4 Drills For: The Most UNSTOPPABLE Shot In Basketball

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In the video below, Don Kelbick gives you tips and drills on one of the most unstoppable shots in basketball.

This same shot was the go-to move for the LEADING SCORER in NBA history... Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Six MVPs, 19 All Star appearances, and six NBA championships isn't too shabby either. There is a reason that he's always in the conversation for the greatest player of all time.

As you may have already guessed, it's The Hook Shot.

And don't be fooled, the hook shot isn't just for post players. This is for guards too!

Steve Nash utilized a crafty hook shot to score against much taller players. And Nash was one of the best offensive point guards in history. For a 6-foot player who couldn't jump, he scored a tremendous amount of points in the paint.

In the video below, Coach Kelbick also talks about the jump hook and the full hook.

And he uses four drill variations for the hook shot.

Take a look...

Instructions For The Drill:

Set up the two chairs on each side of the lane, just above the low block.

For each variation, you will curl around the chair, pick up the ball and shoot a hook shot. On each repetition, you alternate chairs.

Variation 1: Figure 8 Hook Shots - To Baseline (0:58)

With this variation, the chairs are facing the sideline.

You start in the middle of the lane. Then cut and curl over the top of the chair, pick up the ball, step towards the baseline, and shoot a hook shot.

Variation 2: Figure 8 Hook Shots - To Middle (2:50)

With this variation, the chairs are facing half court.

You start in the middle of the lane. This time, you go the opposite direction.

Then you curl over the top of the chair, pick up the ball, step towards the basket, and shoot a hook shot.

Variation 3: Chair Drill - Drop Step Middle (3:48)

This time the chairs are facing the lane.

You run to the chair, jump stop, pick up the ball, drop step to the basket, and shoot a hook shot.

Variation 4: Chair Drill - Drop Step Baseline (4:53)

The chairs are facing the lane again, like the previous variation. However, you might pull them further apart towards the sideline.

This time you drop step to the baseline side and shoot the hook shot.

Drill and Skill Development Tips

Drive knee to hoop (Inertia!)

Driving your knee to the hoop creates inertia to the hoop. This momentum gives you the power to jump higher and step more quickly to the basket. Additionally, it helps you finish through contact and take you in a direct line to the basket.

Condition yourself. Fatigue leads to poor footwork which leads to poor game play.

Footwork becomes less aggressive with fatigue. It gets sloppier. Instead of stepping towards the hoop, you step away from the hoop.

As a result, you don't score. You don't get fouled. And you become ineffective. And as Don said, it's not because you're not a good player and don't know how to execute the skill. It's because you're fatigued.

After you learn how to properly execute a skill, it's important to set up drills to condition yourself as well.

Square to the chair on each repetition

When executing the last two chair drills, it's important to square yourself to the chair on each repetition. If you don't, your footwork can get sloppy and less effective due to the positioning of the chair and angles to the basket. It's important to do this, so you practice good footwork habits.

Don't worry about "Perfect"

Coach Kelbick always preaches that he's not looking for perfect repetitions. He's looking for you to get better as you go.

Great drills for your warm up

As Don mentions in the video, this drill is great for a warm up. You get better at basketball while getting ready to go at faster speeds.

Jump Hook & Full Hook Tips

Don also briefly discusses the jump hook and full hook in the video as well.

The jump hook comes to the shoulder and pretty much goes straight up. And you use your body to protect the ball from the defender.

The full hook is slightly different. It's more like Kareem's hook shot. Coach Kelbick demonstrates around 3:18.

You start at the shoulder, then you go out away from your body (not up like the jump hook). Then you bring the ball up in a sweeping motion, get the ball as high as you can, and shoot the hook.

As Don mentions in the video, it's a great shot to use against taller players like ones that are 6 feet 13 inches tall.

This video is from Don Kelbick's Attack & Counter Skill Development System.

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