3 Simple Dribble Moves THAT WORK!

As noted in the video, while these three moves are simple, they are VERY IMPORTANT if you're serious about taking your dribble moves to the next level. And they're great for any age level!

While they are extremely simple, you see players like Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, and Kyrie Irving constantly using these moves to blow by their defenders.

These are the moves that they use 95% of the time. The highlight stuff happens maybe once a game. That's not the stuff they spend a lot of time practicing. They only can do that because they became so skilled at the foundational skills...

So you want to pick one or two moves... then PERFECT it!

After that, you add a counter move if the defense stops your initial move. In the video, Jim Huber demonstrated:

1 - Hesitation Move - Counter Options

2 - Jab and Go - Counter Options

3 - Half Spin - Counter Options

It takes a lot of work to perfect these moves and become unstoppable.

Drill Instructions:

Start outside the three point line at one wing. Attack the basket to simulate you are going at the defender.

Make sure you finish from each side of the floor and practice with each hand.

As mentioned, pair your dribble moves with counter moves and practice these as well.

Dribble Move #1 - Hesitation Move: Slow to Go

One of the most effective things you can do in the game of basketball is change speeds. Every time you slow down or speed up you gain an advantage. The defender doesn't know which pace you will choose.

For this hesitation move, dribble straight at the defender's chest and then slow up. As you slow up, slightly rise up, look up and lift your head to sell a fake.

Stay low and then blow by the imaginary defender to get to the basket.

Dribble Move #2 - Jab and Go

Dribble at the defender and jab with the inside foot to the middle. As you do the jab step, then step with your other foot (the outside foot) and explode to the basket.

You really want to try to get the defender leaning to the inside. You can do this by using a hard, aggressive jab and combine it with eye, head, and shoulder fakes.

You can do the same with an inside hand dribble.

Dribble Move #3 - Fake Spin

Dribble at the imaginary defender, go slow to go and then fake like you are going to spin.

For this to be effective you must only dribble once when faking the spin. If you dribble multiple times and then go, the move becomes too slow. When you really get good you can fake the spin and dribble at the same time.

You still want to stay low and sell the fake with your head and eyes.

Just as before practice with both hands.

Counter Moves

If your shoulder is to the defender's chest then you drive in a straight line to the basket. You don't need a counter move.

If the defender stops any of these moves and you get chest to chest, that is a signal you should change directions and use a counter move. Counter moves could be a crossover, behind the back, wrap around the back, between the legs, or even a hesitation move.

Your mentality is that you're going full speed with your initial move. The only reason you countered to a different move is that the defense stopped you. And in order to get good at this, you need to practice the initial move at full speed prior to the counter. If you do your initial move at half speed, you won't be nearly as effective during the game.

Training Tips:

  • Stay low on your fakes - It takes time to go all the way up and then come back down. Make your move more effective by selling the fake, but staying low.

  • Be violent with your fakes - Use a hard jab with your foot to set up your defender and create space.

  • Practice both hands and both sides of the court - If you can master each of these moves dribbling with either hand from either side of the court, you will become even harder to guard.

    How This Approach Helped Me Develop Into An All Conference Guard

    The approach of perfecting just ONE SIMPLE MOVE and a counter helped me develop into an All Conference guard.

    And this was despite me lacking the physical traits that most good basketball players have.

    You pretty much take the prototype of your perfect basketball player body... then do everything the opposite and you get me... 5'10, alligator arms, short legs, and long torso. Then add in that I can't dunk and I'm not the quickest player on the team.

    And I all did was perfect the simple move... hesitation jab and go. And even if you knew it was coming, it was still really hard to stop. (Note, I did waste a bunch of time trying to practice a ton of different combo moves. I never really became good at any of them.)

    Then when the defender stopped the move, I countered with a behind the back move when I was a little further from the basket. If I was closer to the basket, sometimes I countered with a spin move. That's all I did.

    And I only did it with my right hand! My brother Jeff who is also the co-founder of Breakthrough Basketball used to ask me if my left hand even worked.

    Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't work on moves to your left. I had a left hand. I just never used it with my attack moves for some reason during games.

    But the point is... when you become really, really good at just one or two simple moves, it can be very difficult to stop, even when the defense knows it's coming.

    Basketball Camps To Develop Effective Dribble Moves

    If you'd like to learn little tips like this and more that will help take your game to the next level, be sure to check out:

    Breakthrough Basketball Camps

    There are also limited spots at each camp and many camps sell out. Our record time for selling out a camp is 24 hours! So if you're interested, take a look.

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    Todd says:
    2/7/2018 at 11:37:07 PM

    Thanks for sharing these moves. I've played and coached a long time and I'm convinced one key to becoming great is mastering a few go to moves and a few counters. Keeping things simple as possible and honing it to point it is instinctive.


    Todd says:
    2/7/2018 at 11:37:06 PM

    Thanks for sharing these moves. I've played and coached a long time and I'm convinced one key to becoming great is mastering a few go to moves and a few counters. Keeping things simple as possible and honing it to point it is instinctive.


    jim baker says:
    2/7/2018 at 5:50:13 PM

    Great tip, i was coaching a kid that wanted to fake his opponent out but all he did was dance with his feet and didn't fake anybody out. This is very helpful and it stops the kids (grade 5/6) from stiff arming with their opposite hand-which I hate to see.


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