One Of The Toughest Defense Drills You Will Ever Do (Great Conditioning Too) - Man In The Hole

Home > Coaching > Drills > Conditioning > One Of The Toughest Defense Drills You Will Ever Do (Great Conditioning Too) - Man In The Hole

Another transition drill that works on our ability to stay in front of a ball handler in the open court. We work here on the shuffle, the quick turn and the turn and sprint to recover.

This is a very good drill for conditioning and building mental toughness.

From How To Develop A Man To Man Defense, Jim Huber demonstrates the drill.

Ball hander has the ball on the baseline. Defender is in a good stance, ready to work hard to stay in front of the ball handler.

After the ball handler makes it to the other end, they will hand off to the next player, who will be facing the same defender.

The third and final ball handler will take on the same defender.

The defender then becomes the ball handler and the next defender steps in for a rotation of three trips.

Solutions and Resources:

How To Build Your Man To Man Defense Step By Step

Breakthrough Basketball Camps - Spring, Summer, & Fall

The Star Close Out Drill (Great for a warm up too!)

Defensive Close Out Fundamentals -- 5 Keys To Better Close Outs

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Stepan says:
1/14/2016 at 7:17:04 AM

I used to run a similar routine, we called it "One against all". In our version it was not one player defending all the time but one player constantly switching from D to ball handling. You play D against one of your teammates, just like they do in the video. Then it''s you who gets the ball and attacks against the other. Then you defend again. You do it until you''ve played (defensively or offensively) all the guys in the gym. You might think that you will have some rest during offensive stretches... but those are not very restful too, especially some 6th time around.

Real killer, you can''t run it more than several times a season (or preseason), otherwise you''ll burn everybody out or players will stop working hard in this drill.


warren says:
1/13/2016 at 10:25:03 PM

Not letting me watch the video. Saying that it is restricted and that I must be "approved" to watch it. Is this something new?

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Jeff Haefner says:
1/14/2016 at 2:27:29 PM

The video above should be free for anyone to view and seems to be working fine when we test it. What browser are you using? If anyone else has this problem, please let us know.


K says:
1/13/2016 at 7:50:30 PM

This is a great drill. I am going to do this with my 11-12 year old team and also my 9-10 team.


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