The 3-Point Wall

I can't remember where I first heard it, but I once heard somebody call the 3-point line the 3-point wall.


Because they thought it was a big hindrance when it came to shot development.

That's because whenever a kid sees that line, they go out there and start chucking the ball up and their technique goes to crap.

I actually like it when young kids play on side courts without 3-point lines. You have way less of them chucking the ball up there.

Of course, you need to have smaller balls and lower basketball rims as well!

But I do have a story that might surprise you. It's about a player that broke his college's 3-point shooting records.

You may have heard me talk about him before. His name is Kyle Wolf.

If you only looked at Kyle's great 3-point shooting stats from college, you'd probably assume he was always a great 3-point shooter.

  • In college, he shot 46% for a season from 3-point land and was a career 40% 3-point shooter. (To put things in perspective, Steph Curry is a 43% career 3-point shooter!)
  • He set his college's school record with nine 3-pointers in one game!

But this wasn't always the case.

He didn't start shooting 3's consistently until his senior year in high school!

In fact, his junior year, he was 1 of 19 and shot 5% on 3-point shots.

However, his senior year, he knocked down 36 three-point shots and shot 41%.

So there are a few important points here...

  1. Do what you're good at.

    Kyle knew he couldn't knock down a high percentage of 3-point shots, so he didn't take many of them. He still averaged 16 points per game and shot 60% from the field.

  2. Have the long term plan in mind.

    So what if you can't knock down 3-point shots when you start high school.

    First, focus on developing sound shooting technique and slowly extend your shooting range each season.

    Because of this approach, Kyle's team won the large school state championship his senior year and he earned Gatorade Player of the Year in Missouri.

    And the very next year, he was a key contributor for a team that won a national championship at the college level. Not too bad for a player who shot 5% on 3-point shot as a junior!

If you'd like to experience similar improvement and learn about the same training methods, we used with Kyle, be sure to check out our Breakthrough Basketball Camps!

We have everything from youth camps to more specialized camps for high school players.


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