
Categories: Offense (Team)  
Ages: Middle School  High School+  


"Wing" is a play designed to be run three times against the same man-to-man defensive personnel. The first time the play should get an open shot on the wing. The second time, the same shot will potentially be open but the purpose is to decoy the defense to set up a layup. By the third time the play is run within a few times down the court, the defense overplays defending the wing and the #5 will dump the ball down to the cutter who has sealed his defender and the play will result in a quick hit layup.


A #5 who is comfortable receiving the ball above the foul line, staying strong with the ball, has patience for the play to develop, and can deliver a good pass down low. Also good if #5 defender is a big man who does not like defending away from the basket and will not challenge entry pass.
A #2 who is a threat from the 3 point line but also is strong enough to receive a pass down low and complete the shot with a defender on his back.


  • Point guard yells "Wing" to set up the play loud enough so defenders hear.
  • #2 receives the pass from the point guard on the wing (may have to make a V cut.)
  • #2 receives the pass on the wing and assumes triple threat position.
  • #5 flashes to above the foul line, feet out of the paint.
  • #1 holds his position with enough spacing so his man does not drop down and defend entry pass.
  • #4 cuts towards three point line on the baseline
  • #2 passes to #5 who has flashed to above the foul line.
  • #2 then makes a quick hard cut to the opposite block, not looking for the ball.
  • #3 sets a down screen for #2
  • #2 comes off the screen and curls for a wing or 3 point shot.
  • #4 holds near the three point line to create space in the lane.
  • #5 receives the pass and pretends to look for #4 on the baseline, near the three point line.
  • #4 can make some attempts to get open but this effort is just giving #2 time to get in position.
  • #5 then reverse pivots with back to the basket looking to hit #2 who is coming off the down screen from #3, curling for a wing or three point shot.
  • OPTION: If the defender guarding the point guard drops down to double #5, he can kick out to #1 who then hits #2 curling off the down pick.
  • After running this one time for a three pointer, the point will call out "Wing" again.
  • This time the players should slow down slightly and let the defense defend the pass to the #2 coming off the down pick.
  • #5 would then kick back out to the point who would call out "Wing" again. He would act frustrated that the play was not executed.
  • The third time "Wing" is called the defense will overplay, which sets up a quick hit.
  • #2 receives the ball from the point on the wing and hits a flashing #5 above the foul line (#5 has to be strong since the defense will expect the pass.)
  • #2 then makes his cut to the low block. This time #2 should attempt to have his left shoulder in the middle of the defenders body to set up the pivot and seal.
  • At the block, #2 should quickly pivot, and seal the defender on his back.
  • #5 should square up with the ball, give #2 the chance to get to the low block and as #2 is sealing his defender, deliver a pass to the posting #2 for a layup and possible a three point play!

Additional Comments:

This is a fun play for a team because they are decoying the defenders. The point guard sells the play with his loud "Wing" call of the play and his frustration when the play "fails" the second time.
The third time "Wing" is called the attitude is, "We are going to make this work!" The defense knows the play is designed to get #2 a shot on the wing, so the defender on #2 overplays and is shocked when he gets sealed and a layup results. The play is almost worth more than 2 points (or often 3 as the defender goes over the back of the #2) because your players will gain confidence from outsmarting their opponents!

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