Coach K's MANDATORY Finishing Tip - With Drill and Move

In this video, Coach Huber covers a finishing tip that will help you make more lay ups. In fact, Coach K of Duke makes this tip mandatory with his players.

This video clip is from Next Level Finishing Moves with Jim Huber.

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Jvh says:
10/23/2019 at 9:40:22 PM

Great ideas and drills......although Most kids here are traveling with their one dibble.


Coach Vranes says:
5/4/2018 at 5:50:35 PM

Awesome advice. Something often overlooked. We put this into our training today, and will continue to push this concept of High off the glass. Simple, but not always intuitive, and the best finishers we know finish high off the glass! We’re going to include this in training for our younger levels, as well as at camps, clinics, practices, etc. Thanks for the tip!


Phil Tomberlain says:
5/4/2018 at 11:10:07 AM

Thank you! You can bank it, dunk it, or sit. Love it


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