6 Critical Drills For Elite Guards
(Or Aspiring Ones)

Here are 6 drills that will improve your shooting, finishing, footwork, defense, dribble moves, perimeter moves, and more.

These are drills that you can do by yourself or with a partner.

1v1 Attack - Fast Break

This is a great drill to work on attacking on the defense and finishing in transition. As you can tell in this drill, you work on ball handling, acceleration, speed, agility, finishing, conditioning, and much more. IT is also a great way to build an aggressive mentality.

1v0 Dribble Move Attack - How To Beat Your Defender With Any Dribble Move

Here is a great drill that teaches you how to use your feet so you can beat your defender no matter what dribble move that you use.

Man In The Hole

If you are serious about becoming a lockdown 1-on-1 defender, this drill does it all for you. You develop great defensive quickness and speed to keep the offensive player in front of you. Additionally, it develops mental toughness and conditioning by pushing you to your limits.

Finishing Over Helpside Defense

This drill helps you develop the ability to finish over a rotating helpside defense. You can also move the cones all over the court to simulate different game situations and the time that the defense arrives.

If you want your players to learn how to extend to the hoop and beat the defense, you might put the defense’s cone further out.

If you want to work on finishing that will help you finish over a help defense that is already set, you might put the cones closer to the basket for the defense.

Once you have a technical foundation on how to make lay ups, this drill is great to use as it more closely simulates finishing over the defense in game situations.

Perimeter Moves - Multi-Spot 1 on 1 Drill

This drill helps you improve your ability to get open, footwork to quickly face the basket, and decision-making to shoot or attack. You will improve your perimeter shooting, perimeter moves, and your lay up skills. Additionally, it develops mental toughness and conditioning by pushing you to your limits.

The Foster Drill - Defense and Offense Drill

This is a great offensive and defensive drill. It helps the defense work on close outs and the ability to stop a ball handler attacking at full speed.

The offense must improve their ability to quickly and efficiently drive by the defender and score.

Solutions & Resources

Breakthrough Basketball Camp Schedule

Attack and Counter Basketball Camps With Don Kelbick

Elite Guard Camps

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Nils says:
3/9/2016 at 10:28:15 AM

It is interesting to see the philosophy of the foster drill trying to pick up the man as early as possible.
My philosophy is always to get the defender under the rim just outside the restricted area to prevent lay ups and try to trick the offensive player into a semi defended jump shot or a well defended lay up rather than giving him the chance to blow by for an uncontested lay up. On the outher hand, if you can pick up the guy earlier, you've git a great opportunity of forcing him way out into a really bad shot or preventing him from shooting.
What is your stand point and how do you teach kids when to use which approach.
Thanks for all the great videos


Joe Freudenthal says:
2/29/2016 at 12:00:12 PM

Great videos. I love hearing the explanation and philosophy of the coach and the "why" behind the drill. Thank you!


Scott says:
2/23/2016 at 8:43:18 AM

I really like the defensive drills Man in the Hole, Help Defense, and Foster. Are these and others like it available on a DVD?

  1 reply  

Joe Haefner says:
2/23/2016 at 9:23:28 AM


These drills and others like them can be found on the following DVDs:

30 Competitive Skill Development Drills -

Jim Huber's Man to Man Defense - 50+ Drills

If you don't like them for whatever reason, we have a 100% money-back guarantee.


2/7/2016 at 6:39:50 AM



Jukka Mantere says:
2/4/2016 at 8:42:56 AM


Love all these drills on your sight. The only thing that almost everytime slips to mind. Whay are coaches talking so much, just themselves in the picture. Could we have more action at the same time. We can listen and see at the same time. If mitake is made, you can correct it. So please action

  3 replies  

Joe Haefner says:
2/4/2016 at 11:58:32 AM

For the purpose of the instructional video, I'm sure they are explaining things more thoroughly for the viewer.


joe says:
2/23/2016 at 8:52:54 AM

Agreed. I see this in most instructional videos on youtube. It would be more helpful to see the drill live at the beginning, then walk it through. I usually skip through the first 1-2 minutes of most of these kinds of videos. The point of a video is seeing the drill.

  1 reply  

John says:
2/23/2016 at 2:06:37 PM

Sometimes the coach could be going over her coaching philosophy on a certain aspect of the game. If you watch multiple videos of the same subject (like, man to man defense), it's good to get the why a coach may do something one way, while you (or another coach) may do it another way. Some coaches can be a little chatty, though.


Gareth says:
2/29/2016 at 6:47:19 AM

It is in the nature of all teachers and coaches to talk. And then talk some more!!


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