Stationary Pivots - Step Through and Rip for Ball Security

Home > Coaching > Drills > Footwork > Stationary Pivots - Step Through and Rip for Ball Security
Improve ball security by teaching players to use a "space step" (aka: step through pivot) when pressured and to rip the ball low (below knees) or high (above head).
Players should spread out on the court.   Bend your knees and hold the ball in triple threat position. Use your right foot as a pivot foot and step through and forward at an angle with your left foot. Swing the ball low as you step forward. Swing the ball back and step back into triple threat position. Repeat.
Frame 1
Points of Emphasis
  • Keep your knees bent and maintain an athletic stance
  • Take a long step (extend)
  • On the step through, rip the ball below your knees or above your head (never expose the ball near your mid-section)


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