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PostPosted: 28 Feb 2016, 00:01 

Posts: 3
I've been watching the videos and then some videos of NBA players, and I've also heard of this technique as the 'push' technique. The push sounds similar as in you're pushing the ball up as your legs extend in 'one motion'. However, the set point can vary from under your field of vision (similar to what you're doing) to above the eye (which is what players like Curry do). I see in your video as you bend your legs you move the ball up but not up over your eye. My question is, does the set point have to be lower by your shoulder or can it be up over your eye if the basic idea is once you start to extend your legs you're pushing the ball up in one motion?

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2016, 14:45 

Posts: 24
Location: Early, TX

I agree that the One Motion Technique could easily be described as having a "pushing motion" vs. that of a "catapult" type action. The "pushing" action takes the ball UP first and then AT the basket making One Motion a one-piece shot vs. a two-piece shot (catapult).

Set Point is a term mentioned quite a bit, but I really don't know what it means. I would like to hear your definition and what others think as well.

My definition of SET is: the position of the body & ball just prior to the onset of the shooting motion (knees bend / ball rises). With One Motion, that puts the ball near chest level with the knees flexed.

Where does Curry start his shot? By my definition, his SET has the ball near waist level before it begins to rise as the knees begin to fully flex. Now, I'm fairly certain that's not what you meant by SET Point as you described it being above his eyes.

I suspect that what your describing with Curry (ball above the eyes - Set Point) is what I call the Explosion Point. That is the location of the ball after the knees have fully flexed and the jump is beginning. When the actual jump begins, Curry's ball location is above his eyes. It doesn't stop there, but passes through that point very quickly.

One Motion does the same thing with this small difference. The forearm is angled straight up at the Explosion Point, aka., Set Point, whereas Curry's forearm angles back a little more toward the head. Both pass through this point quickly without pausing or stopping.

Yes, the general idea is to first take the ball up and then toward the basket in one continuous motion. All catapult shots basically stop the ball and then change direction towards the basket making them two-piece "pushing".

General rules:
1. The lower the SET ... the more time needed to take the ball up the Shot Line up towards the Explosion Point resulting in slower knee action (down & up).
2. The higher the SET ... the less power generated plus timing isn't optimized for the Shooting Process.

Having a SET Position at chest level allows for power, quickness, and continuous motion!

Hope this answers your question.

Rick Penny

PostPosted: 02 Mar 2016, 17:17 

Posts: 3
From what I've read on other sites, it is right before you shoot so you're exactly right. For some, usually younger kids it's below the eye and for others it's above the eye. It sounds like with one motion it's at chest level.

I've attached a file of Steph Curry at his set point and it's also above the eye

File comment: Stephen Curry Set Point
3-2-2016 5-14-05 PM.png
3-2-2016 5-14-05 PM.png [ 293.58 KiB | Viewed 72198 times ]
PostPosted: 02 Mar 2016, 20:16 

Posts: 24
Location: Early, TX

That gives me a better understanding of what you call the Set Point. It's nothing more than the location of the ball when the shot starts. Most techniques achieve this location by dipping the ball and then looping it up and back to the Set Point.

Our definition of the beginning of the shot differs as I believe it's when the ball first starts to rise, which is what I call SET. So yes, One Motion has a "Set Point" at chest level. The big difference is, once the shooting motion begins, One Motion takes the ball through the area you call the "Set Point" without pausing or stopping.

Rick Penny

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2016, 17:47 

Posts: 14
The reason it is more of a catapult shot is because the arm is used as a lever, back and forth, rather than an elevator which is in a more up and out direction. Also the catapult is caused by having the elbow high before releasing it towards the goal. Kobe is an example of this. When the elbow is high before even changing directions, the catapult shot is a result of that.

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