Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter:
5 Ways to Improve Your Motion Offense (And Score More Points)
December 14th, 2021
Do you ever get frustrated with your motion offense when it just stalls out?
Maybe your players spend too much time passing the ball around the perimeter with very few penetrating drives to the rim…or they’re just doing curl after curl.
Or maybe it’s running pretty smoothly but you just need that “extra something” to turn your motion up a notch and take control of the opposing defense...
No matter what the status of your motion, here is a great new video with 5 tips to enhance your motion offense:
5 Ways to Improve Your Motion Offense (And Score More Points)
Just a little background…you’ll see Coach Ryan Schultz of Cedar Falls, Iowa, give these tips. He’s made it to state 5 out of the last 6 years and won the state title 2 times using these strategies.
- Joe Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball