1v1 Full Court Defense
Ages: All Ages Youth Middle School High School+
Purpose of the Drill:
This is a great drill that improves ball handling, 1v1 defense, and athleticism. It also conditions your players and is a vital foundation for any team defense.

- The offensive player and the defensive player start on the baseline.
- The offensive player tries to beat the defensive player down the court.
- If the offensive player goes by the defender and the defender does not recover, the offensive player goes back to the spot where the defender was beat and starts from there again.
- Offensive player and defensive player alternate after one trip.
- Use the whole court. This gives the offensive player more space and creates more of a challenge for the defensive player. However, you can not have as many players participating in the drill at the same time.
- Man in the hole - defensive player has to play defense 3 consecutive trips against 3 different offensive players. Each line would require four players. This is a great conditioner and forces the defender to become mentally disciplined.
- No Ball - the offensive player does not have a ball and tries to get past the defender. Good challenge if you have a great athlete on your team.
