Improve Your Passing With The Argentina Passing Drill

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Passing is a challenging skill to teach. It involves so many variables - distance, footwork, vision, balance, etc.

Argentina passing is a fun drill that goes beyond traditional two-person passing drills. This drill comes from 12 Skill Development Practice Drills From Nick LoGalbo.

Players like it because it's a whole team drill. It involves a little chaos which makes players think instead of just mindlessly passing.

Coaches will like it because you get to work on communication, footwork, and conditioning in addition to passing.

Drill Purpose (All Ages)

This drill is meant to simulate high-speed, game-like situations to help players improve passing speed and accuracy. It's also a lot of fun for players because it's fast-paced!

Note: This drill is set up for 8 players. If you have more players, use more court space.


    passing diagram
  1. Each player has a partner:
    • 1 - 2
    • 3 - 4
    • 5 - 6
    • 7 - 8
  2. Players 1 and 2 will start with a ball.
  3. Player 1 and Player 2 will pass the ball to their right.
  4. After passing the ball, they sprint to exchange places with their partner.
  5. passing diagram
  6. The drill should keep moving quickly, and all players will immediately pass the ball to the right, then switch with their partner. As both balls go around the court, players must sprint and beat the ball.

Points of Emphasis

Continually tell your players...

  • Make accurate passes.
  • You can mix up what type of passes you ask players to throw.
  • Move as quickly as possible without sacrificing form and accuracy.
  • When passing, step toward your receiver.
  • Catch, pivot, and pass without traveling. You can require players to use different types of pivots.
  • When catching, extend your hands and step toward the pass.
  • As in shooting, the ball should have backspin on it. This is accomplished by following through on every pass.

Coaching Tips:

You can spice things up and add a bit of motivation by:

  • Giving them a reward if they don't drop the ball after two minutes and get X number of passes completed.
  • Or making them run if they drop the ball.
  • Consider adding an additional basketball.
  • Use a change call. When you call change, players must immediately start passing to their left instead of their right.
  • Have players call out the name of the person they are passing to.
  • Players should make physical contact with teammates (high 5) when passing them on the court.

Make Passing A Priority!

Too many coaches leave passing to chance. They don't emphasize it and then complain when their teams pass poorly. Use Argentina Passing to prevent that from happening to your team.

Consider replacing traditional sprints with this drill. Your players will still get their conditioning in while simultaneously improving at this crucial skill.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Do you have any questions or suggestions for this drill? Let us know by leaving your comments...


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Rashad Carrizales says:
9/7/2023 at 4:20:12 PM

This is a great drill we run with our 5-7th graders. We make sure they call out the other players name when passing to to them and they have 30 seconds to go. If they drop the ball, they start over.

After a few weeks, the passing game improved tremendously.


Steve Terpstra says:
11/11/2020 at 9:50:24 PM

Can a video of this drill be posted?


derek says:
11/8/2018 at 10:14:03 AM

This diagram make absolutely ZERO sense. Is everyone running to the middle?


  1 reply  

Jeff says:
11/16/2018 at 12:14:55 PM

Dotted lined = pass. Solid lines = cut.

Look at the first diagram. That clearly shows how to start. Then continue the same thing. After you pass, cut to the opposite side and switch with that person.

The second diagram is a little confusing and shows a bunch of passes and that it continues. That one diagram could and maybe should be turned into about 6 of them.

Hopefully that helps. It's very simple. Pass the ball to player next to you and then switch with player across from you after you pass.

  1 person liked this.  

Maor says:
10/23/2017 at 2:01:47 PM

One of the best!! Fun, speedy, the girls love it!


Michael says:
4/11/2017 at 12:29:56 PM

Am I reading correctly that 1-2 will always switch back and forth after their passes, just like 3-4 , 5-6 and so on. What I am getting at is that the players will only switch with their partner so 1-2 will never be in the spots were 3-4, 4-5 or any other group will be? is this correct that they always stay amongst the two areas that they and partner occupy?


Holly Sharp says:
5/16/2016 at 7:02:34 AM

Once the pass is made, and they are each switching with their partners, do the current ball handlers carry the ball with them during the switch?


Coach Ben says:
10/15/2014 at 6:46:49 AM

Would i be able to implement a 9th and tenth player and just space out the kids more , i wish to use this as a game day warm up .

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Jeff says:
10/15/2014 at 11:58:33 AM

Ben - As long as you have an even number of players (everyone has a partner to switch with), it works with more players.


Coach Mike says:
2/13/2014 at 11:52:45 PM

I coach 4th grade boys, 8th grade boys, and freshmen girls. I have done this drill with all of my teams. We use the whole half-court when doing this drill. Kids love it. One thing I am watching for closely is for kids traveling when they turn to pass. A lot of them will change their pivot foot. This is a great drill for warm-ups, passing, pivoting, communication, conditioning, team-work, and jumping to the ball. It’s great!


Jason says:
2/13/2014 at 11:28:20 AM

Great drill! We ran this in Monday's practice(5th-6th girls). Then, I said, "Ok girls, now we're going to run our (offensive) motion. I want to see the same intensity in the motion that I saw in the pass and switch."

Huge improvement. Night and day.


Keith says:
2/7/2014 at 10:26:40 AM


Thanks for sharing. With younger players, we normally start with ball at the one position. The 2nd is added after going through a couple of rounds with a single ball.

Starting doing this about 3 years ago. Fun drill. Kids love it.


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