3-Man Side Series

Categories: Offense (Team)  Offensive Moves  
Ages: All Ages  Youth  Middle School  High School+  


This play is a three man action that fits almost any offense and is a great entry into a motion offense. In addition, it is an action that is simple enough to recognize while already into the motion.

The entry creates a misdirection away from the primary scoring options so the play takes advantage of good helpside defense. Each entry option creates the same primary action. Each of the entries will take advantage of any adjustments the defense might make.

Allow your players to play through action. Backdoor opportunities will present themselves, as do opportunities for the screeners to slip. Players should be allowed to take advantage of those opportunities.

Each of these actions, with pressure releases, start on the side, then give the appearance of reversing the ball, but instead, take advantage of the shifting defense to come back to the entry side.




  • To simplify, all of these actions are presented out of a 1-4 set.
  • They are easily adaptable to any other set.
  • This is the primary action.
  • 1 enters with a pass to the high post.
  • 1 then short cuts off the high post, as if he were getting a hand off, and screens for 2.
  • For spacing, 3 sinks to the corner and 4 fades to the outside.
  • 2 comes off the screen by 1, cuts over the top and takes a handoff from 5.
  • After 2 comes off his screen, 1 rolls into the lane.
  • After the handoff, 5 rolls into the lane and screens for 1.
  • 1 cuts off screen by 5.
  • 2 looks to pass to 1 or inside to 5.
  • 1 can look to shoot or dump inside to 5 for scoring opportunities.
  • The following are different versions of the same action.
  • 1 enters with a pass to 2.
  • 1 cuts off 5 into the lane.
  • For spacing, 3 sinks to the corner and 4 fades to the wing.
  • 5 ballscreens for 2.
  • 2 dribbles off the ball screen by 5 and drives hard to the middle of the court.
  • 5 rolls into the lane and screens for 1.
  • 1 cuts off the screen by 5.
  • 2 looks for 1 on the wing or low to 5 for scoring opportunities.
  • In another version of the play, 1 enters by dribbling at 2.
  • 2 comes at 1 and takes a dribble handoff.
  • 2 then drives the ball hard to the middle of the floor.
  • For spacing, 3 sinks to the corner and 4 fades to the wing.
  • After the handoff, 1 rolls into the lane.
  • 5 rolls into the lane and sets a screen for 1.
  • 1 cuts off the screen by 5.
  • 2 then looks for 1 on the wing or 5 in the post for scoring opportunities.
  • Another option is to have 1 enter with a pass to 2.
  • 1 follows the ball and ballscreens for 2.
  • 2 drives the ball hard off the screen to the middle of the court.
  • For spacing, 3 sinks to the corner and 4 fades to the wing.
  • 1 rolls into the lane.
  • 5 rolls into the lane and screens for 1.
  • 1 cuts off the screen by 5.
  • 2 looks to 1 or 5 in the post for scoring opportunities.
  • Another version of the play occurs when 1 enters with a pass to 5.
  • 1 screens for 2.
  • For spacing, 3 sinks to the corner and 4 fades to the wing.
  • 2 comes off the screen by 1 and cuts over the top.
  • 2 takes a handoff from 5 and drives hard to the middle of the court.
  • 1 rolls into the lane.
  • 1 backscreens for 5.
  • 5 cuts off the backscreen by 1.
  • 2 looks to lob to 5.
  • This is a 2 sided wrinkle that can run after any of the entries.
  • After 1 rolls into the lane.
  • 5 rolls into the lane to set a screen, 4 closes to the lane to screen on the other side.
  • 1 comes off the screen set by 4 and 3 comes off the screen set by 5.
  • 2 looks to either wing for a scoring opportunity.
  • In all cases, if there is no scoring opportunity, it is easy to continue in a motion offense.

Additional Comments:

In all cases, if there is no scoring opportunity, it is easy to continue in a motion offense. It is important to let the players play. There are multiple opportunities for backdoors and slipscreens. Players should be allowed to take advantage of whatever situation presents itself.

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LJ says:
10/28/2022 at 4:35:16 PM

this play looks fun


Bball Man says:
10/19/2015 at 2:39:09 PM

If defense is playing man D correctly there will be no one to screen.


Bob says:
10/6/2011 at 4:44:42 PM

Does this play work against a Zone Defense?


mike c says:
1/10/2011 at 9:42:55 AM

I'm very eager to have my team pratice these plays..Maybe we can score more than 10 pts.


William L. Hopkins III says:
1/14/2010 at 11:06:30 AM

As a coach is always rewarding when I can recieve new ideas to convey my teaching points when it comes to teaching offensive footwork; ball handling; screens; etc. Thanks for the info.


coach Mike says:
1/11/2010 at 4:34:28 PM

I told my youth team this week i was going to introduce some plays and it will be the motion play. I will update later tonight.


James says:
1/9/2010 at 2:07:53 AM


the play can be made on either side.


cools says:
1/7/2010 at 5:55:57 AM

I also play with my team 1/4 , but in this plays i found that players 3 and 4 are doing nothing. 4 flash to the forward en 3 to the short corner . Why dont play 4 not a screen for 3 , so that de defense has to move

  1 reply  

Coach David says:
6/20/2016 at 1:50:42 PM

You absolutely can have the weak side curl screen ofr each other, maybe even 3 times during the main action. On the left we have a ball side three man game, if all the options are failing the ball can be swung around and your 3 and 4 can play a two man game (breakthrough has good reads on that too).


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