Coaching One of the Most Effective Dribble Moves - James Harden Does This!

The Crossover Jab Dribble Move

In the video above, Coach Tim Schuring teaches the crossover jab. This is one of the most effective dribble moves that you can teach at any level of basketball.

As mentioned, this move might even appear simple. However, you see that NBA players like Kevin Durant, James Harden, and Damian Lillard execute this move quite frequently to beat elite-level defenders.

The reason it works so well is that it gets the defender to shift their hips multiple times, and also gets them to move laterally. This opens up a driving lane to attack the basket.

Drill Instructions:

Progression 1 - Stationary 3 Dribbles

When first teaching the move, have your players begin with three pound dribbles then execute the crossover jab.

Progression 2 - Cones

After that, have your players practice the crossover jab on the move.

Your players can simulate this by using cones. They should start at one cone and dribble at the second cone, crossover and then jab when they get to that second cone.

Repeat multiple times and then switch to the other side so they work on each hand.

Tips & Instructions for Crossover Jab Dribble Move

Here are the instructions and tips for executing the crossover jab dribble move.

Right to Left Crossover Jab

You start dribbling with the ball in your right hand, then cross the ball over to your left hand.

At that point, you will jab with your right foot to the right at a 45 degree angle.

Next, you step with your left foot to the left at a 45 degree angle.

Left to Right Crossover Jab

You start dribbling with the ball in your left hand, then cross the ball over to your right hand.

At that point, you will jab with your left foot to the left at a 45 degree angle.

Next, you step with your right foot to the right at a 45 degree angle.

Points of Emphasis:

  • Use a long jab - When jabbing initially, make sure to jab quick, yet long enough to make your defender react. This is meant to get your defender to swivel their hips so they lean to one side.

  • Chest to the ground - After attacking out you want your chest to be to the ground. This helps lengthen your stride, improve acceleration & speed, and maintain better balance.

  • Give the defense two visuals - The key to this move is to give the defense two visual fakes. This makes the defender swivel their hips and open up a driving lane. 1) A pound on the crossover and then 2) on the jab after the crossover.

Coaching Tips

  • It may be muddy at first - Have your players work through mistakes. Sometimes hitting the cone is a good thing because it means your player is trying to get a sharp angle at the hip of the defender. If your players make a major mistake, have them do it again.

  • Advanced moves are usually only needed against really good defenders - Basic and intermediate moves will get your players by average to below-average defenders. Good solid defenders that know how to move their feet and really want to stick with the dribble drive require advanced moves.

Related Resources:

Becoming a 3-Dimensional Player with Tim Schuring - Skill Development Videos & eBook

Coaching Newsletter & 72 Free Coaching Drills

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Harry Carter says:
12/18/2019 at 5:30:05 AM

Very well said. I am glad to read this blog and it helps me alots to learn many new things. Thanks for sharing. Really appreciate.


Eric Smith says:
3/13/2019 at 2:11:27 AM

It''s Really Informative!
Thanks for the tips, tricks and drilling instructions about basketball. This video is helpful to all the players.
Keep Updating.


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