4 Dribble Moves To Complement A Killer Crossover

If you have a great crossover or you're working on developing a crossover, consider adding these 4 moves to your arsenal.

If the defender or help defender stops your initial crossover move, these counter moves will make you VERY hard to guard.

We start with two double moves. Once you perfect these, you can progress to the two triple moves.

These moves and drills are taken from the Breakthrough Ballhandling Workouts.

General Instructions

Players will execute a dribble move each time they reach the chair. Set up a chair 15 feet away from you. Dribble at the chair with the designated hand. When you get to the chair, execute the described dribble move. Turn around and repeat.

Keep your eyes up (look forward) on all the dribbling moves.

Note for Coaches: Using in Your Practices

If you want to use this drill in your team practice, line chairs or cones up in the middle of the court and have everyone run the drill at the same time. Practice each move/drill for 20-40 seconds. This is a very efficient way to work on ball handling (because everyone has a ball in their hands). And it's a great conditioner!

Dribble Move #1 - Cross Over / Through Legs

Here is the right side:

Here is the left side:

- Keep the ball low on your cross over.
- Change speeds on the cross over move (from slow/medium to fast).
- Snap the ball. Sell the fake.

Dribble Move #2 - Cross Over / Behind Back

Here is the right side:

Here is the left side:

- Keep the ball low on your cross over.
- Change speeds on your dribble move (from slow/medium to fast).
- Snap the ball. Sell the fake.

Dribble Move #3 - Cross Over / Through Legs / Behind Back

- Keep the ball low on your cross over.
- Change speeds on your dribble move (from slow/medium to fast).
- Snap the ball - improve your hand speed.

Dribble Move #4 - Cross Over / Behind Back / Through Legs

- Keep the ball low on your cross over.
- Change speeds on your dribble move (from slow/medium to fast).
- Snap the ball - improve your hand speed.

If you'd like more ballhandling and footwork drills that you can do at home or the gym, check out the Breakthrough Ballhandling Workouts App.

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jezard udothan says:
3/22/2019 at 4:20:09 AM

its good i hope i may learn
more and be agood player someday!!!!!!!!!!


so bad says:
5/3/2018 at 9:19:03 PM

so bad


ariel says:
8/28/2016 at 12:55:56 AM

I do those dribbling combinations in my "old-man" work-out and practice time. It's a good feeling to still be able to do those combinations. May I suggest to add attack to the basket after the dribbling combinations. Thanks.


paul moskovich says:
8/22/2016 at 2:04:07 PM

i wish that the drills would be filmed is slow motion and will emphasize the way it should be teach


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