1v1 Dribbling Drill and 3 Back Up Dribble Moves

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This 1v1 drill will reduce dribbling turnovers and give your team more scoring opportunities by improving your player's ability to create space and beat defenders off the dribble...

Your players learn how to...

  • Protect the ball from defensive pressure using the control dribble
  • Advance the ball and create space against pressure
  • Use 3 back up dribble moves to beat the defense.

Instructions For Drill:

Cones are about 6 to 8 feet apart. If the offense dribbles outside the cones, it is an automatic turnover.

The offense advances the ball to the 3-point line using a control dribble. The offense tries to move in a straight line. The defense applies pressure to make it difficult to advance. This forces the offense to learn how to advance the ball through contact while protecting the ball.

Once the offense reaches the 3-point line, the drill is live. The offense must do at least one back up dribble before proceeding forward. There is a maximum of two back up dribbles.

Coaching Tips:

  • Change the width of cones to increase or decrease difficulty - You can reduce the width of the cones to increase difficulty. You can increase the width to make it easier.

  • Alternate hands - Make sure that the players alternate hands on the control dribble at the start of each repetition.

  • Add more decision-making - To add a layer of decision-making, you can start from the same position and play 2v2 and 3v3.

3 Back Up Dribble Moves

As mentioned in the video, Coach Huber also taught three different back up dribble moves that you can use to beat the defense.

Move #1 - Back Up & Go

If the defender comes forward aggressively with your initial back up dribble, you immediately explode to the basket. This is typically done after the first back up dribble.

Move #2 - Back Up & Straight Line Drive

After you execute the back up dribble and square up, the defender stayed back. You also recognize that the defender's outside shoulder is in the middle of your body or inside hip, so you attack in a straight line drive.

You can also jab in the opposite direction to take them more out of position or use an inside out move.

Move #3 - Back Up & Dribble Move

After you execute the back up dribble and square up, the defender stayed back. This time the defender is directly between you and the basket. The defender's chest is square to your chest. Now, you can attack with a dribble move.

You can change directions with a move like a crossover, behind-the-back, or between the legs.

You can also do a hesitation move, or you can combine a hesitation with any change of direction move.

If you use these tips and drills, it will make your players better ball handlers which will result in fewer turnovers and more scoring opportunities for your team.

What do you think? Let us know by leaving your comments, suggestions, and questions...


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charlie says:
12/17/2017 at 10:12:42 AM

I like the cones if only to prevent the dribbler from trying to beat the defender in a wider area. A wider area invites far more 'help' defense to affect the attack move.

The cones also help teach the dribbler to stay solidly in control of his handle when contact occurs which is very often a consideration late in a close game and also late in the season for a playoff bound team.


CoachK says:
12/17/2017 at 8:37:22 AM

What is the purpose of staying in a straight line to begin the drill and having the small lane marked by cones? In an actual game, the power dribble may be at an angle and the offensive player need to have the flexibility to maneuvers and react to the Defense. Thanks for clarifying in advance

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Joe Haefner says:
12/17/2017 at 9:39:59 AM

Great point and question.

I'm not inside of Jim's head, but this is my assumption. I think Jim wanted to combine two different skills into one drill... dribbling through contact and back up dribble moves.

The primary purpose of the drill is to work on back up dribble moves and attacking a defender in a live situation.

I guess rather than simply just working on the back up dribble moves from the onset of the drill, Jim wanted to add a variation or twist of advancing the ball through contact. (On a side note, when you practice with excessive contact like that, it feels much easier to dribble through contact during games.)

Personally, I like it. It works on two different things and it's way to add some variation to practice to keep players engaged.

However, I like your idea as well. I think you could remove the cones and start at different angles with heavy contact and let the players play live from there. You could use that as another drill.

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soup a laseine says:
12/18/2017 at 8:00:18 AM

I think having the defense use hand checks and physical play will encourage bad habits. Maybe a coach or manager should apply the pressure. Players need to practice what they can use in the game as much as possible. The hand check is an illegal move which is practicing foul trouble


R S says:
12/15/2017 at 12:33:28 PM

I love it.

Works both offense and defense in a very game-like way.


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