Kevin Durant Shooting Drills and Workout With Videos

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The Kevin Durant shooting workout is a great workout because it incorporates shooting, ball handling, footwork, and finishing drills that you will use in game-like situations. These are the type of drills that the pros use to get better.

In this article, you will learn a super-efficient way to get open that Kevin Durant does all of the time. Below, you will also see a video that Kevin demonstrates the move and a second video of the Kevin Durant shooting workout that we've been taking some of our players through.

The Kevin Durant Post Cut

Kevin Durant frequently uses this super-efficient and easy way to get open, but for some reason, very few people use this cut. It also takes a lot less energy.

It's called the post cut. You take the defender down to the mid-post or high post area, post up on the defender, as soon as you feel like you have the defender on your back, you put your hand up and cut out to the perimeter to create space. Sometimes, you don't even have to cut. You can just step out and use a reverse pivot to create space.

Below, we have a sample video of the move used by Kevin Durant. You only have to watch 0:52 to 1:02 in the video.

In the video above, Durant just steps out, but you can also cut out and use the same footwork as you can see in the workout video below.

It's very important that you step out and get ready to shoot as quickly as possible. If you are open and can consistently make the shot, you shoot the ball. If the defense takes away your shot, now you should take advantage of the defense closing out and blow by the defense. You will see a series of shooting progressions below.

Kevin Durant Workout Details:

Take a set number of shots from each side of the court for each progression.

Examples of Workouts

Beginner - 5 shots attempted on each side of the court. Shoot 5 free throws.
Intermediate - 5 shots made on each side of the court. Make 5 free throws.
Advanced - 10 shots made on each side of the court. Make 10 Free throws.

Random - Shoot a different shot each time. Shoot 2 free throws.

Once you have developed consistency with your footwork and your shooting, this can be a great way to simulate games where you rarely get the same shot twice in a row. It is also a great way to practice game-like free throw shooting with only 2 free throws at a time.

For example, you might choose a series of 3 to 5 shots. If you take the drill above, here is a sample that you can do.

1. Post Cut - Reverse Pivot - Shot.
2. Post Cut - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - Lay Up.
3. Post Cut - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - Shot.
4. Two Free Throws.

Track and chart your shots to gauge progress.

The Key to This Workout Is in the Details!

You might look at this workout and think, "Duh. There isn't anything special there." Well, there isn't anything special in WHAT you do, but what separates the great players from the good players and the good players from the okay players is HOW you do things. Pro players incorporate these same drills and they probably use a lot of the same drills that you use, but what makes them great is HOW they execute the drills.

You will see the details mentioned in the progressions below.

Progression 1 - Reverse Pivot - Shot

You need to get the defender on your back. Otherwise, the initial cut won't be open.

You need to repeatedly practice the step-out and reverse pivot at full speed so you can get the shot off in a split second while making a high-percentage of your shots. If you don't, the defense can easily take it away because the defense has more time to recover to contest your shot and get set to defend the dribble drive.

Progression 2 - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - 1 Dribble Lay Up

Sweep (rip) aggressively below your knees. Get to the rim in one dribble

As long as you become effective with your step-out and reverse pivot in progression 1, this will force the defense to close out at full speed. If you have the defender closing out at full speed, this puts you at a huge advantage to drive by the defender because they have to sprint at full speed to stop your shot, then they have to stop, and then they go in the opposite direction to stop your dribble drive. You have the advantage! This is how SLOW players like Larry Bird were so effective.

Now, it's also important that you get to the basket in one dribble. This will get you to the basket quicker and put more pressure on the defense. If you don't, it allows recovery time for the defense to take away an easy basket that you could have had.

Progression 3 - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - 1 Dribble - Shot

Make sure to cover ground on the dribble.

Progression 3 is set up by being great at progression 1 and 2. If you don't have the mentality to aggressively attack the basket (progression 2) after somebody takes away your initial shot (progression 1), the jump shot will not be open.

In order to be effective, you need to create separation with the dribble. Otherwise, the dribble will not get you anywhere and the same defender who you initially had an advantage against can disrupt your pull up jump shot. You see this often when the defender blocks the shooter from behind.

Progression 4 - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - 1 Dribble Change - Lay Up

Dribble hard at the chair, snap the ball below the knees and close to the body on the change of direction. Make it game-like.

Progression 4 is another counter to Progression 1 and 2. If the help defense slides over (second chair), you can now change directions with the dribble and attack the rim. If you are not aggressive with your dribble, the defender can attack and control what you do. By being aggressive with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dribble (if needed to score the lay up), this puts the defense on their heels and gives the advantage back to you.

In the video above, we used 3 dribbles because we were working on becoming effective with a low crossover with this player. You can also perform the drill with 2 dribbles by using the push crossover which players like Dwyane Wade and Manu Ginobli are highly effective at.

Progression 5 - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - 1 Dribble Change - Shot

Cover ground on the change of direction to create space for the shot.

Progression 5 is a counter to Progression 1, 2, and 4. Now the defense is sending everybody at you because you're destroying your man and even picking apart the first line of help defense.

After you change directions at the first help defender (second chair), the defense has sent everybody to the lane, so now you pull up for a jump shot. Just like on progression 3, you need to create separation with your dribble. So make sure to snap that change of direction dribble to cover lots of ground to open up space for your jumper.

Progression 6 - Reverse Pivot - Sweep - 1 Dribble Change - Finish Counter

Dribble hard at the third chair, you have to make the defender commit to open up the finish counter whether it's a drop step (spin), step through (up and under), a Rondo, side step (Euro Step), or any other creative, effective finishing move.

This is a counter to progression 1, 2, and 4. If the help defense slides over to stop you after your change of direction dribble, you can use a finishing counter to attack the defense and get to the rim. However, this isn't effective if you don't perfect the details. If you dribble at the 2nd help defender (3rd chair) hesitantly, they can easily cover your finishing counter move and disrupt your shot. It's vital that you dribble at the 3rd chair as aggressively as you can, this will get you in the habit of getting that help defender on their heels which will leave your finishing counter move wide open.

Now, you certainly don't need to perfect all of the progressions to be a good player. You should work on perfecting the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd progressions. Besides being better than 99% of the players out there after you perfect those 3 progressions, you can start to add the additional progressions.

Wanted to give a special thanks to Don Kelbick for being a huge influence on our training methods and making us better coaches which leads to better players.

Also wanted to give a special thanks to Kyle Wolf who is the shooter in the video below. Kyle is a 6'6 forward at Rockhurst High School (Class of 2013) in Kansas City, Missouri.

(Updated 12/4/2014 - Kyle went on to win the Missouri Gatorade Player of the Year in 2013 and led his team to a Class 5 state championship. In 2014 during his freshmen year, he started in 18 games and was a key contributor for Central Missouri University as they went on to win the NCAA Division 2 National Championship. Hard work with an organized plan pays off.)

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    Jayden says:
    12/13/2019 at 1:00:28 PM

    This play is not that good no more learn some more better plays like a fast break play

      1 reply  

    finist says:
    10/10/2022 at 2:33:01 PM

    thanks for the negative comment


    Tieran Williams says:
    4/2/2019 at 11:58:08 AM

    I will be sure to include this in my game. However, in the second part of the video, the teen that was demonstrating the moves was traveling. He would get the ball, pivot, and then swing the other one around without dribbling. Any good ref would call that traveling. However, I get what they are trying to say, and it is a great idea!


    player brandon 13yr says:
    9/24/2015 at 8:17:37 PM

    Great video, I will be sure to work on this.


    Gagan kumar s r says:
    1/17/2015 at 8:49:44 AM

    All the best for all the player . in furtur in your places i will be.


    Paul says:
    8/10/2014 at 5:14:26 PM

    Hi, all. I know this is two years after the discussion was had, but after reading all the comments, I disagree with Stepan's premise that it's impossible to direct drive for one dribble and then take two steps without traveling. I break it down to my kids all the time and it goes like this:

    First of all, it is imperative that you teach your kids to explode off your pivot foot, not the stepping foot. When you put the weight on your stepping foot, your pivot foot naturally lifts off the ground. By putting your weight on the pivot foot and pushing off it while the ball is leaving your hand, you eliminate the traveling violation before the dribble.

    So now the question becomes, can we make this move explosively without traveling after the dribble? The answer is yes, and it has to do with our footwork before we pick up the ball.

    If you think about it, we don't only take one step while we dribble. While we can do so, that's not commonly the case. Try it right now---take a basketball and do right-hand pounds while moving down the court at game speed. How many steps are you taking during each dribble? It's not 1, that would be awkward and constraining for the ballhandler. We naturally take two steps with each dribble. We can take more steps if we push the ball out, but the natural motion is a pair of steps on every dribble.

    So the same goes on a direct drive. The ball can leave our hand while the right foot is moving forward. It can then hit the ground and come back into our hand as the left foot is moving forward. As the ball comes back into the hand, the player then steps right/left and finishes with a right-hand layup off the left foot.

    Stepan is right that many players do this move while traveling, but it is not impossible to do without traveling. It can be very difficult to learn how to do it, and then to learn how to do it explosively, but it can be done and I have done it with several of my players.

    While it's naturally easier to crossover drive for a one-dribble finish, the direct drive is a more complex move and also a more effective one because it allows you to cover more ground during the dribble.


    Jared Abe says:
    10/23/2013 at 2:39:40 PM

    After doing these drills, i felt that i had better shooting chances in a game. I can also impress others with these sweet moves. especially the girls.psychic. But if you just practice these drills, this can get you better shooting opportunities in a game.


    Ken says:
    7/23/2012 at 11:57:26 AM

    You beat me to that Joe.... I agree, the good players can do that. If not, you are limiting yourself to how you can finish. JMO 2

    If you are a good basketball player, you should have the ability to finish with either hand and either leg from each side of the basket.


    Joe Haefner says:
    7/23/2012 at 10:16:40 AM

    Parker, what do you do if you are finishing on the left side and the defense is on your left side? Do you still try to finish with your left hand and give the defense a better chance to block it or do you protect the ball from the defense and finish with your right?

    If you are a good basketball player, you should have the ability to finish with either hand and either leg from each side of the basket.


    Parker says:
    7/22/2012 at 1:45:28 PM

    why even post this video. left hand left side not even fundimental


    Stepan says:
    7/19/2012 at 11:17:55 AM

    Ken, it seems like your quick guy vs. slow guy situation is a perfect example summing up all the discussion. :) You know that someone on your team is effective though illegal, rules-wise. You have a choice: to correct or to let him enjoy his ability to violate the rules. You chose to let him enjoy. Is it wrong, in my book? No way, it is not. But I see the crossroads here, and an obvious one. Ok, if I'm the head coach of the Celtics tomorrow I'm not gonna try to fix some of Kevin Garnett's bad habits in the post. He obviously travels in some 30 % of his one-on-one moves—I don't care, he is a great player, refs call him for that once a season.
    But if you coach a younger player, and your responsibility is to develop his game... what should you do? What would you do? That's the question.

    Some things just go unnoticed. There are certain grey zones that most coaches and players prefer not to think of. This particular move that we can see on the top of this page is one example of such grey zone. Durant does that, MJ did it (remember his famous one-hand fake, a couple of jabs, then a diagonal drive across the lane and magnificent finish on the rim?), everybody does that. But it's illegal. Not in some particular case, it's illegal by nature, you just can't do that right. Hadn't Durant committed a travel he would have had to finish off the right leg or shoot a floater on the previous step. No way to change that. This grey zone has a very simple decoding key: illegal.

    ...but everybody does it, and it's effective. Should I teach it?


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