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Early Attack Transition Offense

Produce More High-Percentage Shots With "Silent Triggers"...After Misses AND Makes

Ryan Schultz is now sharing another tool to take control of the court by exposing the vulnerabilities in your opponent's transition defense.

In this 1.5+ hour video and eBook set on the Early Attack Transition Offense, learn more about...

  • The "Silent Triggers" (with no verbal play calls) that put constant pressure on the defense and makes you virtually unscoutable
  • How these actions & plays put you in constant ATTACK mode
  • How this Transition Offense flows into any half court set - No stops. No Pauses
  • Makes and Misses - Learn how these actions and counters can be run off makes and misses
  • Easy to learn - Easy to layer NEW actions as the season progresses
  • Designed to score in the FIRST 4 to 8 Seconds when the defense is most vulnerable

Here Is Why Ryan Schultz's Early Attack Transition Offense Works So Well!

It's no secret that Ryan Schultz creates high-level basketball teams...

Ryan Schultz's Cedar Falls high school teams have won 2 state championships and made 8 state appearances in just 10 years!

One key aspect to Schultz's great offensive teams is his transition offense and fast break scoring.

Simply having a quality fast break will result in more easy baskets before the defense can get set and cause a plethora of mismatches.

In fact, per Hoop-Math, here's how the median effective field goal percentage (eFG%) in 2019-2020 for NCAA teams compares...
  • 53.7% on transition plays
  • 48.8% on non-transition opportunities

And what's great... you can make your fast break and transition offense even better!

There are additional characteristics that Ryan Schultz incorporates that ramps up the effectiveness of your fast break and transition offense even more...

"Silent Triggers" Scramble The Defense and Give You More Easy Buckets!

Your players will react to what the point guard does (Early Attack Triggers), so the defense won't hear a call, hence the term "Silent Triggers."

The defense is already on their heels with no time to set... this is compounded by trying to read the action (silent triggers).

When you nail them with a quick-hitter action in transition that is silent and immediate...That's nearly impossible to prepare for and makes you virtually unscoutable.

These early-attack actions also...
  • Put your players in immediate ATTACK mode with no hesitatiation... no pauses... no stops.
  • Apply pressure on the defense to defend the rim and your best shooters.
  • Give your players some direction and intentionality early in possessions so the ball moves.
  • Move and soften the defense as long as you continue to attack - even if the actions are guarded well.
  • Even if you don't score off the initial actions, you'll be in a better place to attack at that point.

53.7% Vs. 38.1%! Get More Valuable Shots in The First 8 Seconds of Offense While the Defense is Floundering

Scoring within the first 4-8 seconds of offense before the defense has a chance to get set translates to more points per game, which could make all the difference in the outcome for you.

Shots in transition have more value...look at the Houston Rockets' Field Goal % and how it goes down as the shot clock ticks away:
  • 53.7% during the first 8 seconds
  • 45.1% during the middle 8 seconds
  • 38.1% during the last 8 seconds
Early Attack allows your team to get those valuable shots right away, and the pressure on the defense allows for the highest percentage shots in basketball...
  • Layups
  • Open Perimeter Shots
  • Free Throws (from drawing fouls)

Even if you don't get something off those initial actions when defense is most vulnerable, you've still made the defense move side to side and made them guard - they'll be out of position or tired - so you can easily flow into whatever offense you run without resetting (while keeping that pressure on the defense).

Easy to Coach and Learn - Implement Layers as Your Players Progress

Even though there are 9 Attack Actions, you don't have to put in all 9 at the beginning of the season. Only put in 1 or 2 you want to start with.

They aren't 9 completely different actions, either. You'll get core main actions with counters.You can easily insert counters as you go on.
  • Then when your players are proficient with those, you add more layers in
  • You'll work on them daily so they're second nature to your players
  • And the beauty is that the actions are the same no matter if it's off a miss or a make

In fact, Schultz finds that you can teach these actions quickly...a week max.

Works With Different Personnel and Gets Everybody Involved

The Early Attack Offense lets you change year to year based on your strengths. The actions can be tailored to your personnel - and should be.

Coach Schultz won 2 state championship titles with it back to back with two entirely different teams:
  • 2018 - He had a very talented point guard and good shooters.
  • 2019 - He had a weaker shooting team.
You'll find that your players will be moving purposefully early in each possession so that...
  • There is fluid ball and player movement - and gets the ball reversed to the second side in most situations.
  • Everyone gets touches. Everyone gets involved.
  • The fast pace is fun to watch and to play - and to coach - but NOT to play against!

This is something your current or future teams can matter what personnel you have, just as Schultz has benefited from season after season.

About Coach Ryan Schultz
"Truly Invested in the Development of His Players"

Coach Schultz has 23 seasons of coaching basketball coaching experience, including junior high, varsity, and college - boys and girls.

His accomplishments as Cedar Falls boys basketball coach include:
  • 141-28 record
  • Made it to state 6 out of the last 7 years (with 5 semi-final appearances)
  • Won state title 2 times - 2018 & 2019
  • Led state in 10 of 19 different team categories in 2021, including: Points Per Game, Effective Field Goal %, Field Goal %, 3 Point %, Assists Per Game
  • Best combined offensive/defensive rating in 2021 (1st in offense, 5th in defense)
  • Sub-State Coach of the Year (2016, 2017, 2020, 2021)
  • MVC Coach of the Year (2020, 2021)
  • School Record for Season Wins (2019, 2020)
  • First Undefeated Regular Season (2021)
  • 12 players have gone on to play college ball - 6 at D1 schools

Besides his credentials, here's what Schultz's former coach and colleague have to say about him...

Dick Peth (Head Men's Basketball Coach - Wartburg College):

I have known Ryan for more than 20 years and have had the opportunity to observe him in both practices and games. He has worked tirelessly to develop himself into one of the top high school coaches in the state of Iowa. He is extremely detail oriented & produces high caliber college players on an annual basis while winning multiple state championships. It's been a thrill to watch his team's success every year.

Tom Bardal (Former Assistant Coach at Iowa State and University of Northern Iowa; Former Head Coach at Waterloo West, Waverly, and Cedar Falls High Schools):

Ryan Schultz is a passionate coach who is truly invested in the development of his players. His teams are always well prepared, play extremely hard, and most importantly have fun playing the game!!

Here's What You'll Get in This Video & eBook Package:

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Coach Ryan Schultz

You'll get a quick tour of Coach Schultz's background and basic transition offense philosophy.

Chapter 2 - Introduction to the Early Attack Offense

Coach Schultz gives an overview of the Early Attack...
  • Find out how your team will benefit from running this attack-minded early offense - and how the defense will NOT!
  • Learn the 4 Goals of the Early Attack that increase scoring and wins!
  • Get an overview of the 6 ultra-important Tenets that guide the entire system
  • See the 5 Early Attack Triggers after a Made basket (Whiteboard) - why you run, when you run, and what you run ... all predicated on your point guard's decisions as they bring the ball down the floor
  • Discover the differences and similarities for what your team does after a Miss (Whiteboard) - and even how to handle a "Stacked Side" off a Miss

Chapter 3 - How to Transition Off Misses (Breakdown & Live)

You'll learn the 5 Early Attack Off Miss Rules, which helps your team figure out...
  • What to do immediately after the rebound to gain immediate advantage
  • Where they should be positioned to move the ball down the floor quickly
  • Who can bring the ball up the floor
  • How to effectively use a Drag Screen
  • When and How to enter your half court offense while still keeping the defense hopping

Chapter 4 - How to Transition Off Makes (Breakdown)

You'll see how to position your players to rip it and go, attacking and running lanes. Most of the time teams can transition back on defense after a Make, so this is where you'll implement set actions.

It will also be clear...
  • If your players should cross the midline or not
  • Where the inbounder should be located to start an advantage BEFORE even getting the ball in
  • How your point guard should move depending on which side of the court s/he is on when inbounding
  • Where the other 3 players should be positioned and what they're doing to be assertive
  • And how the point guard uses "Advantage Recognition" to decide between immediate attack or "triggering" the other players into a Made Action

The made actions are predicated on where the ball goes, so there is no hesitation and you can continue to play with pace even on Mades.

Chapter 5 - 9 Early Attack Actions

When you have no transition advantage, here are the 9 Early Attack Actions that you can employ to pressure the defense and look for an easy basket.

Without slowing down or resetting, you'll learn how players should come off of screens and how to seamlessly enter your offense if you don't score - without giving the defense time to reset.

Some of these actions are counters, so once your players learn the basic Attack Actions, they can easily learn the options/counters for each.

You'll also discover...
  • Where players should catch a pass in relationship with the hoop to get them the best advantage for a layup
  • Where to use your best shooters
  • How these Actions are hard to scout because of the great counters and the "unexpected" nature of the the Actions

Chapter 6 - Drag Screen off a Make or Miss

This has been one of Schultz's go-to screens, especially against a zone defense. By having similarities to the other actions, it is tougher to scout.

The timing is crucial and you'll need to get your reads down, so working on this daily is a must.

Schultz will show you 2 options and 1 counter for the Drag Screen.

Chapter 7 - Full Court Actions off Makes (5v0 and 5v5)

It is important to have numerous reps of transition actions in every practice. These drills start the same way.

In the beginning of the season you'll stop the drills more frequently to fix mistakes. As the season progresses and players become more and more efficient, allow your players to "play through" mistakes so they experience game-like situations.

Schultz also shows you variations for squads who don't know the offense.

There's an interesting perk, according to Schultz: There's a good chance your players will also become better defensively because they are running a good offense in practice - as long as you put a premium on competitiveness and both sides of the ball.

Your players are simultaneously able to work on transition defense, guarding actions (ballscreens, backscreens, screen the screen, etc.) while learning a killer transition offense!

Chapter 8 - Transition Drills

The purpose of these drills is to get everyone moving and active right away - bring on the high energy!

You'll do these at full speed so players learn to catch and play under control with pace. They'll also improve their finishing techniques.

  • One drill has your players focusing on communicating names, effective passes out in front, learning how to catch and play under control, and working on finishing.
  • Another drill improves passing accuracy and cover ground with their passes. This helps players pass the ball ahead in transition.
  • Another drill teaches players to play with pace and take advantage of situations.

Chapter 9 - Early Attack Shooting Drills

In this chapter, you'll find 5 variations of Schultz's 3-Man Shooting Series. The drills can be done at any time during practice (in the beginning as a warmup or at the end for conditioning and extra shooting practice).

Players will get A LOT of shots up that play into the offense quite well. They'll also shoot free throws as part of the series...
  • Routine
  • Catch and Shoot 3s
  • 2-Foot Power Layups
  • Pro Hops 1
  • Pro Hops 2

Chapter 10 - Questions

Here Coach Schultz will answer frequently-asked questions (you can also see the questions and answers farther down this page).

Chapter 11 - Closing

64 Page Supplemental eBook

For your convenience, we have documented the background, philosophy, principles, and drills (with diagrams) included in the videos.

If You're Serious About Developing Assertive Players
Who Can Rip and Run...

Then this Early Attack Offense is for you.

It lets your team score high-percentage baskets in the first few seconds of the offense...and win more games.

You can easily adapt this each season to fit your personnel and take advantage of your strengths.

Special Note for Middle School & Youth Coaches:

Personally, I would want youth teams to develop an attack mindset at an early age...and an understanding of how to run the floor.

This is one of the best transition offenses that you can simplify to start building that assertive mentality.

This sets up your players to have success at the next levels by NOT catering to the defense.

While you certainly wouldn't incorporate all of the actions in your first season, you can easily simplify this transition offense and still have plenty of success (see FAQs below).

Frequently Asked Questions

(Answered by Ryan Schultz)

Q: Is the Early Attack Offense a positionless offense?

A: The positions in our actions, especially off of makes, are definitely interchangeable. The ultimate goal is to put your players in the best possible situation for them to be successful - where they have the most advantage. We like to...

  • Use our best shooters as screeners.
  • Get mismatches for our bigs near the basket.
  • Have our shooters come off screens and hedge situations to make sure we get some screen-the-screener situations at the top.

Q: Do you need specific types of players to run the Early Attack Offense?

A: You can run our transition offense and attack system with a variety of players.

We have been successful with many types of players over the years. We are a public high school, so we don't recruit and have had many situations in terms of our personnel. We have had big post players, and we have had quick guards. We have also had big guards.

In the video, we showed many actions and variations of them, so you can pick the actions that fit and benefit your team the best.

Q: I prefer a more deliberate (or slower) half-court pace. Does this transition offense work then?

A: Absolutely, the actions (including the drag screen we use on misses) would work well in a more deliberate offense. It is still a great way to run actions without having to call something from the sideline or re-set.

I can also see advantages to it with a shot could come down and run the actions right away, or you could go to them as the shot clock winds down after resetting.

Q: Can this offensive system be run at the youth and middle school levels?

A: Yes, you can modify the system for any level. It's necessary to start teaching this attack mentality early; the sooner you start developing that assertive mindset, the better. And it's easy to implement with youth...

With the attack off misses, I wouldn't modify it...
  • I think the players should go into attack mode.
  • Discuss the rules of how you want the players to run the floor. We want them to run wide and keep the middle open. We would also prefer to have a rim runner with a big.
With the made actions, you just simplify...
  • I think you go with the first action. You go with those initial actions and keep it simple.
  • I would run right into the offense after that.

Q: How does the Early Attack Offense work against a zone defense?

A: First off, it doesn't matter what defense they are playing. We want to be in the attack mode.

We are going to come down with pace, speed, and attack mentality before we have even identified their defensive setup.

When we identify that the defense is in a zone, we continue with our attack mentality and implement specific actions against zone. It creates a numbers advantage right from the beginning...

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To your future success!

Joe and Jeff Haefner

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Customer Reviews
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Larry Ellisy from Rogers, AR
5/28/2024 at 1:52 PM
very good video my kind of play we play both ends and the middle
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Adam Pfingstler from Ridgway, PA
6/15/2023 at 1:11 PM
The detailed info and diagrams very informative everything is easy to follow v
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Jeff Jayson from Waterford, MI
5/22/2023 at 6:54 AM
It fits my offensive philosophy and style I like the secondary actions.
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Jerad Burch from Bunker Hill, IL
5/23/2022 at 8:45 AM
The on court and step by step process.
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John Whitman from Sun Lakes, AZ
5/22/2022 at 1:13 AM
Silent triggers were simple and challenging to defend! Attacking under control with pace! 5 star rating!
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Larry Ellis from Rogers, AR
5/14/2022 at 12:49 PM
for teams who like to play up tempo this tape is very ,very good . i play both ends of the court using The System as a guide To win the is great to play the game is greater but to love the game is the greatest of all

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