The Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter
Issue 8: October 30, 2007

Here are a few articles that have some very unique and powerful tactics. Read closely because I can almost guarantee you'll learn something new and find things that you've never heard anywhere else!

NEW Drills and Individual Scoring Tips - Discover How to Develop Great Scorers by Learning the Secrets of Great Basketball Moves and Individual Offense

NEW Drills and Article: How to Improve Basketball Rebounding

NEW Drills and Article: How to Improve Big Man Post Play

New Section for Youth Coaches - In case you haven't noticed, we started a Youth Basketball section of our website. It's brand new so we'll be adding more to it later. But check it out to see what we have so far.

New Play - Picket Fence

New Play - Sideline Out of Bounds

Let us know if you have any comments or questions...


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Jason says:
11/15/2007 at 9:46:32 AM

You guys are covering every aspect of the game and creating outstanding players. I love the youth section. Thanks a lot!


Louis D'Silva says:
11/10/2007 at 12:32:18 PM

Thanks for your latest bulletin. I have downloaded it and will apply the same in the field.


Joe (Co-Founder of Breakthrough Basketball) says:
11/10/2007 at 11:00:13 AM

If you want to work on footwork and agility, we posted an answer here:


sam says:
11/10/2007 at 8:54:53 AM

i can see that although a coach has his/her own concept of a team and the way the players play, such concept must fit what the players are capable of. what they are capable of and what coach likes to employ should be complementing. although the bottom line of a game play is how the players execute, the coach must be able to refine that execution with his/her own philosophy.


Bawewo says:
11/9/2007 at 10:49:30 PM

I thank you alot for your Ball tips and i will benefit alot both as a player and aspiring coach.I look forward to getting more tips from you Guys.


bawewo says:
11/9/2007 at 10:45:24 PM

your ball Drills have given me lots of knowledge about the Ball Game and will help me alot both improving my Game and my coaching ambition.I look forward to receiving more tips on the Game.Thanks a alot


Terri says:
11/9/2007 at 9:15:48 AM

Do you have any more agility drills that would help with footwork?


Jeff Haefner says:
11/5/2007 at 4:12:47 PM

Sam - Good idea. We'll look into it. Thanks for the feedback.


sam says:
11/4/2007 at 1:58:11 AM

hello out there fellas! i would like to suggest a chat space for this website where each enthusiast or visitor here can exchange ideas and ask questions live in the net. that should be overwhelming in the best interest of a great sports such as basketball. how about that huh...


sam says:
11/4/2007 at 1:55:15 AM

i'm so engrossed with this website. for many years i've been looking for a basketball book i can use to develop a basketball training camp for boys and girls. i haven't found any which i can afford. thank God! this website has given me more than what i was asking. i'm overjoyed.


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