Getting the Most Out of Your Basketball Camp Experience - Tips for Players

It is said that teams are made from October to March, PLAYERS are made from March to October. That being said, camp season falls into the “making players” time frame.

So, you’ve chosen to go to basketball camp. How do you get the most out of the camp?

Here are 6 tips that will help you get the MOST out of your basketball camp...

1 - Take Advantage of ALL Opportunities

First, pay attention to everything. Do everything. Try everything. There are NO voluntary activities! Extra sessions, extra drills are not extra. That is what you are at camp for. Take advantage of them.

You will be in a unique situation, all day access to baskets, balls, players and coaches. Use them. Ask questions that are not covered in the other parts of the camp. Get a coach to take you on the court for your own sessions, put together your own drills.

Repetition is the key to improvement, get as many repetitions as possible.

2 - Forget About Your Image

Don’t be concerned about your image. You are there to get better, not impress people. The players that improve the most at camps, are the ones that are solely focusing on their improvement and not worried about how they look.

3 - Don't Worry About Mistakes!

Don’t be concerned about mistakes. You should be learning new things, getting exposed to new thoughts and ideas. Many of them will be outside your comfort zone and may be difficult at first.

All things get better with practice. There is a reason why you have practice. They don’t call it perfect because no one expects you to be.

4 - Take What you Learn With You by Taking Notes

At the end of each session, write down some notes. It is hard to remember all the things you have gone through every day. Write down little things that will trigger your thoughts back to what was taught.

5 - Learn Critically

Learn critically. What do I mean by that? Coaches will teach what has been successful in their experience. The fact of the matter is that all people are different and different things work for different people. You might have coach A say one thing and coach B say something that is exactly the opposite. Take in all the information, experiment with it and then decide what might be best for you. Don’t do anything just because a coach tells you to.

6 - Take it All Home

Take it all home. The value of a camp, or any learning situation, is only measured by what you do with it when you leave that situation. If you are going to leave all the things you have learned at the camp when you leave the camp, you will have wasted your time. Take what you have learned home, practice it and put it to use.

All these tips will help you get MORE out of your camp and improve more than the guy next to you!

Have a great camp.

Find a Basketball Camp Near You

Breakthrough Basketball offers a number of camps across the country. Check out this camp map to find the camp closest to you.

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Jesse Ordunez says:
6/9/2014 at 6:11:09 PM

Fantastic things for a young player to understand. I signed my nephew for the camp in Lakewood Co. and am anxious for him to attend. Tips nos.2&3 are a good example of kids that are on his first team experience that he has to not make a habit of doing. I know this camp will greatly help him move in a good direction to high school ball. He is 13 now, but he will be a lot older after this his first true basketball lessons. Thanks in advance Dan k. I'm sure he will not forget this camp.

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Nuno Antunes says:
6/1/2017 at 6:08:33 AM

Have you ever think to experience a Youth Camp in Europe? In my case, Portugal!
What expendutre is involved?


G. Hinz says:
7/1/2013 at 6:02:41 PM

Avoid distractions! Leave your phone at home!

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