Basketball Post Moves & Skills: The Drop Step

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Two Post Moves Demonstrated in the Video:

  1. Drop Step - Baseline

  2. Drop Step - Middle

The goal of the drop step is to get the defensive stuck on your back so he can not disrupt your shot as you drop step towards the basket for a lay up. A great counter-move to the drop step is the Drop Step, Inside Pivot, Jump Shot.

How to Drop Step towards the Baseline
  • Plant your inside foot as the pivot foot and
  • As you receive the pass, drop step towards the goal with your outside leg.
  • Drive your knee of the leg that originally was your pivot foot up towards the goal and complete the lay up.
How to Drop Step towards the Middle
  • Plant your outside foot as the pivot foot and
  • As you receive the pass, drop step towards the goal with your inside leg.
  • Drive your knee of the leg that originally was your pivot foot up towards the goal and complete the lay up.


Keep Your Hips Low - Approach the chair and keep your hips low. Just like in a game you want to maintain a low center of gravity to keep a solid base so you are not easily pushed around. If you get lower than the defensive player with a solid foundation and you bump into the defender, it is more likely to knock the defender off balance which will open up more scoring opportunities.

Long and Strong - I like to remind players to take a long step and go up strong towards the goal. This helps them get to the goal quickly and prepares them for contact by the goal.

Advanced Variations:

Power Drop Step - Take one hard dribble and come to a jump stop with both feet before powering up for the lay up.

Drop Step w/ Contact - Nudge the player as he goes towards the goal with a pad or your hands. This will help condition them to power up towards the goal through contact.

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Do you have any questions or suggestions for this drill? Let us know by leaving your comments...


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John says:
7/29/2020 at 2:39:37 PM

Again, hello. I’m trying to see the video on this page, so I can learn how to do the move, but I can’t see the video for whatever, just like the other dropstep video.


Paul Costa says:
11/22/2016 at 6:49:39 PM

In the video, isn't the player using the outside foot (foot closer to mid-court) as the pivot foot and using his inside foot (foot closest to the baseline) to drop step when going baseline?

  1 reply  

Jeff says:
11/28/2016 at 10:43:18 AM

When it comes to some of this terminology, it depends who you ask -- you'll get different answers. When drop stepping toward the baseline, the pivot foot (planted foot) is closest to the rim-line. When drop stepping toward the middle, the pivot foot (planted foot), is closest to the sideline.


Charles e. long says:
12/19/2014 at 11:38:27 PM

Excellent information for any player who want to get better


kamogelo khutsafalo (Lady Coach) says:
8/2/2014 at 1:12:08 AM

A very good drill for my forwards


kamogelo khutsafalo (Lady Coach) says:
8/2/2014 at 1:08:38 AM

I hav practised the drill several times and it has worked well for my big man (pos 5), so good


Ken Sartini says:
2/23/2014 at 1:30:42 PM

You can do some strength training... weights etc.

You can do some pyrometrics. You can work on these moves at home also... with or without a ball.

Just use your imagination.


Z'Kiyah jones says:
2/23/2014 at 9:45:03 AM

Hi coach
I am a power forward and I need to know how can I condition for basketball while I am at home because most of the time I can not make it to the gym.


Ken Sartini says:
12/7/2013 at 10:05:23 AM


***** Work on one good post move, like a drop step, add a counter after you get this down pat. Then, use your quickness. You can work on creating some space also.... but the drop step has to work for you first.... drop step, bump and freeze the defender - step back and shoot.

Thats one thought.... I always wanted my players to take their man to the hole instead of a post move (guards) ... there is so much help defense in todays game that it might be hard to accomplish what you want, depends on your size.

Looking at it another way, the refs are instructed to call the game closer than ever so you will see a lot of touch calls.... but it seems like late in the game the refs loosen up a little bit.


demitrius says:
12/6/2013 at 6:38:42 PM

I'm a guard and want to have an extra skill like post game any suggestions for me


Basquetmaster says:
3/14/2013 at 7:49:27 AM

It is a legal move.
When you move the free foot, the other becomes the pivot foot. When you lift the pivot foot may pass or shoot before putting it back into the ground.


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