Off Season Development Trick - This is When You Improve Your Team's Shooting Percentage

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If you want to develop better shooters and improve your team's overall shooting percentage, you must start in the off season!


  • It's almost always counter productive to fix shooting mechanics during season. It must be done during the off season.

  • It's impossible to turn a kid into a great shooter during your short season (especially when there are WAY too many other things to do). It must happen in the off season.

  • It's difficult to develop new skills and improve during the season. It must be done during the off season.

What you need is a step-by-step process to develop a great shooting team starting after your season is over, all the way through the summer, until the very end of your season (when you're hopefully playing for a state title)!

Here's a great technique to evaluate your players and help them improve after the season is over.

Very few coaches know about this technique...

When your season is over, you need to chart your players "shot tendencies". This is important!

We learned this awesome trick from coach Herb Magee. Herb suggests that you are wasting your time if you don't analyze your shot tendencies. And we think he's right!

Here's how it works:

You have each player shoot a bare minimum of 50 shots and chart their shots. The key is to chart detailed results of each shot. You will track how many shots fell short, too long, to the left, and to the right. This information will help you determine what this player needs to work on.

You will discover that each player tends to consistently miss a certain direction. In many cases, players consistently miss short and hit the front of the rim. It's extremely useful for players and coaches to know this information.

However, almost NO coaches or players chart this information. They practice with little purpose or direction.

In some cases the player need to work on everything because their mechanics are terrible. In other cases, you'll often find that players consistently miss either short, long, or to a certain direction. If a player consistently comes up short, now you know this player needs to work on distance control and getting more power in their shot.

If you think about it, it's silly to go out and practice hours and hours without knowing your shot tendencies. You can get a lot further in life by practicing smart.

After watching and assessing your players, make a list of all your players, with special notes beside each player. As an example, you can do something like this:

NameMechanicsAreas to ImproveGoal / Notes
Joe SmithGreat mechanics but tends to miss short.Needs to improve distance control, mid-range shot, and free throwsImprove overall shooting percentage and develop a great mid-range shot. Just needs to step things up to the next level by practicing more.
Jeff JohnsonGood mechanics, except release point is low (flat shot).Raise release point and locate target earlier.Get in lots of reps to raise release point, locate target earlier, and learn to shoot off the dribble better. Improve percentage in all those area with more practice.
Alex BellTerrible shooting grip. Continually misses target to right and left.Needs to change mechanics, grip on the ball, and arm alignment.Get LOTS of reps AWAY from the basket. Fix grip mechanics and arm alignment. Be ready for game shots late summer.

Essentially you are setting logical and attainable things you want to improve with each player. This will allow you to develop a logical shooting program for your players, easily keep tabs on things, and help your players improve.

The next step...

Want a simple and guaranteed way to give your team supreme shooting confidence?

Want to learn how to quickly break bad shooting habits?

Want a step-by-step system that will develop a team of great shooters?

We've been fortunate enough to learn these tactics directly from some of the top shooting experts in the world. You can learn about all these tips and tactics in our new basketball shooting guide.


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Coaching Toolbox says:
11/16/2018 at 3:12:40 AM

You''re definitely right about this. Shooters are one of the assets of the team. Giving tips about on how to improve their shooting skills are highly relevant especially for our players.


Ken Sartini says:
4/19/2013 at 4:43:46 PM

Forgot to add this... remind her to use her legs in her shot.


Ken Sartini says:
4/19/2013 at 4:40:20 PM

Dallas -

This could be a strength issue? What is the rest of her form like?

Have her stand next to a wall and practice her form..... and as she brings her arm up...( there should be a window that she can see the
rim / basket ) the elbow of her shooting arm should be around eye / ear. That should help to get some arc on her shot.

Try this out, then come back and let us know if this helps. Good luck.


Dallas Armbruster says:
4/18/2013 at 12:41:59 PM

I would like to know how to correct a 6th grade girl whose shot is too flat.


Jeff Haefner says:
7/20/2009 at 3:46:51 PM


What kind of shots are you taking in the game? Are the high percentage shots? Are your feet set and in your range? Are you off balance? Are you rushing the shot?

There will always be some game slippage and you'll never shoot the same percentage as you do in practice with no defense. What kind of drop off are we talk here -- what is your game shooting percentage? And what's the range of a typical shot that you take?


ann cates says:
7/18/2009 at 10:13:02 PM

i shoot great in practice and when training, but i do not carry over the high shooting percentage in a game situation. how can i improve game scoring


Paul Ramos says:
4/9/2008 at 10:38:21 AM

I coach both women's juniors and women's seniors teams here in the Philippines and a lot of the infos that i read from the newsletters here are very helpfull, some new ones and some reminders. But all in all, i commend the group for their sharings.
Regarding off season shooting development, i'd like to share what i've tried to improve on my kids' shooting percentage. i've manufactured a smaller diameter home-made ring, that i clip on to the basketball goals which makes it a little harder to make shots. We had that ring for the whole off-season to pre-season trainings period. Then we have it removed approaching our in-season, which give the kids more confidence with their shots because of the feeling that it's easier now to make the shots. Try taking their scores during off season then another during pre. I hope it would also help your teams with their shooting the way it helped mine.


Joe Haefner (Co-Founder of Breakthrough Basketball) says:
4/7/2008 at 7:31:49 AM

Hi Harold,

It's hard to tell without examining the shooter. Most of the time, it's something as simple as using your legs more. They need to bend their knees and make sure to use their legs to generate power to get the ball to the basket.


harold says:
4/3/2008 at 12:33:01 PM

how to correct short shooting


Randy Stone says:
4/1/2008 at 4:58:33 PM

Brian Caplin,
I''m definitely interested in your 5/6 grade girls program. Sometimes I feel like I''m beating my head against a brick wall.


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