1 on 1 Escape Series

Improve dribbling skills, agility, making lay ups, finishing moves, scoring off the drive, and conditioning. The Escape drills are designed to make players comfortable with scoring while having a defender on their hip. 
Two lines in the corner. Offense is on the baseline with the ball. Defense is about a half a step behind and positioned close to the offense’s hip. Offense is taking the ball to the rim. No hard fouls. Light contact is okay.
Frame 1
  • You can vary the drill by moving the defense a half step ahead of the offense.
  • You can start the drills from the high post, short corner, the wing, or from half court.  Work from both sides of the court so players get used to finishing on either side.
  • Don’t fall into the traps of always matching bigs with bigs and guards against guards. Mix it up occasionally. It’s going to be mixed up in the games!
  • Play "make it take it".  If the offensive player scores the basket, they get to go one more time (max of two shots in a row).  Otherwise, they take one shot and go to end of line.  One of the biggest benefits to "make it take it" is that players get different matchups almost every time through the line.
  Points of Emphasis  
  • Eyes on rim.
  • Protect the ball.
  • If defender is trailing, use a two foot jump so defender can't time their jump and block the shot.
  • If defender is on side, use body to protect the ball and finish.


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