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Award-winning coach shares his complete playbook so you can...

Enhance Your Coaching Versatility
With a Proven A to Z Offensive System

...Designed to help teams of ALL ages put more points on the board and develop all-round players who are threats anywhere on the floor.

Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

Dear Coach,

After 30 years in coaching, I'm still amazed when I see it...

A team runs a really nice motion offense...

But they look completely lost on the press break.

Or they pound teams in transition...

But run around in confusion on BLOBs and SLOBs.

To me, this highlights one of the biggest coaching mistakes I see...

The lack of an offensive system that capitalizes on every possible scoring opportunity...

AND gives players the stability that comes with a complete offense based around the same core principles.

But with every mistake comes an opportunity...

Because by implementing a complete quality system, you can quickly transform your team into an offensive force to be reckoned with:

  • Overpowering opposing defenses with a relentless fast break attack
  • Keeping defenses guessing in the half-court with an "unscoutable" motion offense
  • Breaking full court presses with ease (for a steady stream of layups)
  • Creating an extra 6 to 10 points a game on clever BLOBs and SLOBs
  • Becoming a late-clock threat with "quick hitters" that unravel opposing defenses

Ever wonder why the same teams
dominate year after year?

Or why certain programs effortlessly attract new talent with every new class?

A key pillar of powerhouse programs (from youth to college) is a complete offensive system that:

  • Provides flexibility from game-to-game and year-to-year (based on mismatches or personnel)
  • Generates excitement within your team (and gets parents and fans engaged, too)
  • Gives coaches control and structure while still allowing players the freedom to play
  • Prepares younger players for higher levels in your program (in the case of varsity coaches)

Here's How I Know...

Hi, my name is Tim Schuring, and I've been coaching at the high school, collegiate and club levels for over 30 years.

I'm the Founder of TNT5 Basketball Development and Iowa Prep club teams.

I've been blessed with a lot of coaching success in my career, including:

  • Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference co-Coach of the Year
  • Multiple conference championships and National Tournament appearances (NAIA and D-3 NCAA)
  • Inducted into Saint Mary College Athletics Hall of Fame
  • 75% of Iowa Prep club team players moving on to play collegiately

I don't share this to brag...

But to let you know that the advice I'm giving you comes from decades on the sideline...

Years of learning the hard way...

And a series of lightbulb moments that changed the way I coach and teach other coaches.

Games Are Won At the Margins

Look, if you're playing a team that's worlds ahead of you in athleticism and talent, it's going to be a long night no matter what system you're running...

But that's not the norm for most teams.

So many games are swung on just a few variables...

  • Zone defense that grinds an offense to a halt
  • Full court press that forces turnovers and balloons the lead in a few short minutes
  • Inability to capitalize on late-clock situations
  • Untapped scoring opportunities on BLOBs and SLOBs
  • Lack of easy buckets due to a weak transition game

Combined, these could be the difference of 15 to 20 points in a game.

That's a lot of points to leave on the table...

OR a lot of opportunities to give your team the slight edge it needs to pile up W's.

But only if your offensive system prepares your players for the moment.

"One-Trick Ponies"

Look, it makes sense...

As coaches, we never really feel like we have enough practice time, do we?

We have to work on offense, defense, and skill development all in limited time...

And it's easy for certain components (like the press breaker or BLOB plays) to slip through the cracks...

Especially when there hasn't been a clear roadmap for implementing a complete system.

So many coaches end up falling into the "one trick pony" trap....

Their teams are great in transition (for example) but lag in other key offensive areas.

They just aren't multi-dimensional offensive threats.

This works against weak competition
but falls short when you play better teams.

Because not only does this one-dimensionality make a team easier to scout...

It also robs them of "the margins" that are often the difference between wins and losses...

With wins obviously translating to:

  • Higher player engagement
  • Conference and tournament success
  • Team and coach recognition from parents, fans, and colleagues
  • Confidence you've put your players in the best position to succeed

The 5 Key Pillars to a Complete Offensive System

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

#1: Transition and Secondary Break

#2: Half-Court Offense (with man and zone variations)

#3: Baseline Out-of-Bounds (BLOBs) and Sideline Out-of-Bounds (SLOBs)

#4: Quick Hitters (for late-clock and late-game situations)

#5: Press Breakers

The best coaches put these all together because they know it makes them more dangerous in EVERY situation against ANY opponent...

  • Gives your players a structure they can grow into
  • Flexible across personnel types
  • Protects you against "gimmick" defenses
  • Establishes you as a complete team with no offensive weaknesses

And while it all may seem a little complicated, the best offensive systems are based around the same core principles...

So once players are indoctrinated on the basics, they can add more complexity quickly and with ease.

What many coaches don't realize
about a complete offense...

It's incredible for player development.

With a transition attack, you're developing versatile players with all-around skill sets...

With a motion offense in the half-court, you're teaching players simple and universal concepts that prepare them for any offense they run in the future...

With a press breaker, you're teaching them to stay poised under pressure...

And with simple Quick Hitters, SLOBs and BLOBs, you're teaching them how to catch the defense off guard for easy scoring opportunities.

Not only does this make your team more dangerous this season...

It also helps you develop players who are primed to succeed at higher levels.

Seeing how it all fits together.

Have you ever spent time learning an offense, but ended up with more questions than answers?

  • Is this the only offense I should run?
  • How do I counter certain defensive looks?
  • What if my personnel doesn't fit this system exactly?
  • How do I keep the defense guessing throughout the game?
  • What am I missing that I don't know I'm missing?
  • How much coaching should I do vs. letting them play?

Every team is different, as is every coach's style.

And as coaches, it's natural to wonder if we're "doing it right"?

My Mission...

I understand that it's not just so simple to create your own system from scratch...

This could be a years-long process that can trip up even the most skilled coaches.

And given my experience, I knew I was in a unique position to help coaches of all age levels...

So I decided to package up my entire system for coaches like you to use....

To give players a structure under which they could truly thrive.

This is the same system that's created so much success with teams from 3rd grade all the way up to the collegiate level.

And I simplified it into a step-by-step program you can follow with your team.


Schuring's Complete Offensive System

Schuring's Complete Offensive System is a step-by-step program covering EVERY aspect of offense that you need to be successful this season...

And transform your team into an offensive force to be reckoned with against any look the defense throws at you.

It includes:

  • Over 7 hours of video training leaving no stone unturned
  • A to Z implementation guides for Primary and Secondary Breaks, Motion Offense, Press Breaker, BLOBs, SLOBs, and Quick Hitters
  • 4 E-books with detailed breakdowns of each action so you can reference the info you need in seconds.
  • Modifications for every age level (from 3rd grade to collegiate)
  • Coaching cues to get your players up to speed fast

I'm not just giving you my playbook to figure out on your own.

Each training includes extremely detailed instructions, for coaching your players to properly run the system for the best results.

This is the most thorough and complete offensive system we offer...

  • Overpower opposing defenses with a relentless fast break attack
  • Keep defenses guessing in the half-court with an "unscoutable" motion offense
  • Break full court presses with ease (for a steady stream of layups)
  • Create an extra 6 to 10 points a game on clever BLOBs and SLOBs
  • Become a late-clock threat with "quick hitters" that unravel opposing defenses

You'll make your program more successful and
stand out with your all-around coaching abilities.

Here's everything that's included:

Video 1 and 2: Transition Offense

Chapter 1: Transition Offense Intro

Chapter 2: Primary Break

  • How to run a primary break, run lanes effectively and get high-quality scoring opportunities in the first 3-5 seconds of your break

Chapter 3: Primary Break Counters

  • Use these simple counters and clever techniques to outsmart defenses designed to stop you in transition

Chapter 4: Secondary Break

  • Step-by-step instruction on flowing from your primary break into secondary (before the defense can get set)

Chapter 5: Secondary Break Counters

  • More advanced counters for high school and college teams to beat any defensive look (switching screens, sagging help defenders, hedging screens, zone defenses)

Chapter 6: Transitioning Into Your Offense

  • Seamlessly flow into your half court offense from your transition (variations for 3-out-2-in, 4-out-1-in and 5-out/ Open post)

Chapter 7: Transition Channels

  • Learn veteran secrets for properly spacing your transition offense by working the sides of the channels when running the floor

Chapter 8: Transition Offense Drills

  • 7 transition offense drills Coach Schuring uses for individual skill development

Chapter 9: Transition Adjustments for Youth to High School

  • Simple adjustments for youth teams to quickly implement the transition offense (separated into 3rd-4th grade, 5th-6th grade, and 7th-8th grade)

Chapter 10: Transition FAQs

  • Get clear direction on the most common sticking points for coaches when it comes to perfecting their transition offense

Video 3 and 4: Motion Offense

Chapter 11: Motion Offense Introduction

Chapter 12: Principles of Motion

  • Learn the core principles of a successful motion offense (and how to best coach your players for quick learning)

Chapter 13: Building the Motion

  • A deep dive into the details that make your motion effective (proper cutting and screening techniques, ball movement, creating space, reading the defense, entering the ball)

Chapter 14: Motion Counter (vs Man)

  • Give opposing defenses fits with these counters against screen switching, hard-hedging ball screens and denying entry passes)

Chapter 15: Zone Offense Adjustments

  • Simple adjustments to make when facing zone defenses (specific to 2-3 and 1-3-1 zones)

Chapter 16: Motion Adjustments for 3rd and 4th grade

  • Step-by-step teaching guide for youth teams to make it easier for the youngest players to learn. Used for years with my youth club program.

Chapter 17: Motion Adjustments for 5th and 6th grade

  • Age-specific adjustments for 5th and 6th grade teams

Chapter 18: Motion Adjustments for 7th and 8th grade

  • Age-specific adjustments for 7th and 8th grade teams

Chapter 19: Common Pitfalls of Motion

  • Learn why some motion offenses fail (and how to properly train your players from Day 1 to avoid these mistakes)

Chapter 20: Motion FAQs

  • Get my expert advice on common questions related to motion so you know exactly what to expect

Video 5: Quick Hitter Plays, SLOBs, BLOBs and Press Breaker

Chapter 21: Quick Hitters

  • 6 quick hitter plays you can use to keep your opponent off balance (Includes coaching points for each play, timing and tactics to disguise the plays and make it harder for teams to scout you)

Chapter 22: BLOB Plays

  • 3 baseline out-of-bounds (BLOB) plays I've used for years (along with tips on disguising the plays and coaching players most effectively)

Chapter 23: SLOB Plays

  • 2 sideline out-of-bounds plays (SLOBs) to create quality scoring opportunities

Chapter 24: Press Breaker

  • Learn the hidden secrets behind my press breaker and how to flow right into your offense out of the break. (Includes Full Court Man Denial, Full Court Zone Press, 3/4 Court Zone Press and Straight Man variations)

Chapter 25: Closing Thoughts

Take a Look Inside

The Price of Wins and Losses?

I put a lot of thought into fairly pricing this program.

Many coaches spend season after season trying to piece together a full offensive system...

That's hundreds of hours researching, studying and teaching...

With the need to still go back to the drawing board time and time again.

And remember, this program is far more dynamic than a standalone product where you only learn one piece of the equation...

You're getting:

  • Over 7 hours of video training leaving no stone unturned
  • A to Z implementation guides for Primary and Secondary Breaks, Motion Offense, Press Breaker, BLOBs, SLOBs, and Quick Hitters
  • 4 E-books with detailed breakdowns of each action so you can reference the info you need in seconds.
  • Modifications for every age level (from 3rd grade to collegiate)
  • Coaching cues to get your players up to speed fast

Many standalone products are priced in the $50 to $100 range...

But with my System, you’re essentially getting FOUR complete programs.

And perhaps most importantly, there's the true cost of wins and losses...

Of success and disappointment.

It's hard to put a number on a winning program that builds respect and excitement with players and fear from opposing coaches.

In many ways, this is a choice about how you want your coaching future to take shape.

  • Overpowering opposing defenses with a relentless fast break attack
  • Keeping defenses guessing in the half-court with an "unscoutable" motion offense
  • Breaking full court presses with ease (for a steady stream of layups)
  • Creating an extra 6 to 10 points a game on clever BLOBs and SLOBs
  • Becoming a late-clock threat with "quick hitters" that unravel opposing defenses

With all that in mind, I still decided to price Schuring's Offensive System well below the true value it will bring to you, your players and your program as a whole...

Because I want to make sure every motivated coach who needs this can get it without a burden.

Get the Complete System For Just $145

Click the "Join Now" button to get immediate access to Schuring's Complete Offensive System

Once you click the "Join Now" button, you'll be taken to the "My Cart" page to review your order.

From there, simply click "Proceed to Checkout" and you'll be taken to our 100% Secure Payment page.

Just enter your contact and billing information to complete your purchase, and we'll email you all access instructions within a few minutes so you can dig into the trainings!

Is This Right For You?

Use with players at ANY level (3rd grade to college)

In addition to running this with great success at the collegiate level, I personally use this system with all my club program teams (3rd grade to 12th grade).

Implement in 5 to 7 practices

If you follow my step-by-step implementation plan, your players will absorb the fundamentals of the system very quickly. As time passes, you can add more options to your arsenal.

Versatile with all personnel

This system's flexibility means you can work it in your favor regardless of your personnel - lots of bigs, athletic guards, dynamite shooters, post players...whatever your team's make-up this will work for you.

Gives coaches control without stifling player freedom

It provides players the structure to reach their potential with the freedom to read and react. This is best for coaches who want to play an active role on the sideline.

You'll Love It...
Or You Get a Full Refund
(60-Day Money Back Guarantee)

If you've purchased any Breakthrough Basketball programs in the past, you know they're held to the highest standard for quality...

But I also know it's tough to tell whether a program is the perfect fit before you actually dig in.

So I'd like to shoulder all the risk today...

By offering you a 60-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.

Take the next 60 days to go through all the materials, teach the system to your team and see the results first-hand.

If you don't think it's dramatically improved your coaching ability and team performance, just send us an email and we'll process your refund within 24 hours.

Super simple, no questions asked.

Click the "Join Now" button below to get Instant Access to the complete Schuring's Offensive System.


Here's What Other Coaches Have To Say:

"Very comprehensive system. Schuring's attention to detail is apparent as he covers each grade level and several counters that you can use against different schemes."

- Coach K from Flushing, MI

"Excellent concepts. I currently have a group of 3rd grade boys that I hope to coach through their junior high years. Having never coached this young of a group before, I was a little lost trying to figure out what to teach other than a ton of fundamentals. I love the way Tim broke down the offense for younger grades. I started this last week in practice with my team and the kids caught on quickly to the system. It's taking away some of the "muddy" basketball that Tim talks about at the youth level. Looking forward to watching these boys continue to build from this and see just how far it will take our team!"

- Coach E from Springfield, IL

"Excellent videos. Well thought out and presented. Usable at any level. One of the top video series I've viewed."

- Robert Maronde from Grafton, WI

"Excellent and easy to understand system... can be used at any level and is a fun way to play and coach."

- Phil Schroeder

When You Look Back On This Season,
What Will You Remember?

  • Will you remember watching your players make huge leaps in performance thanks to a system that set them up to succeed?
  • Eclipsing last year's win total half way through the season?
  • Feeling confident you had an answer for ANYTHING an opposing coach threw at you?
  • Will this be your turning point as a coach? Where you finally settled into one cohesive offensive system you can build on?

It's all within reach with this system, and I can't wait to see how it transforms your team this season and beyond.

So to recap everything...

When you invest in my program today, you're getting:

  • Lifetime access to Schuring's Offensive System and resource materials
  • Over 7 hours of video training leaving no stone unturned
  • A to Z implementation guides for Primary and Secondary Breaks, Motion Offense, Press Breaker, BLOBs, SLOBs, and Quick Hitters
  • 4 E-books with detailed breakdowns of each action for easy reference
  • Modifications for every age level (from 3rd grade to collegiate)
  • Coaching cues to get your players up to speed fast

This is the same offensive system I've used for years at EVERY level - 3rd grade to collegiate...

And I know it will be the difference-maker for you this season, too.


All the best,

Coach Schuring

Customer Reviews
Average Rating
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
( 11 )
Based on 11 reviews
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David Smith from Beaverton, OR
11/27/2021 at 8:05 PM
I like how Tim system is adaptable to a wide age group range. You can leave some stuff out for younger groups easily enough.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Jason Long from Dexter, MO
11/26/2020 at 5:51 PM
I find the videos and information very detailed and informative. They are excellent. I have already implemented several of the ideas and concepts into my practices. I feel it is money well spent.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Andre from Harrisburg, PA
3/10/2020 at 11:25 AM
Great system!!!!! Very easy to install!!! I love how he implements the cycles to get the kids to understand.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Carlos from JUNCOS, None
5/20/2019 at 6:42 PM
one of the best complete offensive system i ever see. well explained it.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Phil Schroeder
5/8/2019 at 10:03 AM
Excellent and easy to understand system. It's a system that can be used at any level and is a fun way to play and coach.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Robert Maronde from Grafton, WI
11/30/2018 at 1:45 PM
Excellent videos. Well thought out and presented. Usable at any level. One of the top video series I’ve viewed.
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(1 person found this review helpful)
Coach K from Flushing, MI
10/13/2018 at 8:37 AM
Very comprehensive system. As an owner of multiple breakthrough DVD products I thought I would go ahead and do my review in categories in comparison to other dvds.


Schuring does a good job with the little details of the transition offense. He emphasizes the importance of getting out and running early, the importance of the 5 running hard, inbounder and PG roles in the offense. He even includes some counters for teams that try to shut down the break which work nicely. Unlike Kelbick he includes secondary break options which can be nice additions.

Kelbick does the better job of teaching fast break attack mentality. His transition is more clean into a half court offense, where as Schuring states sometimes its better to have things a bit 'muddy' as you transition in. I also prefer Kelbick's break down drills for teaching fast break mentality.

Haske's break is great if you have a dominant point guard that can break people down and you run a 3 out 2 in offense (you have to adjust the break on your own to run other alignments). He also includes secondary break triggers that rolls into his half court offense. Again probably better to use him if you have a more experienced break team.

Overall I would recommend Kelbick if you are just introducing the break for your team not a whole program. Schuring is great if you have some more experienced players or you are a varsity coach wanting to establish a program wide break.


Schuring is a more systematic coach. There are more rules to his motion offense than other breakthrough motion products. If you want more defined rules for your offense this is a good product. Again if you are a varsity coach looking to establish program wide rules for your offense regardless of age, this is a great product to start with and then adjust to your preferences. Schuring's attention to detail is apparent as he covers each grade level and several counters that you can use against different defensive schemes.

Kelbick is more conceptual and freelance in his style of teaching the motion. I align more to his style of coaching (giving players less to think about on offense), so I prefer this DVD for teaching the motion. I also like Kelbick's 1 cut entries into the motion, whereas Schuring uses more traditional methods to start the motion. Also I prefer Kelbick's break down drills of the offense (although I do like Schurings 3 on 0 motion break down drills better). However, there are some good considerations here that you could probably use in Kelbick's system (e.g. two second rule for the offense).


Simply excellent. This could be a standalone product. I will say his SLOBS and BLOBS are more targeted towards high school level play, as many of the primary options involve freeing up an outside shooter. The plays seem effective and has great considerations to avoid getting scouted. The press breaker is simple yet effective. If you are a coach that enjoys staggered screens, it is important to know he tends to favor those actions in his sets. Overall, even if you don't use everything out of this DVD, there are some valuable concepts for selecting sets in your offense.


Great product, even if you don't use everything out of it. If I were a new varsity coach, I would recommend this product for a view on how to implement a system - even if you don't use what he uses, you will gain some ideas how to scaffold your systems in the different grade levels. If you are a coach that needs more control over your transition and motion offense, I would say this product is more for you than Kelbick's.
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(8 people found this review helpful)
marvin latham from gainesville, GA
9/24/2018 at 8:46 PM
i do like the information on the DVD but the streaming to be honest is terrible
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(1 person found this review helpful)
5/2/2018 at 11:45 AM
I have numerous Breakthrough videos in my library, and appreciate the pairing of the Ebooks along with the DVDs when reviewing the material and preparing my lesson plans. Having access to streaming in Coach Schuring’s system is a plus and will enable the coach to show the drill to the players during practice to demonstrate the desired movements.

This package is quite comprehensive and I also think it is suited to a new or inexperienced coach that will be able to work with the team over a period of time, and has several practices during the week. A community program with only an hour per week might find the system overwhelming.

Coach Schuring has provided a template to adjust his system for players in the lower grades, but it would have been nice if a segment showing younger players could have been included.

I did take away a few tips that I will add to my lesson plans next season.
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(2 people found this review helpful)
Coach E from Springfield, IL
1/26/2018 at 10:09 PM
Excellent concepts. I have coached several junior high teams but never coached a group below 5th grade. I currently have a group of 3rd grade boys that I hope to coach through their junior high years. Having never coached this young of a group before and I was a little lost trying to figure out what to teach other than a ton of fundamentals. I love the way Tim broke down the offense for younger grades. I started this last week in practice with my team and the kids caught on quickly to the system. It''s taking away some of the "muddy" basketball that Tim talks about at the youth level. Looking forward to watching these boys continue to build from this and just see how far it will take our team!
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(2 people found this review helpful)
Steve from Fort Collins, CO
1/25/2018 at 4:47 PM
I would give this set of DVD's a fair review at best. I bought the set because I am the program director for a club program and I was hoping to implement an offense or some parts of an offense throughout the club (3rd grade through high school). Although there were some good takeaways, the set does does not have a lot of new and fresh ideas. This may be good for someone new to coaching, but there are no unique concepts that most experienced coaches likely already know.
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