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PostPosted: 03 Feb 2014, 07:54 

Posts: 11
I am at the time of year where I am looking to build my reading list. Does anyone have recommendation?

I was looking at something like these:
"The Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches" by Jeff Janssen and Greg Dale
"How to Develop Relentless Competitors" by Jeff Janssen
"Game Strategies and Tactics for Basketball: Bench Coaching for Success" by Kevin Sivils

I recently read "InSideOut Coaching: How Sports Can Transform Lives" by Joe Ehrmann. I thought it started out very strong then sort of fizzled. The author did a great job on describing problems in coaching but sort of got stuck there and never really took the next step.


PostPosted: 03 Feb 2014, 11:25 

Posts: 214
Also try to find books on leadership that are NOT sports related. I think you can pick up a lot of good stuff from those. Books that are written by or about successful people from all walks of life.

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2014, 19:47 

Posts: 900
They Call Me Coach by John Wooden


PostPosted: 09 Feb 2014, 08:30 
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Location: Winter Garden, FL (Orlando suburb)
I've been really bad over the last year reading any books about basketball. Trying to evolve from a coach running a business to a business owner and having a kid has had an influence on that.

Here are some books that I've enjoyed over the last year. I think you could certainly learn lessons from them and apply them to basketball. In fact, I have.

1. The Sports Gene - David Epstein
2. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself - Joe Dispenza
3. Good to Great - Jim Collins
4. Problem Solving 101 - Ken Watanbe
5. Choose Yourself - James Altrucher
6. Remote - David Hansson, Jason Fried
7. The New Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Martz (Not done with this yet but it's good so far)
8. Teach Like A Champion - Doug Lemov

I also spent a lot of time reading some books and a lot of time reading newsletters that entail history, economics, law, investing, but they also had a political slant so I don't want to go down that road.

Joe Haefner

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2021, 12:51 

Posts: 5
thank you very much for the recommendations, it's very helpful for me!

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