Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter:
1,000 Win Coach Does This Privately and Publicly
November 18th 2022
We hope you enjoy today's coaching tips below...
- 1,000 Win Coach Does This Privately and Publicly - Expert Coaching Advice To Build Better Player-Coach Relationships and Get Better Results
- 3 Motion Offense Drills: How To Teach Screening & Cutting
- Triple E Motion Offense - “One of the Top Videos I've Seen”
1,000 Win Coach Does This Privately and Publicly - Expert Coaching Advice To Build Better Player-Coach Relationships and Get Better Results
I think you're going to find this expert coaching tactic very helpful.
This will help help your players learn more quickly while developing better player-coach relationships. Sound like a win-win to you?!
We saw legendary coach Danny Miles doing this quite often when watching film of Coach Miles's practice sessions.
Coach Miles amassed over 1,040 wins (4th all-time) and multiple national championships, so he knows a thing or two about coaching.
3 Motion Offense Drills: How To Teach Screening & Cutting
Below is an excellent video for teaching your team how to utilize screens in your motion offense.
The specific situation covered in this drill is passing then screening away.
Tim Schuring presents three options for the player receiving the screen.
And as you will see, the teaching is phenomenal. It's one of the best videos out there detailing how to set and attack screens...
3 Motion Offense Drills: How To Teach Screening & Cutting
The Triple E Motion Offense
"Excellent videos. Well thought out and presented. Usable at any level. One of the top video series I've viewed."
This one great review we got about The Triple E Motion Offense.
It's taught by Saint Mary College Athletics Hall Of Famer- Tim Schuring!
This offense has earned its name for a reason.
It's easy to teach... a beginner or seasoned vet can use this step by step approach.
It's extremely efficient... your team makes giant leaps in player development which leads to more wins. (75% of players in his club went on to play college basketball!)
It's super effective... you build a high-powered offense at any level!
That's why we aptly named it...The Triple E Motion Offense with Coach Tim Schuring.
It can also be implemented in just 5 to 7 practices!
And as your team progresses, you can add more advanced concepts throughout the season as this coach hints at below...
"I love the way Tim broke down the offense for younger grades. I started this last week in practice with my team and the kids caught on quickly to the system. It's taking away some of the "muddy" basketball that Tim talks about at the youth level. Looking forward to watching these boys continue to build from this and see just how far it will take our team!
Right now we're offering it at a deep discount... and the coaching program will only be available until Sunday!
Just use the link below to learn more...
Get The Triple E Motion Offense at 50% discount
All the Best,
Joe Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball