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PostPosted: 29 Feb 2020, 12:41 

Posts: 2
Coach Huber

How do you teach ball pressure? And do you rep it daily?

PostPosted: 02 Mar 2020, 09:09 

Posts: 1

At the beginning I will teach my players how to be in a good athletic stance (feet shoulder width apart, hips and butt down, steel rod in their back, and head in the middle). I want their feet to be foot to foot with the offensive player and have them arm's length away to start out. If the defender is taller and a little slower than the player they are guarding then I will tell them move back a little bit and use their length to contest shots. If the defender is quicker they could crouch the offensive player a little more to create more ball pressure. If the offensive player is in triple threat and has their dribble to use I will stress to be in a lower stance than the offensive player (tell them to Live Low), if the offensive player brings the ball above their head they can move up closer and crouch the offensive player, when the offensive player brings the ball back down the defender needs to jump back to be 1 arms length away. The idea is we don't want to get beat on straight line drives. We tell them to Guard Their Yard. I will tell them to not watch the defenders feet and go for the foot fakes, that will cause the defender to change their stance and give an advantage to the offensive player. I will tell them look at their midsection/ belly button area. Make sure they push step and stay low and wide when the defender is in a live dribble. If you get beat the defender should quick turn sprint and cut the defender off to where they are going. I will start with the first couple of practices working on technique - 1 on 0 and then some 1 on 1 type drills. After that working on guarding the ball is pretty much done in game based drills - 1 on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 4 on 4, 5 on 5.

Best Regards,

Jim Huber

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