1-4 stack, Post PT pick n roll "41"

Categories: Offense (Team)  
Ages: Middle School  High School+  


The 1-4 offense tends to "flatten" the defense, and with the empty space under the basket, is ideal for back-cuts to the hoop, especially from the wing. This offense also is effective against teams that over-play (deny) the pass to the wing (which makes them more vulnerable to the back-cut).


5 -10 players needed for this drill depending on if defense is being used


  • Point guard starts top of key with the ball. The 2 guard lines up on right side while small forward lines up on left. Both posts line up at the elbows. Play can be run to the right or to the left.
  • post player comes to set a ball screen, pt guard driblles off the side of the screen
  • post player then rolls towards the front of the basket while perimeter player fades to the corner
  • during the process of the ball screen and roll the other post player can stay where he is or roll towards baseline for an outlet or a 15 ft jumper. also the other guard rolls towards the top of the key to be back on defense or have a shot at the top of the key

Additional Comments:

This play requires a good screen to break anything open, really work on dribbling right of the screeners hip, and the screener sealing their player.

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