NBA Skill Coach Shows Players How to Improve Shooting Workouts -- And Reveals Mistake Almost Every Player Makes

As Don Kelbick mentions in this video clip from Attack and Counter Skill Development System, a lot of shooters are hurt by the way that they practice.


Because you don’t practice the actual game situation. You don’t receive the pass from the proper angle that would occur during a game. You often just receive a pass from a person standing underneath the basket.

But how many times does this actually happen during a game? Depending on your offense, most likely not too often.

Also, in order to be a great shooter during games, you need to create consistency with your shot.

How do you create consistency with your shot?

Practicing your shooting while receiving passes from angles that occur during the game.

That way, your footwork, body position, hand position, etc. will be the same during practice as it is during a game.

If you practice shooting with a passer standing underneath the basket, in essence, you are practicing a different shot. Your footwork, body position, hand position, etc. will be different.

So when you go to play, you’re not accustomed to shooting actual game shots.

So how should you practice shooting during workouts?

As Don mentions, you can do this a couple of different ways.

If you are by yourself, you can use spin outs.

If you have another person with you at the workout, you position the passer where a pass would normally come from during the game.

So you make your game-like cut, shoot the ball, rebound it, and pass it back to the passer.

This is also a great rotation for conditioning. If you and the passer are both working out, this is a great work-to-rest ratio. The shooter goes hard for about a minute. The other person is catching their breath as they pass the ball.

But Why Do You Pass Underneath The Basket In Some of Your Other Shooting Drills?

If you watch the video below, you will notice that I am passing the ball from underneath the basket to a shooter. I will normally do this in two situations.

1) I do this when it's only me and the shooter. And I want to get a high amount of reps up in a short amount of time to warm up, develop rhythm, or work on confidence.

2) I will also do it as a fun way to end a workout.

However, if a 3rd person is at the workout, I will have them rebound, add a second ball, and I will pass from more game-like angles.

In the second video, this is an example of how I set up drills for game-like workouts.

Hopefully, you take these tips to improve your shooting workouts and this leads to better shooting during your games.

Related Resources

The Attack & Counter Skill Development System

Breakthrough Basketball Camps

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Nick O’Leary says:
7/16/2020 at 6:00:01 PM

On the third video the player travels regularly when putting the ball on the floor.


Jeff says:
11/8/2014 at 5:41:09 PM

Like the video, totally agree with the concept. Would add game speed to the shooting drills as well. I will say that a team does need to practice from passing under the basket as almost every inbound play can result in a shot off the pass.


Ben M says:
11/6/2014 at 9:58:17 AM

Very interesting article. I have taught shooting at the high school level and worked with some lower level college players and I find what you say is true. I make the players use foot work to flare into shots, catch and pivots etc. and I purposely pass low or high from different angles. My son when he was little had a fit when I stopped passing from under the basket but he got over it and became a better scorer..


R.Braat says:
11/6/2014 at 7:45:37 AM

Nice drills; good for practising boys and girls


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