Transition Offense Drill - 2 Trips

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This is a good drill to teach transition offense, spacing, and work on passing.  We often use this early in the season when teaching players transition offense concepts and positions.
Coach has the ball.  5 players inside 3pt arc.  Next group of players against the wall ready to rotate in. 5 players run in a circle, coach tosses ball off backboard and players run transition offense.   Coaches can script sequences so players can learn different transition options.  In this sequence, players will hit either wing and pass to the rim runner for a lay up. For this example, players can fill any position and they should fill based on whoever is closest to that position.  
Frame 1
Coach takes a shot (intentional miss). 3 gets the rebound and decides to advance the ball as the point guard.   1 gets wide and sprints to right wing.  4 sprints to left wing.  5 becomes rim runner.  2 is trailer.  3 passes ahead to 1.  1 dribbles to wing and passes to 5 (the rim runner) for a lay up.
Frame 2
Players should then get the rebound and immediately transition back to the other end.  Pass the ball ahead to either wing and then hit the rim runner for a lay up. In this example, 5 got the rebound and passed ahead to the left wing (3).  3 passed to the rim runner (2) for the lay up. This group is now out and the next group is in (players 6 to 10).  Players 6 to 10 should now run in a circle, coach shoots, and players run their "2 trips" in transition offense.  It's important for the group waiting to be ready to start immediately so you keep the drill efficient and fast paced.
Frame 3
Variation 1 - PG Slice Option To help players learn the various options in transition, you can script other sequences and have players run those options in their "2 trips".  There are lots of ways you can script out the 2 trips.  Here are a few examples... PG Slice - The point guard pretends the right wing is not open, so the PG slices the court with their dribble and passes to the left wing (4) instead.  The left wing then passes to the rim runner (5).  
Frame 4
Variation 2 - Trailer Ball Screen Option In this scripted sequence, the PG dribbles down the court and the trailer sets a ball screen to initiate the offense.
Frame 5
Variation 3 - Five Passes Before Shot To teach players how to "start" their half court offense, you can have them make 3-5 passes before the shot.  So on the "1st trip", players run the floor and then run their half court offense making 5 passes.  The player that catches the 5th passes takes a shot.  Players then get rebound and transition back for their "2nd trip".  Those are just a few examples of how you could script sequences.  You could start with drive and kick, dribble at with back cut, screen away, and so on.   In any case, you will find many teaching opportunities in this drill... Points of Emphasis Our points of emphasis include:
  • Sprint!  First 3 steps are critical.  
  • Turn your head and look for the ball so PG can pass ahead to you.
  • We want spacing immediately... so wings should get wide and we want great spacing as we run the floor.
  • Communicate... call out your position as you fill spots and run the floor.
  • Improvise when needed.  Our goal is to beat the team down the court for a lay up and if nothing is there start motion actions immediately to put as much pressure on the defense as possible.  To do that we need players running the floor and spaced.  The transition might look different each time down the court so you need to improvise to keep spacing and get the ball up the court as fast as possible.  
Related Resources 21 Basketball Passing Drills for Coaches Tim Schuring's Complete Offensive System


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Kevin says:
9/11/2017 at 4:37:58 PM

I like this drill, but I am not sure that my 4th grade guys will understand it. Is there a way to make it easier for younger players or another type of transition offense that might suit them better? Thanks for your help.

  1 reply  

Jeff says:
9/12/2017 at 10:02:03 AM

4th graders should be able to do this. Just do the first part (none of the variations). And always have them pass ahead to a wing and then to rim runner. Our 4th graders are able to do that part. They of course screw it up but that allows you to "teach them" -- how to run lanes, keep spacing, pass ahead, and sprint.


Craig Mobley says:
12/19/2016 at 11:14:53 AM

Great job on mentioning the outlet pass! This is beneficial at all levels regardless of age


Steffan Matins says:
11/15/2016 at 9:13:57 PM

Great drill for teaching all positions of transition to all players.
However I strongly suggest to add an outlet pass after rebound.
We teach our kids to always outlet.
Critical part of transition.
Important at youth level to get this ingrained early.
outlet, outlet, outlet.
Rarely do you want to see the rebounder inside the key take off and dribble.

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