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The Hybrid Attack Offense

Combining the Best Elements of Motion Offense & Dribble Drive

In this 3-part video set, you learn about Ryan Schultz's innovative and one-of-a-kind Hybrid Attack Offense.

This is a highly effective half-court offensive system that fuses the best elements of motion offense and dribble drive offense.

Prior to implementing the Hybrid Attack Offense, the Cedar Falls program had 3 state semi-final appearances and 0 state championships in the last 100+ years...

Ever since switching to this Hybrid Attack Offense, Ryan Schultz's Cedar Falls teams have won 2 state championships and made 8 state appearances in just 10 years!

Those are remarkable results that we'd all enjoy.

He's also led the state in...
  • Offensive Rating
  • Points Per Game
  • Effective Field Goal %
  • Field Goal %
  • 3 Point %
  • Assists Per Game

Below, you can learn more about the Hybrid Attack Offense...

We hope that this helps you transform your team into an offensive juggernaut as well!

The Benefits of the Hybrid Attack Offense

Here are a few benefits of the one-of-kind Hybrid Attack Offense...

1) Score More Points By Getting More of the Best Shots in Basketball!

According to analytics, lay ups, open 3-point shots, and free throws are the best shots you can take!

And Ryan Schultz's Hybrid Attack Offense produces a ton of these potent shots.

He shows you how to:

  • Create a framework and a mentality to get to the basket
  • Put pressure on the rim and draw fouls
  • Pass out to your open 3-point shooters

If you'd like to capitalize on the best shots in basketball... more layups, free throws, and 3-pointers, the Hybrid Attack Offense will help.

Schultz shows you the exact offense rules, principles, and points of emphasis that produce unselfish, high-scoring teams.

2) Players Share the Ball - Creates "Beautiful Basketball"

Coach Schultz's teams have led the state in assists per game.

The rules, communication, teaching points, and cues taught (based on the defense's positioning) within this offensive system...

Encourages players to pass the ball and get the best shot for the team... creating what many experts call "Beautiful Basketball."

And you do so without losing that aggressive, attacking mentality that leads to easy baskets at the rim.

Coach Schultz's expertise shows as he demonstrates how to teach this delicate balance.

3) Unpredictable and Hard to Scout - Based on Counters and Reads

While there are set plays and actions provided with this offensive system, players are taught how to counter the defense and make great reads.

There is not a pre-set pattern or decisions. Players are taught to attack and take advantage of the defense's positioning.

The opponent simply cannot prepare for all of the random actions that may occur.

You constantly put the defense at a disadvantage by forcing them into...

  • Long closeouts (they'll find themselves trailing often)
  • Defending in space
  • Making tough decisions and defending multiple screening actions

Additionally, Schultz shows you how to...

4) Arm Yourself With Offensive Counters - Combat Different Defensive Looks

Ryan Schultz plays in the large school division in Iowa. As a result, he constantly competes against future hall of fame coaches, future college athletes, and even future pros.

As a result, he sees a variety of different defensive looks. This led to innovation of the Hybrid Attack Offense.

As a result, you're armed with offensive counters and plays, so you can score against whatever the competition throws at you... including switching defenses.

5) Easily Adaptable - Works With Different Personnel & Utilizes Strengths

Coach Schultz won 2 state championship titles back to back with two entirely different teams:

2018 - He had a very talented point guard and good shooters.

2019 - He had a weaker shooting team.

That's because this offense lets you change year to year based on your strengths - without getting stuck into one distinct style of play...

Some years you may utilize the dribble drive actions (attack) a little more.

Some years you may trend toward more cutting and screening actions (motion).

In years where you have a post presence, you can allow and create more flash post ups and weak side seals - in addition to getting them into a variety of pick and roll situations within the framework of the Hybrid Attack.

6) You Develop Better Players Due To This Compounding Effect!

Quite simply, you spend more practice time on skills and habits that produce better players.

Over the course of a season or multiple seasons, this creates a compounding effect that can lead to dramatic improvement.

Most of your practice time is spent on...

  • Attacking in straight-line dribble drives
  • Learning how to score at the basket against a variety of defenders
  • Locating and passing to the open player
  • Shooting open perimeter or 3-point shots
  • Cutting and screening, so you learn how to create scoring opportunities without the ball

7) Accelerates Decision-Making Ability - Develops High IQ Players Not Robots!

This hybrid system allows you to teach kids to be high IQ basketball players, not robots.

Similar to developing skills, you accelerate your player's ability to make better decisions because there are countless repetitions in practice. You get a little bit better every single practice which leads to big gains over a season and career.

When you couple that with the teaching points that Ryan Schultz provides, you develop players who make great decisions.

8) Dynasty Builder! Middle School & Youth Coaches Can Use This System

When you start to implement this throughout your program and even down to the youth and middle school levels... like Ryan Schultz has done, you can get tremendous results.

You can easily simplify it for youth teams and progress to more advanced concepts each season.

When you start to build the continuity and add in a system that teaches players the best skills and the right way to play... you can build dynasties!

And if you're a high school coach, players who come into your program are ready to quickly progress to advanced concepts since they already have a great foundation.

9) Hidden Benefit = Improves Your Team's Defense

Coach Schultz discovered a hidden benefit after running the Hybrid Attack for a few years...

Their defense improved because EVERY DAY in practice they had to learn how to defend and deal with a variety of offensive elements used in the Hybrid Attack...

  • Dribble drive attack situations
  • Ball screens
  • Off the ball screens
  • Post ups
  • Various cuts and motion offense elements
  • High quality counters

This challenged them and allowed them to make big improvements on the defensive end as well...

In 2021, Ryan Schultz's Cedar Falls team combined for the best offensive/defensive rating in the state. (1st in offense, 5th in defense)

Quite simply, your defense will get better when it's constantly competing against one the best offenses in the area.

10) It's Fun and Increases Depth/Participation From Having More Athletes!

Kids these days don't want to be robots. They like to make decisions and have some freedom on the court.

This is a fun offense to run for players!

As a result, many athletes from other sports choose to play basketball. This is why Ryan Schultz's teams constantly have big, strong athletes from other sports like football.

When you combine fun with accelerated player development, you get more participation throughout the program.

And this creates a great cycle of producing more depth and more skilled players which leads to more wins.

The Best of Two Tried and True Offensive Systems

Below, Coach Chad C. from Keokuk explains how the Hybrid Attack Offense combines the best elements of two tried and true offensive systems.

He also does a great job of summing up the benefits below.

"Teams I coached struggled to be aggressive when running just a motion offense. This is a very attack oriented offense that almost forces teams to get down hill and attack the basket aggressively. Ryan Schultz takes the best elements of dribble drive and motion offenses and combines them in a simple, easy to understand way.

Very excited to implement this offense. Appreciate the in depth look and strategies at attacking a switching defense as well.

On a side note, I've been to dozens of coaching clinics over the years. I'd much rather spend my money on in-depth instruction by a great teacher than the broad overview of a topic you get at a clinic."

What's Unique About the Hybrid Attack Offense?

Ryan Schultz's Hybrid Attack Offense is a system that Schultz himself created to solve his problems of being stagnate during motion and lacking screening and cutting during dribble drive.

It is a fusion of motion and dribble drive that...

  • Gives players clear triggers to follow as to whether they are in Attacking mode (dribble drive option) or in Non Attacking mode (motion option).
  • Allows you to switch back and forth from motion to dribble drive in the SAME possession - you don't need to reset.
  • Players can learn relatively quickly. Some of Schultz's guys in the videos were new to the Hybrid Attack - as you can see from the clips, it came fast to those kids who hadn't had much experience with it.
  • Includes strategies for beating switching defenses - which Schultz calls "Attack the Switch."

One-of-a-Kind System - "Offense Is Unique"

Coach Dale S. from Monticello tells why the Hybrid Attack is unique and a one-of-a-kind offensive system...

Coach Schultz is a great teacher on video! Love the fact that the offense is unique from what most coaches are doing offensively today. Very progressive offense based on sound fundamentals.

Coach Schultz breaks things down in very simple, easy to understand details which I appreciate. Having run some motion offense in the past, I also appreciate the fact that I can keep my motion elements and implement this offense or use Coach Schultz's motion principles with the Hybrid Attack- both would work. It is nice to have lots of great breakdown drills to teach the offense as well. Thanks for sharing, Coach!

How to Avoid Offensive Droughts and Stall Outs!

All coaches have been here...

Your offense is clicking and running like a well oiled machine.

Then seemingly out of the blue, you go on a scoring drought!

Numerous possessions without a bucket. You can't make a shot. Your offense has "stalled out"!

Coach Schultz experienced those stall outs when they used to run the Dribble Drive Offense Attack exclusively.

One of the reasons he designed the Hybrid Attack Offense was to avoid those "stall outs" and solve that problem.

Now, when the dribble drive becomes stagnant, motion offense elements seamlessly kick in and change things up.

And when the motion offense goes cold, the dribble drive injects a surge of new attacks... keeping the defense honest... resulting in easy baskets.

That is one of the bigger benefits to the Hybrid Attack... it solves the "stall out" problem.

It's just a difficult offense to defend!

About Coach Ryan Schultz

Coach Schultz has 20+ seasons of coaching basketball coaching experience, including junior high, varsity, and college - boys and girls.

Since implementing the Hybrid Attack with his Cedar Falls boys team, his accomplishments include:

  • 141-28 record
  • Made it to state semi-finals 5 out of the last 7 years
  • 6 state tournament appearances in 7 years
  • Won state title 2 times - 2018 & 2019
  • Led state in 10 of 19 different team categories in 2021, including: Points Per Game, Effective Field Goal %, Field Goal %, 3 Point %, Assists Per Game
  • Best combined offensive/defensive rating in 2021 (1st in offense, 5th in defense)
  • IBCA State of Iowa Coach of the Year (2018)
  • Sub-State Coach of the Year (2016, 2017, 2020, 2021)
  • MVC Coach of the Year (2020, 2021)
  • School Record for Season Wins (2019, 2020)
  • 5 straight 20-win seasons
  • First Undefeated Regular Season (2021)
  • 13 players have gone on to play college ball - 6 at D1 schools

Besides his credentials, here's what Schultz's former coach and colleague have to say about him...

Dick Peth (Head Men's Basketball Coach - Wartburg College):

I have known Ryan for more than 20 years and have had the opportunity to observe him in both practices and games. He has worked tirelessly to develop himself into one of the top high school coaches in the state of Iowa. He is extremely detail oriented & produces high caliber college players on an annual basis while winning multiple state championships. It's been a thrill to watch his team's success every year.

Tom Bardal (Former Assistant Coach at Iowa State and University of Northern Iowa; Former Head Coach at Waterloo West, Waverly, and Cedar Falls High Schools):

Ryan Schultz is a passionate coach who is truly invested in the development of his players. His teams are always well prepared, play extremely hard, and most importantly have fun playing the game!!

Here's What You'll Get in This Video & eBook Package:

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Coach Schultz gives the story of how he morphed dribble drive and motion into his patented Hybrid Attack Offense and his teams' accomplishments using it.

Chapter 2 - Benefits of the Hybrid Attack Offense

Here you will learn about the benefits of this offense based on Schultz's experience using it.

Basically, the Hybrid Attack allows your team to switch back and forth seamlessly between motion and dribble drive - even within the same possession. No more stuck moments on offense.

Chapter 3 - Introduction to the Hybrid Attack Offense - Whiteboard Session

  • Coach Schultz explains why he struggled with running motion and dribble drive separately
  • Whiteboard demonstration to show you the basic spacing and where to position your best shooters and ball handlers
  • Introduction to the key elements that Schultz handpicked from dribble drive to develop his Hybrid Attack
  • Why you can still use your motion offense with dribble drive elements
  • The best motion offense principles Coach Shultz decided to keep
  • Triggers that set your players into the motion or dribble drive part of the offense

Chapter 4 - Overview of Key Principles

  • Overview of the key principles of the Hybrid Attack
  • Key elements that make it easy to learn - but difficult for opponents to prepare for
  • Learn a post play tip to create more openings in the middle of the floor

Chapter 5 - Dribble Drive Principles & Actions

Coach Schultz now gets into the specifics of the dribble drive portion of the offense. A few things you'll learn in this chapter include:

  • A key off-the-ball movement that creates long closeouts and big gaps that allow you to beat the defense
  • How to create more "Positive Passes" and why this leads to better dribble penetration
  • When and how to run a successful Backdoor Cut
  • The shooting goals of the Hybrid Attack - layups, free throws, and 3-pointers
  • How to position your best ball handlers and shooters

Chapter 6 - Dribble Drive Drills

  • How to merge four different types of off-the-ball movements with the dribble drive
  • 2-Man Drills
  • 3-Man Drills
  • 4-Man Drills
  • Live Game-Based Drills

And a unique shooting drill that Schultz created that incorporates key elements and talking.

This is a great drill to use at the beginning of every practice to get kids talking and shooting in offensive situations they'll encounter in games.

Chapter 7 - Intro to Motion Offense

  • Struggles and issues with solely running the motion offense that led to less aggressiveness
  • Key motion elements that Schultz kept
  • Triggers that cue players into running the motion part of the Hybrid Attack

Chapter 8 - Motion Drills

  • The importance of having your shooters set screens to get open shots
  • Motion breakdown drills to practice: curl cuts, flare cuts, rejection cuts, and more
  • A cut that is highly underutilized

Chapter 9 - Hybrid Attack Offense

In this chapter, you will see all the previous key concepts come together in this unique Hybrid Attack Offense.

  • How to handle mistakes and errors within the offense
  • How to get players to think and motivate them properly
  • One of Coach Shultz's favorite NBA actions that is easy to implement

Chapter 10 - Hybrid Attack Drill

  • The Cutthroat Drill with vital rules and coaching tips that lead to better player movement, elimination of wasted dribbles, and high-level ball movement
  • How to promote a culture of sharing the basketball
  • How to coach and correct players within live play

Chapter 11 - How to Attack Switching Defenses - Concepts and Quick Hitter Plays

As the Hybrid Attack Offense became harder and harder to guard, opponents started trying to combat their system by switching on defense. Coach Schultz covers:

  • Attack the Switch counters to outwit those defenses
  • Quick-Hitter plays that frazzle switching defenses

Chapter 12 - 5 Highly-Effective BLOB Plays

In this chapter, Coach Schultz's shows you 5 Baseline Out of Bounds Plays to help you score more points.

Chapter 13 - Hybrid Q & A

Coach Schultz explains the answers to 3 important questions about the Hybrid Attack.

Chapter 14 - Closing

53 Page Supplemental eBook

For your convenience, we have documented the background, philosophy, principles, and drills (with diagrams) included in the videos.

Who Should Consider This System?

This is for any coach who is serious about developing skilled, high IQ players that win more games.

It combines the best elements of dribble drive and motion offense.

You can easily adapt this each season to fit your personnel and take advantage of your strengths.

Special Note for Middle School & Youth Coaches:

Personally, I would want youth teams to run an offense like this in my program.

This is one of the best offenses for player development. The concepts taught in this system will build a strong foundation for youth and middle school players in terms of skill development and basketball IQ.

This sets up your players to have success at the next levels.

While you certainly wouldn't incorporate all of the concepts in your first season, you can easily simplify this offense and still have plenty of success.

From there, you can add new concepts throughout the season. And if you coach over multiple seasons, you can continue to progress and add new layers.

What's the Investment?

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So take the next 60 days to go through all the videos and try them out with your team.

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To your future success!

Joe and Jeff Haefner

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Customer Reviews
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  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
( 27 )
Based on 27 reviews
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Aubarey ISD from Aubrey, TX
9/19/2024 at 10:15 AM
Well delivered
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Dustin G. from Spiro, OK
9/18/2024 at 12:21 PM
Coach Schultz is a good teacher. He explains everything well.
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9/17/2024 at 2:30 PM
Hello, what I liked most about Hybrid Attack is the ease with which both offensives are combined and the way of transmitting to the players.
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Larry E.
9/9/2024 at 9:11 AM
Very easy to follow.
Be doing youth ball for over 35 years. Finally gave it up. You have been very helpful will your products thank you so much
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Craig Krempa
9/6/2024 at 6:39 AM
I'm a fan of it conceptually, but it's also broken down in an easily digestible way.
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Ricardo Washington from Düren, None
4/12/2024 at 1:49 PM
Its easy and detailed information
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Mike Bunnell from Keosauqua, IA
2/10/2024 at 1:03 PM
It was thoroughly done. Very easy to understand and implement. The boys are loving it .
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Mike H. from Walker, IA
1/30/2024 at 10:12 AM
Very well organized and easy to follow. Product was fantastic!

Breakthrough is awesome. I have learned a lot from the various videos I have watched through this company. All the videos are well thought out and broken down into easy to understand steps. The videos make things easy to implement and use with your own team!
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David Tuengel from Chehalis, WA
12/1/2023 at 5:07 PM
What doeess this offense do vs zone defense? Can you use it?
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Brent Boyer from Surprise, AZ
10/14/2023 at 6:09 PM
Excellent Video content and explanation of the information. I am starting my 2nd year of High School Basketball and will continue to use this game plan. This is the perfect scheme I would like to run, never thought I would come across the whole idea being used and laid out. Thank You Coach Schultz!!!
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Coach Horth from MATOURY, None
10/12/2023 at 6:24 PM
The Hybrid Attack was not difficult to teach a team of players who were beginners. The step by step approach which is given by the coach is lethal!

Thanks for the knowledge you are sharing with coaches.
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Fabrice Horth from MATOURY, None
10/12/2023 at 9:03 AM
It's not so difficult to teach to a team of players who are beginners, and it's opening their basket ball IQ
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Jeremy Coleman from Orefield, PA
7/11/2023 at 5:50 AM
Ordering and using this product was simple and easy. The offensive system was clearly and concisely presented yet also thorough. I would highly recommend this product to any coach looking to implement a new offense or just learn more about the game of basketball.
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Seattle Coach from SNOHOMISH, WA
5/28/2023 at 11:23 PM
It was very detailed and gave a roadmap for installation.
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Anthony Dennard from Tifton, GA
3/6/2023 at 9:29 AM
Its introduction. Very clear and precise description of the system.
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Richard Williams from San Diego, CA
10/31/2022 at 3:31 PM
I felt that it was incredibly age appropriate. So many resources out there are targeted at college programs or at high schools with large enrollments. I teach/coach at a very small school in Southern California and I can see many aspects of this working at our school that doesn't always have the biggest influx of talent. This system is easy to teach and the concepts are simple for even newer players to grasp quickly.
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Clif Warford from Muskogee, OK
10/14/2022 at 11:57 PM
This product is amazing! Great attention to detail and everything is broken down into teachable and coachable moments. I will be implementing this offense with my high school team beginning on Monday. Great job Coach Schultz and Breakthrough Basketball. Worth every penny.
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William Cannon from East Walpole, MA
10/13/2022 at 11:20 PM
Great combo offense. Seamless differences between motion and dribble drive.
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Kristi from Glen Ellyn, IL
5/31/2022 at 10:54 AM
This video is outstanding! Coach Schultz does a terrific job breaking down the Hybrid Attack offense, including detailed drills, diagrams and explanations of the system. In the past, our high school varsity team has run motion, but love the idea of adding the attack-oriented dribble drive element that is super effective. I can't wait to implement this offense with our team this summer and next season! Thank you, Coach Schultz!
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John Whitman from Sun Lakes, AZ
5/30/2022 at 9:21 PM
This was everything I expected and more! I purchased the transition video and enjoyed it so much, I had to order the Hybrid attack. Presented very clearly and all the bases were covered! I was close to firming up my attacks and this tied it all together for me! This is for ALL levels , with a clear explanation and plan for youth teams! If you want to improve as a coach, either or both of coach Schultz’s videos are for you! 5 stars!
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Krishna Armogan from Winnipeg, MB
5/3/2022 at 9:36 AM
Great video. Very easy to follow and use in the gym.
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(1 person found this review helpful)
Brian Shaw from Manitowoc, WI
2/25/2022 at 11:22 AM
Ryan is very articulate and detailed in his approach to this video. It is a high school coach speaking to mostly high school coaches. We do not have to appraise whether what he is doing is feasible on the h.s. level. Using his own players to demonstrate is of real value. Ryan is not struggling to work with players who don't know him or the subject at hand. His hybred is stimulating to think about and we can develop our own version. The long length of the video provides for a thorough study of the Hybred. Attack Offense. This is definitely one of the best videos I have seen, and I have seen a lot of them.. (Anonymous)
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AD Peters from Bowling Green, KY
2/23/2022 at 11:34 PM
Ryan does an excellent job of teaching the various drills that are eventually combined into a complete offense. He shows the benefits of a properly run drill and what will happen if not executed well. It is also being run by many players not familiar with the offense making it realistic for coaches watching. To date I haven’t been able to view all the videos, but have been able to get through the 4-man drills. In my last two practices of the season I was able to begin introducing the hybrid offense to my girls varsity team and they were excited and better than expected at attacking, kicking up/kicking back and attacking again. I’m delighted to sit in the presence of greatness watching Ryan teach his team.
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Ken Sparks from Cassopolis, MI
11/11/2021 at 6:18 PM
Great resource. Good for any coach
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James Proko from Moultonborough, NH
11/11/2021 at 4:35 PM
Well presented, logical order
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Dale S.
10/20/2021 at 8:25 AM
Coach Schultz is a great teacher on video!. Love the fact that the offense is unique from what most coaches are doing offensively today. Very progressive offense based on sound fundamentals.

Coach Schultz breaks things down in very simple, easy to understand details which I appreciate. Having run some motion offense in the past, I also appreciate the fact that I can keep my motion elements and implement this offense or use Coach Schultz's motion principles with the Hybrid Attack- both would work. It is nice to have lots of great breakdown drills to teach the offense as well. Thanks for sharing Coach!
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(1 person found this review helpful)
Chad Campbell from Keokuk, IA
10/19/2021 at 6:31 PM
Teams I coached struggled to be aggressive when running just a motion offense. This is a very attack-oriented offense that almost forces teams to get downhill and attack the basket aggressively. Ryan Schultz takes the best elements of dribble drive and motion offenses and combines them in a simple, easy to understand way.

Very excited to implement this offense. Appreciate the in depth look and strategies at attacking a switching defense as well.

On a side note, I've been to dozens of coaching clinics over the years. I'd much rather spend my money on in-depth instruction by a great teacher than the broad overview of a topic you get at a clinic.
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(1 person found this review helpful)
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