Cutters - Against Man to Man Defense

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This play is great to use for youth coaches, because it is very simple to teach, yet effective. You can also use this as a simple, continuity offense that you will run over and over. The offense starts in a basic 1-3-1 set. It will provide dribble-drive opportunities.


You want Players 4 & 5 to be your post players. You want players 1, 2, & 3 to have good ball handling skills.


Cutters1 (4K)
  1. Player 1 can pass to either wing, Player 2 or 3. If the player is on the block on the ball side, he will cut to the opposite block to clear out the ball side. In this case, Player 4 goes to the opposite block for Player 1 to make a basket cut. It will also create an opportunity for Player 2 to dribble drive, if he/she sees an advantage.
Cutters2 (4K)
  1. Player 1 fakes towards the opposite wing, then brushes his man off Player 5 as he cuts to the basket.
Cutters3 (4K)
  1. When Player 1 reaches the block area, Player 5 flashes to the high post. Player 2 can pass to either Player 1 or Player 5. If Player 5 gets the ball in the high post, he can also dump the ball down to Player 1. If Player 1 can get the defensive player on his outside hip, he can get an easy score.
Cutters4 (4K)
  1. If player 1 is not open, he/she cuts to the opposite wing, and Player 5 replaces him on the low block. Player 3 cuts to the top of the key. Player 4 cuts to the free throw line.
Cutters5 (4K)
  1. If Player 5 & Player 4 are not open, Player 2 returns the ball to the top of the key. They are back in the original set, and Player 3 can start the offense again by passing to either Player 2 or Player 1. If the ball is passed back to Player 2. Player 5 will have to cut to the opposite block again. If the ball is passed to Player 1, Player 5 stays on the left block.

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girl says:
5/9/2017 at 10:50:23 AM

I like it!


Coach Kip says:
11/9/2015 at 2:02:56 PM

I need some ideas on how to adjust to a zone because I think that you need ball movement as well as player movement to work a zone.

  1 reply  

Jeff Haefner says:
11/10/2015 at 4:19:12 PM

Here are the adjustments we make to this 5 out offense when facing zone...

- Move corner spots in to the short corner.
- Hook and look in the middle after you cut. Find openings and gaps in the zone. Clear after a 2 count.
- If ball goes to short corner, top player should dive
- Only if needed: short corner players can play behind the zone and flash cut to gaps (2 seconds).


Peprah says:
11/6/2014 at 9:31:37 AM



Roxy says:
11/6/2014 at 7:38:33 AM

I'm a player and this I the first time I've ever done this play before and I'm already in love with it. When my coach first introduced it to us we were all like so confused and at first I thought it was going to be really hard to do but it's actually one of the most easiest plays I've ever learned in the time I've played for my school (this is my 3rd year playing).


Geoff says:
10/13/2014 at 6:18:25 PM

Nice play. I found it works better if the 4 is positioned in the short corner.


TD says:
12/3/2013 at 10:29:58 PM

I used this play with 7-8 yr olds and it works great. One modification that I put in was to start #2 player on block and and have 4 on the wing. As player 1 crosses half court player 4 runs down to set pick for #2 player. 2 cuts up to wing to receive pass then continue play as drawn up. It gives 2 an extra second to make pass back to 1or 5


Ken says:
1/31/2012 at 5:34:09 PM

Forgot to say, tell your players to be in passing lanes.... so the player with the ball can make a good pass.


Ken says:
1/31/2012 at 5:33:19 PM

Joe is right.... find the open spots... there are gaps in every zone..... as one college coach told me, its not rocket science..." put em where they aint. "


jaiden shannon says:
1/31/2012 at 3:28:54 PM

good play on this call its very good


Joe Haefner says:
12/2/2011 at 9:08:06 AM

If you force the defense to help, the offense has the advantage. Teach your players how to find open spots on the floor, how to pass out of pressure, and you will be fine.


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