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Winning Basketball Starts Here…
Learn the Secret Behind Practice Drills 
That Give Your Players a True Competitive Edge in Games

…works with every age and skill level!

Dear Coach,

Have you ever wondered if your practice drills are really preparing your players for in-game success?

If so, then this letter may very well change your coaching future…

Because I'm about to share a new way to approach your practice drills that will:

  • Fast-track your players' skill development
  • Skyrocket player engagement at practice
  • Streamline your practices for efficiency 
  • Directly translate to higher FG %, lower TO rate, better in-game decision-making
  • ..and much more!

And not only does this create success in the standings, it will also make the game more rewarding for you and your players…

Regardless of the age or skill level you're coaching.

But before we get into all the details…

Hi, I'm Nate

My name is Nate Sanderson, and I'm the Head Girls Basketball Coach at Mount Vernon High School in Iowa.

I've been blessed with quite a bit of success in my 20-year coaching career, including: 

  • Back-to-back Girls Class 1A Iowa State Championships ('16 and '17)
  • Iowa Girls Coaches Association Class 1A Coach of the Year ('16 and '17)
  • Rebuilt a program that had a 1-20 record before I arrived and took them to a state semi-finals within 3 years('23 and '24)

In recent years, I've also dedicated myself to helping other coaches build championship cultures in their programs.

Despite my past successes, I vividly remember the challenges I've faced in my career:

  • Uncertainty about how to best use our practice time 
  • Frustration with players going half-speed in practice
  • Questioning my own coaching ability as player development plateaued
  • "Googling" drills and putting together patchwork practice plans
  • Watching my players repeatedly struggle in games with basics like layups and ball control 
  • Feeling the heat from parents who weren't satisfied with their child's progress

Lessons From "Sniper School"

I'll never forget the day it hit me…

See, I'd designed an elaborate offseason shooting program for my players called Sniper School.

Players would get shots up on their own and track all their makes and misses, which we'd put in a database.

In total, we had over 125,000 shots tracked in the database.

But then something strange happened with one of my players…

She was unbelievable in Sniper School, making over 50% of her 3-point shots during her offseason sessions.

But when the season came around, she only shot 29% from 3-point range.  About the same as the previous season.

Was all her practice a waste?

Next offseason, another player had similarly impressive Sniper School stats…

And once again, her in-season 3-point % failed to improve despite her dedication!

Something was wrong…

Why Weren't My Practice Drills Translating to In-Game Success?

But to find the answer, I had to ask a better question…

Are the things we're doing in practice actually happening in games?  

The truth is I had my players practicing situations they'd never actually encounter in a game.

So they weren't used to making split-second decisions at game speed and intensity.

If a player shoots 100 left-handed layups standing by themselves at practice…

Are they really prepared to finish with their left with the opposing team's big closing in to contest the shot?

If a player shoots 50 uncontested 3-points a day in an "Around the World" drill…

Does that really translate to a high in-game shooting % against a stingy defense?

My experience over the last 20 years tells me "no".

I want to suggest an alternative to "traditional" drills that I believe will transform your team's success…
Game-Based Training.

What is Game-Based Training?

Instead of simply having players practice a repetitive action (like shooting or cutting)…

You want to create a game-like practice environment that forces them to read situations and make fast decisions…

Just like they need to in games…

So they're prepared to quickly capitalize on scoring opportunities when the pressure is on.

This is the foundation of HIGH IQ basketball!

And it leads to crisp execution:

  • Finishing at the basket through contact
  • Penetrating into the teeth of the defense with ease
  • Controlling the ball under pressure
  • Finding teammates in a scoring position
  • Cutting with a purpose for open layups
  • Knocking down contested shots
  • Making winning decisions

Does It Transfer To Game Play?

Here's how just one Game-Based Training drill translates to crisp offense and scoring opportunities in real games…

The video below is a drill called "Sorcery".  

It's a simple 3v2 drill meant to mimic situations they'll see in and around the paint during games…

When I show this video at my clinics, a few coaches inevitably say "But 3-on-2 is not a game situation"…

To which I respond by showing them this video from my 2016 state championship-winning team: 

Notice how crisp those passes are?

How confidently they finish at the basket?

How calmly they pick the defense apart?

That is not a fluke.

They excelled during games because our Game-Based Training drills prepared them!

What These Games Are NOT:

Utilizing Game-Based Training does not simply mean playing 3-on-3 or running shooting competitions.

This isn't just about playing games in practice…

Because there are a lot of fun drills that just don't represent true game situations.

Instead we focus on putting them in the same circumstances as they see in games...

So they can learn what from their mistakes and develop confidence and decision-making skills.

Here's Why Game-Based Training Drills Work:

  • Familiarizes players with performing at game speed, intensity and situations
  • Translates directly and rapidly to game play
  • Incentivizes players to go hard at practice
  • Less standing around, more playing during practice
  • Quick improvement creates positive momentum that ripples through your team
  • Allows you to isolate the skills you know your team needs to improve
  • Designed around how the brain works and how people learn (experientially)

By the time the game comes around, your players are so comfortable making quick decisions and executing at game speed that success becomes second nature.

What Your Players See…

Basketball is a series of split-second decisions.

Take a standard pick and roll for example…

Here are all the possible decisions your players must make:

  1. The post decides to initiate a pick and roll (not a dribble hand off)
  2. The post decides to screen the low side (not the high side)
  3. The guard decides to use (not refuse) the ball screen
  4. The post decides to roll (not pop)
  5. The guard decides to pass into the low post (not shoot it)
  6. The guard decides where to relocate to the corner (not to the wing)
  7. The post decides to attack (not kick out)

All these decisions occur in less than 10 seconds.

Each was made in response to the defense..

And if any decision was made differently, it would affect the entire sequence…

That's why it's so important to give them realistic practice reps in a game context…

So making the right decision becomes second nature, even under game pressure.

Which of These Skills Would Benefit Your Team Most?

  • Scoring in transition
  • Handling pressure in the backcourt
  • Attacking the paint in the half court
  • Converting layups off basket cuts
  • Shooting under pressure
  • Limiting turnovers on the fast break
  • Reading the defense to make the smart decisions

There's a Game-Based Drill designed for all of these skills, and many more.

3 Simple Steps To Rapid Skill Development

  • Step 1 is identifying which skills will best drive your team's success.
  • Step 2 is implementing a Game-Based Drill that mimics the game context where players need that skill.
  • Step 3 is adjusting the challenge level to match your players' skill set (more on that shortly).

Let's say you're forcing a lot of turnovers and getting out on the break, but you're not converting transition opportunities…

You'd improve that with a Small-Sided Game to replicate the transition situations they're experiencing in a live game…

1-on-1 with the defender chasing… (Least challenging)

1-on-1 with the defender on the hip…

1-on-1 with the defender in front…

1-on-2 with one defender in front and one chasing… (Most challenging)

Did You Say Defense and Conditioning?

I'm glad you asked!

Game-Based Drills are generally designed around offensive skill development.

But they also give you a targeted opportunity to coach on defensive principles at the same time.

Plus, when your players practice in a game-context, they go harder! 

Competing at max effort during practice means their conditioning is better.

Which means crisp execution throughout the game…a serious edge over teams that practice at 70% effort.

If you've read this far, I know you know how much this can improve your team's success.

I'm committed to getting this information into more coaches' hands…

And I know that only a small fraction of coaches are able to attend my clinics to learn from me personally…

So I distilled my best Game-Based Training into a simple program…

One you can put to use immediately to transform your players' skills and drive your teams' success.


Sanderson's Game-Based Training System for Individual Offensive Development

Sanderson's Game-Based Training System is a first-of-its-kind program designed to create better decision-makers and HIGH IQ players…

Using small-sided games and unique drills that mimic game situations in your practices.

This program includes:

  • 50 Game-Based Training Drills in 5 Core Skill Categories
  • 6+ Hours of Video Training
  • Sanderson's Game-Based Training System E-Book
  • "Progressions" of Each Drill (to accommodate your players' age and skill level)

All drills are designed for 2 to 4 players, so you have flexibility even if you're short on players at practice.

This is so much more than a list of small-sided games and drills!

Small-sided games and drills alone are not the answer.

You must also have a system of "progressions" to match your players' unique skill levels…

That's the beauty of the Game-Based Training System!

  • Modify and progress through each drill so beginners, intermediate and advanced players all benefit and improve!
  • Learn how to approach practices and drills with players of varying skill levels so every player is challenged appropriately
  • Master the art of teaching within the drills to accelerate learning and development
  • Modify drills based on scouting reports so your team is always ready for your next opponent

This is THE core program every successful coach needs to maximize player development, practice with more intention and WIN MORE GAMES.

Here are all the components of my Game-Based Training System:

Individual Offense

These drills are solely focused on attacking aggressively for scoring opportunities

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Learn the pillars of the "game-based" approach to practice
  • Understand how to best apply these techniques to your team for the greatest improvement

Chapter 2: Attacking in Transition

  • Convert fast break scoring opportunities
  • Finish at the basket in 1-on-1 and 1-on-2 situations

Chapter 3: Handling Pressure

  • Develop confidence against backcourt pressure
  • Limit turnovers 
  • Make opposing teams pay for pressing your team

Chapter 4: Perimeter Attacks

  • Improve ability to attack off the dribble
  • Capitalize on gaps in the defense
  • Manufacture offense in a half court set when the game slows down

Chapter 5: Shooting Drills

  • Knock down realistic shots with a hand in the face
  • Read the defense to understand shooting window

Chapter 6: Cutting & Posting

  • Convert opportunities off the catch
  • Take advantage of inside positioning
  • Create clean entry opportunities

Incorporating Decision-Making and Better Passing

These are all in a similar structure to the "Individual Offense" drills, with one added variable — passing. 

We'll train vision and perception to help them recognize the shooter and the help defense…

So they learn to make the right decisions in a game context.

Chapter 7: Transition Situations

Chapter 8: Passing Games

Chapter 9: Decision-Making On the Perimeter

Chapter 10: Decision-Making During Post Play

Chapter 11: Decision-Making During On-Ball Action

Chapter 12: Shooting Games

Then we bring it all together in the final 3 chapters:

Chapter 13: Game-Based Philosophy

  • Quickly determine which Progression/ Challenge level is best for your players' skill level
  • Hone your understanding of game-based philosophy

Chapter 14: FAQ

  • Get my insight on the most common questions from coaches who are implementing my Game-Based Training System

Chapter 15: Concluding Thoughts

  • Create a clear path forward for using my Game-Based Training System to develop your players' skills

Take a Look Inside Sanderson's Game-Based Training System:

Here's What Other Coaches
Are Saying About the Program

Robert Maronde from Grafton, WI says:
7/24/2019 at 11:07:52 PM

Outstanding video! Useful throughout your basketball program. I've purchased well over one hundred videos and this ranks easily in the top 3. Well presented , easy to follow and implement. A slam dunk.

Phil says:
7/26/2019 at 9:53:04 AM

Excellent video! Coach Sanderson does a great job of explaining the drill and why he uses them. I think all levels of basketball can benefit greatly from using this type of practicing. I've used just a couple of the drills at summer camp and the players are more engaged and are doing the drills at a faster more game like pace which is exactly what we needed.

Barry Jorgensen from Westmeadows, Vic says:
11/22/2019 at 4:42:11 PM

If are a fan of straight line drills than this is not for you.
However, if you can give up a bit of control to allow the kids to play, then you will find the drills in this fantastic.
A lot of competitive drills focus on running around cones from the baseline.
This does not.
It puts the players in situations that they see in games whether in transition to the perimeter to the post and allows them to come up with solutions to the different situations they get in to in games.
Not only this, it also teaches them to be aggressive to the basket.

What's the Investment?

Look, I don't want price to be an issue for anyone…

So I'm happy to say that you're only going to invest a fraction of what these materials are worth, and what they cost me to develop…

Remember, it took years of coaching and tracking over 125,000 shots in our Sniper School database before I really put it all together.  

But you can take the back door to the front of the line and save yourself that time and frustration.

So in total, you're getting: 

  • 50 Game-Based Training Drills in 5 Core Skill Categories
  • 6+ Hours of Video Training
  • Sanderson's Game-Based Training System E-Book
  • "Progressions" of Each Drill (to accommodate your players' age and skill level)

Given the value, this product could easily sell for $250 or higher...  

And it would be worth every penny even at that price, considering the massive value.

But right now...…

Get Instant Lifetime Access to Sanderson's Game-Based Training System for only $99

Click the "Join Now" button to get immediate access to the complete Sanderson's Game-Based Training System

As Soon As You Login…(For Best Results)

After you sign up, you'll get an email with all your login info.

But I don't want you to go through all the drills quite yet…

This isn't a "system" where you need to go through all the materials in perfect order.

It's "a la carte", completely customizable to what's going to help your team.

So after you watch Chapter 1: Introduction, I want you to spend 5 to 10 minutes thinking about the highest-leverage skills your team can improve.

Then take that list and find the corresponding Chapters in the program that address those skills.

Focus there first!  

Then once you're happy with your progress, you can move on to the other chapters to round out your players skills.

Don't Decide Now
(60-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee)

Sanderson's Game-Based Training System for Individual Offensive Development is backed by our 60-day unconditional money back guarantee.

So take the next 60 days to go through all the videos and try them out with your team.

If you don't feel like this will transform your team's practices and game performance, just email me for a full refund.

No questions asked.  No hassle. No worries.

I'm so confident this program will take your team to the next level that I'm willing to take all the risk, so you don't have to.

Click the "Join Now" button below to get immediate access to the Sanderson's Game-Based Training System.


Once you click the "Join Now" button, you'll be taken to the "My Cart" page to review your order.

From there, simply click "Proceed to Checkout" and you'll be taken to our Secure Payment page.

Just enter your contact and billing information to complete your purchase, and we'll email you all access instructions within a few minutes so you can dig into the trainings!

Here's more insight from coaches who've used the program

Dave Tuengel from Chehalis, WA says:
8/6/2019 at 4:02:59 PM

Very impressed by the game based approach of Coach Sanderson. Very detailed and Coach explains each progression of the drill.

We definitely will be using a lot of Coach Sanderson's stuff this coming year as we are looking at running our practice sessions differently this season.

Coach K from Flushing, MI says:
10/30/2019 at 8:07:25 AM

Another quality resource from breakthrough! I really love how the coach has included games that will apply to a wide variety of offenses not just his own personal style of offense.

Our program uses the Read & React offense and one of my faults with some of the drills that go with the system revolves around a lot of 'rehearsals' where it is 3 on 0 or 4 on 0 or 5 on 0. I found myself constantly struggling to maintain the players' engagement when running these kinds of drills. They would just go through the motions. Now with the information from this presentation, I can actually hope to have engaged players that are learning the game by actually playing the game instead of going through endless rehearsals.

The e-book is probably the most detailed I've ever gotten from breakthrough, so kudos to whoever put that together.

The games have logical progression to meet players and help them train in their zone of proximal development, so I really appreciate the thought that went into those.

Todd from De Pere, WI says:
7/29/2019 at 8:30:32 AM

The drills were explained thoroughly for their purpose in on the court execution. Several drills have been used this summer already and our players have been engaged.

Tim Gleason from Winona, MN says:
7/20/2019 at 12:29:35 AM

Great video series! I have coached for over twenty years and this video will impact our practices this season! I found the contents of the video to be comprehensive and thorough. I look forward to the next installment.

This is the first step to the next level as a coach…

  • Imagine watching your players protect the basketball and finish through contact in the lane during intense game play!
  • Imagine running a practice where every player is going HARD!
  • Imagine looking back on the season and seeing jaw-dropping skill improvement across the board on your team.
  • Imagine parents saying you've exceeded their wildest expectations in your work with their child.
  • Imagine stepping onto the floor KNOWING your team is more prepared for the speed and intensity of the game than your opponent.

This is all within your reach!  

I know because it happened for me, largely due to the power of Game-Based Drills.

When you invest in this program today, you're getting:

  • 50 Game-Based Training Drills in 5 Core Skill Categories
  • 6+ Hours of Video Training
  • Sanderson's Game-Based Training System E-Book
  • "Progressions" of Each Drill (to accommodate your players' age and skill level)

While I can't say this is the ONLY reason we won back-to-back state championships…

I can tell you this Game-Based Training System absolutely prepared my teams to perform at the highest level…

And helped my players develop skill sets beyond what they or I thought possible.

Now I want the same things for you and your team!

You can be the reason your players love to practice again…

You can be the catalyst for the biggest leap in skills your players have ever made…

And you feel the satisfaction of knowing you put your players in a position to succeed when the lights go on and the ball goes up.

It starts right here, right now.  

So click the "Join Now" button below to put your team on the fast-track to your most successful season yet!


To your future success!

Coach Nate Sanderson

Click Here to immediately claim your copy.

Customer Reviews
Average Rating
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.
( 25 )
Based on 25 reviews
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Justin Collins from Anchorage, AK
3/1/2024 at 3:47 AM
The discussion about creating your own drills to match what your team needs to work on.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
12/24/2023 at 11:09 PM
Very well done-adaptable to fit all situations. PDF book that came with it is great.
This review is helpful
(0 people found this review helpful)
10/1/2023 at 4:38 PM
Maybe this video would be good for a newer coach. I did not find this video helpful.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Aaron Olmanson from MINNEAPOLIS, MN
6/17/2022 at 11:10 PM
I really liked the emphasis on putting the offensive player(s) in similar situations they'll face in a real game. The more experience players get in these situations the better they'll become.
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Stephen D Barrett
1/25/2022 at 11:01 AM
Great ideas for drills.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
D Tompkins
1/24/2022 at 9:37 AM
I coach 5th grade travel and they shoot well unguarded but we were missing a lot of in game shots. This seemed to have an immediate impact in week 1. our in game percentages climbed after 1 week of doing selective drills based on what we were seeing happen in the games. Excited to see how we progress.
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David Johnson from Sugar Land, TX
4/21/2021 at 1:00 PM
This dvd series is one of the best that I have seen. I have been implementing these drills and using the concept to come up with some of my own. I highly recommend coaches to check this out and implement it with your players.
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Mike Castagna from Whangaparaoa, None
4/16/2021 at 11:50 PM
I saw Nate's small video at the end of last year and something just click about the game based training. I coach 4 junior team here in NZ, I implemented two game based drills at the start of this year, with my youngest team and my son who is a U11 rep ........ over the 10 week round robin my youngest team went from the bottom of the third division to the top of the second divison, when the I saw I could purchase the full training videos I did. Its $145 USD which is about $230 NZD, I didn't hesitate as we are now looking at rolling it out with our Coast Rep teams as well.
By getting the kids training under pressure all the time their game will improve so quickly.

Thanks to Nate and the team at Breakthrough basketball. mich appreciation from HIBISCUS COAST BASKETBALL NZ
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Eric Chizer from Honolulu, HI
1/22/2021 at 3:39 PM
So far after implementing these drills to the squad, there has been a sudden surge of life back into my practices. The boys really are into the specifics of how they should react to the different looks they get in games. I feel like it’s the closest to game-like we’ve experienced. They are instantly building confidence and that’s just what we need right now. Glad I bought it!
Coach E
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(1 person found this review helpful)
Julia from Kew, Vic
6/12/2020 at 11:25 PM
I spent a few days deciding whether or not to invest in this product as I have a background in game sense. Well it has certainly been money well spent. Like all Breakthrough content the presenters and quality of instruction and visuals are a lesson in great pedagogy. The subject matter is fantastic and the best I have seen on gamesense/constraints lead coaching. Picked up some great ideas and have been implementing some of the concepts in ZOOM based environments. Long story short, a good investment, and I will be recommending to my peers. Great work. JW
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(0 people found this review helpful)
1/24/2020 at 10:08 AM
When I purchased this, I was a little reluctant due to the price because a lot of coaching videos with a lot of great coaches just go over how they run their offense or defense without much information on how to get there. This series of videos has been great and made our practices much more game like and competitive. I'm excited to dive into it a bit more and implement these drills. Our first tournament of the season is coming up, so we'll have a better idea of game effectiveness after that but so far, so good.
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1/20/2020 at 9:04 AM
Good morning :) For some reason - when I select a chapter - the first two items do not go to that part of the video - it remains at the beginning. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated :)

thank you and have a great day.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Barry Jorgensen from Westmeadows, Vic
11/22/2019 at 4:42 PM
If are a fan of straight line drills than this is not for you.
However, if you can give up a bit of control to allow the kids to play, then you will find the drills in this fantastic.
A lot of competitive drills focus on running around cones from the baseline.
This does not.
It puts the players in situations that they see in games whether in transition to the perimeter to the post and allows them to come up with solutions to the different situations they get in to in games.
Not only this, it also teaches them to be aggressive to the basket.
One kid I have, would get the ball to the paint and any tpye of pressure would pull up and pass. Since implementing this, he is not pulling up, taking quality shots and goes to the line because he comfortable taking the contact at the rim.
My post players are now thinking how do I get the ball in in the most efficient way and not necessarily the most fancy way.
On the kids, they love it.
They get to be competitive in training not just on offense but defence too as they have stop the player with the ball. So it teaches the 100% effort required in defense as well and makes them come up with solutions to that tpye of aggression without fouling.
On effort, because both offence and defense have work hard so they get great conditioning.
I am sure, if you comfortable with the mess the is basketball, you will find this set of videos a fantastic edition to your knowledge base.
I for one can't wait for the next edition in this series.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Coach K from Flushing, MI
10/30/2019 at 8:07 AM
Another quality resource from breakthrough! I really love how the coach has included games that will apply to a wide variety of offenses not just his own personal style of offense.

Our program uses the Read & React offense and one of my faults with some of the drills that go with the system revolves around a lot of 'rehearsals' where it is 3 on 0 or 4 on 0 or 5 on 0. I found myself constantly struggling to maintain the players' engagement when running these kinds of drills. They would just go through the motions. Now with the information from this presentation, I can actually hope to have engaged players that are learning the game by actually playing the game instead of going through endless rehearsals.

The e-book is probably the most detailed I've ever gotten from breakthrough, so kudos to whoever put that together.

The games have logical progression to meet players and help them train in their zone of proximal development, so I really appreciate the thought that went into those.

What keeps this from being a five star product is two things.

1. The price. $145 is pretty expensive. It is a quality product but the product should be a $100 price in my opinion based on what it provides, which brings me to point two.

2. The product is what it advertises but it does feel like by splitting the product into this product and a future 5-10 player small-sided games presentation feels like a bit of a cash grab. I'm not entirely sure why they couldn't simply provide a full product with all of the small-sided games as a cohesive product. If they had, I would have felt a lot better about spending the $145 or maybe even a bit more, but now that they will be releasing another product (I'm guessing priced at the same price) I am a bit frustrated that I will have to spend likely up to $300 for two products that should simply be combined. I will admit, I will likely pick up the second set, but I will not be thrilled about the price I had to pay for it.

That said, if you can afford it, this is a must-have addition to your coaching library that will help you bring modern basketball training methods to your practices.
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(3 people found this review helpful)
Doug Henson from roanoke, VA
8/12/2019 at 4:43 PM
Nate does a great job of explaining the drills and the purpose behind them. They are also logical which will help us adapt and apply them to what we run in our girls basketball program from middle school to high school. The greatest benefit of all is how it gave me a completely different perspective on how to promote skill development with girls. In my experience, girls aren't typically as intuitive about basketball as boys and you don't want them thinking so much that they cannot react or respond to what they experience. Nate shows how to develop the desired skill through game based experiences which requires a defensive component. I cannot wait to see how this system improves our development. Big thanks to Nate and Breakthrough Basketball for another quality product.

Doug Henson from Roanoke, VA
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(2 people found this review helpful)
Dave Tuengel from Chehalis, WA
8/6/2019 at 4:02 PM
Very impressed by the game based approach of Coach Sanderson. Very detailed and Coach explains each progression of the drill .

We definitely will be using a lot of Coach Sanderson’s stuff this coming year as we are looking at running our practice sessions differently this season.

If you are looking for game like practice drills, etc., this program is definitely worth the look.
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(0 people found this review helpful)
Jason from Thonrton, CO
8/1/2019 at 2:13 PM
I like the content and really like that the progression to the drills mostly makes sense for them all.. Coach does a really good job of explaining everything and you can see the practically of most of the drills. For the presentation and content of the "DVD's" More on that below.

Ill give the content 4 stars.

Now the problem I do have is only being able to stream the content and not download . A DVD (as we all know) is physical media as per the official definition:

/ˌdē vē ˈdē/
noun: DVD; plural noun: DVDs
a type of compact disc able to store large amounts of data, especially high-resolution audiovisual material.

We can argue semantics (but you should probably change what you call them) and not providing Physical Media in 2019 is fine but I paid 100$ for this product to own and I expect to be able to have an offline copy to horde away digitally for all of eternity if I so choose or even more logically stick it on a USB drive to use on the go or when I have the time to learn but no available internet connection. I didn't give you all 100$ so I can essentially rent a product with stipulations on how I can view it.

This I give 1 Star, while I will not be asking for a refund I will probably not purchase anything from you folks with MY money in the future and if anyone asks me about your products ill tell them what I said above.

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(8 people found this review helpful)
Larry Ellis from Rogers, AR
7/31/2019 at 1:59 PM
Looked at all videos. Sorry not impressed. Refund please
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(2 people found this review helpful)
Michael McPeek from Boise, ID
7/29/2019 at 1:09 PM
Over the past week I’ve gone through Nate Sanderson’s “Game-Based Training System” video series and e-book. I’ve been very impressed with the concepts and presentation in both. The various drill progressions are so logical that it’s an easy jump to figuring out how to build your own drills for developing the skills of your players for the way the game is played at whatever level you are coaching. An invaluable piece of advice from Coach Sanderson is being flexible with how you use drills progressions so you can simultaneously help the growth of both your most experienced and less experience players. One of his suggestions is to group your players by and to use your court space so you can have the same basic drill being done simultaneously by the various groups but with different progressions of the drill being used to allow for success and an appropriate challenge for each experience grouping. He is correct that finding a balance between not-too-much and not-to-little and finding the sweet spot for true parallels to actual game situations are huge aspects of the art of coaching with a game-based approach. I can see how that might be intimidating for those used to coaching old-style; but with Coach Sanderson as your guide, there is no reason not to turn from the-way-it’s-always-been-done, and to then open your mind and take the plunge into a way of coaching that holds the promise of amazing growth for your players and your team.
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Larry Ellis from Rogers, AR
7/29/2019 at 12:18 PM
I thought I had ordered the videos. Please check. Thank you LDE
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Todd from De Pere, WI
7/29/2019 at 8:30 AM
The drills were explained thoroughly for their purpose in on the court execution. Several drills have been used this summer already and our players have been engaged.
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steve from indianapolis, IN
7/26/2019 at 9:58 AM
I'm sorry as much as I like your videos. This one just didn't excite me. Would you please refund my money as per your guarantee.
It didn't make me not like it. But it would help having players that could hit layups.

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7/26/2019 at 9:53 AM
Excellent video! Coach Sanderson does a great job of explaining the drill and why he uses them. I think all levels of basketball can benefit greatly from using this type of practicing. I've used just a couple of the drills at summer camp and the players are more engaged and are doing the drills at a faster more game like pace which is exactly what we needed.
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Robert Maronde from Grafton, WI
7/24/2019 at 11:07 PM
Outstanding video! Useful throughout your basketball program. I’ve purchased well over one hundred videos and this ranks easily in the top 3. Well presented , easy to follow and implement. A slam dunk.
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Tim Gleason from Winona, MN
7/20/2019 at 12:29 AM
Great video series! I have coached for over twenty years and this video will impact our practices this season! I found the contents of the video to be comprehensive and thorough. I look forward to the next installment.
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