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PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 14:33 

Posts: 1

This is my first year to have middle school girls that really have never played travel ball. They only had about a month of recreational Saturday games. I have been working with them on form shooting close to basket since the beginning of October. The vast majority of them can not make a basket still with no defense on them. So, you can imagine what a game is like where you add movement and defense. I have tried adding drills where like one player passes ball to shooter and then defends so the shooter has to shoot over them. I have added full court running/ dribbling with passing to a shooter drills. I am at a loss at what to do. Should I just keep them in close with form shooting until they can shoot making them consistently and forget about practicing the offenses? No matter if the offense works if they can't shoot we will never even be competitive. Looking for any suggestions------- Thanks [size=200][/size]

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 17:54 
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J -

If you are coaching middle school girls that have never really played the game... you are starting from ground zero. Thats how you have to approach this.... small improvements every day.... hopefully.

You are working on FORM have added shooting from a pass with a defender ... shooting off of movement, dribbling - passing into shots.

All you can do is to continue this approach and ask them to do some shooting on their own time. be patient and try to make it fun for everyone, including yourself. It is going to be a long year... keep things simple offensively and defensively ao you can spend more time on the fundamentals of the game.

Good luck and hang in there.

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 18:29 

Posts: 35
4 Shooting Drills that will help A LOT. Coach is right-they have to do this work on their own. Practices can not focus on this single skill. It is, by the way, the most fun skill to work on!!


Coach Jim McGannon
My Basketball Basics

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