Motion Offense Situations Drill

Drill Purpose:

This is one of my favorite drills, because it can be used for your motion offense and defense at the same time. It improves all of your defensive and offensive fundamentals. The defense faces game-like situations, while the offense utilizes offensive fundamentals to score.


  1. Practice this drill with 4 on 4 or 5 on 5.

  2. You provide a situation for the offense:
    For example, offense can only set back screens.

    This does two things:

    - Teaches the defense how to defend back screens.
    - Teaches the offense how to play while setting back screens.

  3. On your command, the offense tries to score.

    If the offense scores, defense stays out there until they get a stop.

    If the defense gets a stop, the next squad rotates in. If there are not enough players to rotate, offense and defense switches.

    Any time a possession is over, the player with the ball speed dribbles to the half-court line to start again. The defense and offense sprint to their starting positions.

    You can have one coach watch the offense and another coach watch the defense.

These are some other sample situations. I'm sure you can come up with more.
  • Designated screen - All screens are down screens. All screens are ball screens. And so on.

  • Designated cut - After a pass, all cuts are basket cuts.

  • Designated shooter - Pick a player and all screens are set for this particular player and only this player shoots.

  • No dribble - Offense can not utilize the dribble to score.

  • Lay up only in the first 5 passes.

  • Two ball reversals before an attempted dribble penetration.

  • Ball must touch post before a jump shot.

  • Ball must touch the post twice before a 3-point shot.

  • All 3's must come on a pass from the post.
You can use these situations alone or in combinations.

If you would like to know more about teaching the motion offense, you can check out our Motion Offense eBooks.

You can also find more defensive drills & strategies in our Man to Man Defense System

Image: download free ebook with 72 of our favorite drills

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Coach Mike says:
10/29/2018 at 11:09:44 AM


I am coaching middle school basketball with kids who have a limited skill set.

Our biggest issue is creating/taking/making shots against the many zone defenses we see.

Are there a few easy drills we can work on so that we aren't stagnant when we are up against these zones?


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Jeff says:
10/30/2018 at 6:49:39 AM

Here are a few strategies for zone offense:

Lots of different ways to attack a zone but there are common fundamental concepts that come into play (getting zone defenders to get our of position to create openings). The Don Kelbick videos have some good concepts that I think would help you. He teaches a continuity offense that has good movements and puts players in positions that make it tough for the zone to defend.

With that said, if the players can't shoot outside, make lays ups, post shots, or mid-range shots... there is nothing you can do. They need some skill so I'd start there. Develop them and then apply some simple zone offense concepts explained at the link above to get some open shots.


Jay says:
5/9/2009 at 9:48:14 AM

Hi everyone

I have been coaching for 28 years and I have found this web site by accident about 5 months ago.

This is a great site. It's very interesting to
hear other experiences from people who have used the site.

I currently run clinics 3 times a week for kids. My total enrollment is 56 players. Not bad during the offseason. We do use some of the drills that has been put out here. I do recommend the shooting drills and the ball handling drills e-books. If you are an experienced coach or an inexperienced coach you will find these helpful. Also remember, kids need to have fun! If they are having fun they will want to be there, if they are not you may lose some and you could have a diamond in the rough.


Radiah says:
3/26/2009 at 12:56:39 PM

I have enjoyed the game of basketball for years and have assistant coached for a few of those years.

This year was the first year I was head coach to a vibrant group of 7 year olds. Although we did not utilize the motion offense, thank you for offering a variety fun, fundemental skill appropriate drills.


Coach J Hill says:
3/1/2009 at 5:25:52 PM

i dont use the motion offense as a offense in my gams or game plan. i use it as a teaching tool when preparing players coming up to play on my varsity squad. the same way described here; using it as situational drills. the motion offense is a great way to coach court awareness and eveluate athletic skill. when you add things like, cones and extra players, or any training aids, you can develop fast quick responsive sharp eyed and disciplined players that will function like a hunting pack. i use it to teach creating fast breaks and disrupting a fast break. the motion offense is a fundamentals offense that opens doors to infinity in bball. using it this way also helps our boys and girls frosh jv & varsity squads recognize other offenses and key plays/players utilized. thank you for sharing this.

Coach J Hill
BA. Sports Science/Sport Psych
Heritage Academy, Mesa, AZ.


Todd Henderson says:
11/23/2008 at 9:54:16 PM

We are using the motion offence.It is working very well.Thankyou.


Don Kelbick says:
11/19/2008 at 7:21:34 AM


I was a big fan of your going back to when you were in HS and I was coaching in New Hampshire.

The experiences you have had throughout your career and the dignity in which you have conducted yourself has to be a great positive influence on the people you touch.

I am happy to see you are in the business


Rashamel Jones says:
10/24/2008 at 9:43:37 AM

This is an excellent way to get your team on the same page. This drill allows everyone on the court to use their brain, and work as one unit instead of individuals.


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