you can still get a 20% early-bird discount when you register today.
You can find camps in your area here.
- Joe Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball