4 Tips for Postseason Meetings With Assistant Coaches
Hopefully you've had your postseason player meetings or are planning them...
But have you remembered to meet individually with your coaching staff?
It's really a good reflection practice to meet with them one-on-one soon after the season ends. It's always good practice to discuss the season and bring it to a close. Oftentimes during the season, there isn't enough time to talk or hear out your staff, so you don't want to leave anything unsaid.
Quite honestly, assistant coaches don't get the spotlight like head coaches - in winning seasons or the opposite - even though they're present every day, giving up their personal time, sleep, weekends - sometimes just as much as a head coach.
Here are some tips for postseason meetings with your coaching staff from our Product Development Director/Coach, Mark Brase...
To make sure your staff feels "heard" and valued - and wants to continue giving your program their all.
1) Ask for the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Find out these answers and analyze them together:
- What was good about the season? What worked for them personally?
- What wasn't so good about the season? What didn't work?
- Did you like your role? What would you like to see different about your role? Are there other responsibilities you'd like to take on?
2) Show them you value their opinions.
Ask them big-picture questions, like...
- What can we do to get better as a team?
- Here's what I think we're weak in...What would you change if you were me?
- What do we need to look at as a coaching staff?
- Do you have any other ideas or thoughts?
Because we all know sometimes we shoot down those broad suggestions during the season because there's no time, so now's the perfect opportunity to brainstorm big-ticket items. And remember, this isn't just about X's and O's. Assistant coaches will have invaluable insight as to things like: the mood of the team throughout the season, developing your culture, or some of the small details of running an elite program that the head coach may overlook because of focusing on bigger issues.
3) Ask them what their long-term goals are and how you can help them reach them.
Do they want to be a head coach some day? Ask how you can help them reach that goal. Or maybe they want a different level in your program. Open this dialogue with them - you'll be amazed sometimes at what you learn.
Or maybe they want to learn basketball specifics, like dribble drive offense, zone defense, or working with kids...whatever it is, find them trainings and resources or at least point them in the right direction.
4) Send them a thank-you note in the mail!
It doesn't take long to write a card and mail it as opposed to an email or text. Just the handwritten card goes a long way because assistant coaches don't always get the recognition or pay for all the time they put in behind the scenes. They often don't get the appreciation for the team's success.
Just taking the time to drop a personalized card in the mail will let them know you appreciate the time they put into the program and special duties they carried out (stat tracking, uniforms, parent contact, etc.). And maybe they let you vent to them and always had your back - make sure to thank them for specific ways they helped you and the program.
Everyone appreciates getting a hand-written thank-you in the mail!

We'd love to hear any other tips for postseason meetings or even what you thought of this article...please add your comments below.
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