Two Up Two Back Shooting Drill

This is a fun and effective shooting drill. It improves accuracy, distance control, and shooting range. It's also a great way to warm up and develop a rymthm in your shot.

We use this drill frequently in camps, team practices, and individual workouts.

Player starts about 5 feet from the basket and begins shooting. If they MAKE two shots in a row, they take one small step back. If they MISS two shots in a row, they take one step forward.

The challenge is to see how far back you can get in a set amount of time. 5 minutes is a good duration to start with.

It helps to have a partner that can rebound and pass you the ball. However you can also do this drill by yourself.

This is a great drill because it keeps players in their shooting range. It also helps coaches and players determine their appropriate range in a game. If a player can consistenly reach 3-pt range in this drill, then they probably should have the green light to shoot threes in a game. Conversly, it they are unable to reach 3-pt range, the probably shouldn't be shooting threes in a game yet.

Image: download free ebook with 72 of our favorite drills

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angel says:
1/24/2022 at 4:36:26 PM

awesome workouts for the novice player. I love it.


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